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Create a monitor

post /api/v1/monitor/check/create


Create a monitor.

Body Request Parameter

Parameter Name Type Required Description
extend json Additional information
Allow null: True
monitorUUID string Y Packet id
Allow null: True
dashboardUUID string Associated dashboard id
Allow null: False
jsonScript json Rule configuration
Allow null: False
jsonScript.type string Y Check method type
Example: simpleCheck
Allow null: False string Y Check item name
Example: Custom check item AA
Allow null: False
jsonScript.title string Y Generate the title of the event
Example: Monitor: {{monitor_name}}; Checker:{{monitor_checker_name}}; Trigger value:{{M1}}
Allow null: False
jsonScript.message string Y event content
Example: status: {{status}}, title:{{title}}
Allow null: False
jsonScript.every string Frequency of inspection
Example: 1m
Allow null: False
jsonScript.interval integer Query interval, that is, the time range time difference of a query
Example: 60
Allow null: False
jsonScript.recoverNeedPeriodCount integer Specify that an exception generates a recovery event after several inspection cycles
Example: 60
Allow null: False
jsonScript.noDataInterval integer The time no data leading to no data event
Example: 60
Allow null: False
jsonScript.checkFuncs array Check the list of function information
Example: [{'funcId': 'xxx', 'kwargs': {}}]
Allow null: False
jsonScript.groupBy array Trigger dimension
Example: ['gender']
Allow null: False
jsonScript.targets array Check target
Example: [{'dql': 'M::soldier information:(AVG(potential value)) [::auto] by gender', 'alias': 'M1'}]
Allow null: False
jsonScript.checkerOpt json Check condition settings
Allow null: False
jsonScript.checkerOpt.rules array Trigger condition list
Example: [{'status': 'warning', 'conditions': [{'operands': [60], 'operator': '>', 'alias': 'M1'}], 'conditionLogic': 'and'}]
Allow null: False

Supplementary Description of Parameters

Data Description.

jsonScript Parameter Description

1. Check Type jsonScript.type Description

key Description
simpleCheck Simple check
seniorCheck Advanced check
loggingCheck Log check
mutationsCheck Mutation check
waterLevelCheck Water level check
rangeCheck Interval check
securityCheck Scheck
apmCheck APM check
rumCheck RUM check
processCheck Process check
cloudDialCheck Cloud dialing test anomaly check

2. **Trigger the Condition Comparison Operator Description (Parameter Description in checkerOpt.rules

Parameter Name Type Required Description
conditions Array[Dict] Must Condition
conditions[#].alias String Must Detect the object alias, that is, the targets[#].alias
conditions[#].operator String Must Operator. = , > , < etc.
conditions[#].operands Array[Any] Must An array of operands. (Operators like between, in, and so on require more than one operand)
conditionLogic string Must Conditional intermediate logic: and, or
status string Must Output the status of the event when the condition is full. The value is the same as the status of the event.
direction string Detection direction of "interval/water level/abrupt change parameter", with values of "up", "down", "both"
periodNum integer "Interval/water level/abrupt change parameter" only detects the number of nearest data points
checkPercent integer "Interval Parameter" Threshold Value of Abnormal Percentage: 1 ~ 100
checkCount integer Number of continuous abnormal points of "water level/catastrophe parameter"
strength integer Detection intensity of "water level/catastrophe parameter", with values of 1=weak, 2=medium and 3=strong

3.Simple/log/water Level/catastrophe/interval Check jsonScript.type in (simpleCheck, loggingCheck, waterLevelCheck, mutationsCheck, rangeCheck, securityCheck) Parameter Info

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Rule name
title string Y Event title
message string Y Event content
name string Y Rule name
type string Y Rule type
every string Y Frequency of inspection in 1m/1h/1d
interval integer Y The time difference of the data time range, that is, the time difference of time_range, in seconds.
recoverNeedPeriodCount integer Y Generate a recovery event after the specified number of check cycles has exceeded.
noDataInterval integer N The time data leading to no data event
targets array Y List of check targets in simple check
targets[*].dql string Y DQL query statement
targets[*].alias string Y Alias
checkerOpt json N Check configuration, optional
checkerOpt.rules array Y Check the rule list

4. Advanced Check jsonScript.type in (seniorCheck) Parameter Info

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Rule name
title string Y Event title
message string Y Event content
type string Y Rule type
every string Y Frequency of inspection in 1m/1h/1d
checkFuncs array Y Check the list of functions at an advanced level, noting that it has and only has one element.
checkFuncs[#].funcId string Y Function ID to get a list of custom check functions for funcTags=monitorType|custom through the outer func list interface
checkFuncs[#].kwargs json N Parameter data required by this advanced function

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"extend": {"querylist": [{"datasource": "dataflux", "qtype": "dql", "uuid": "60ede817-567d-4d74-ad53-09b1165755b3", "query": {"code": "Result", "type": "simple", "namespace": "metric", "dataSource": "aliyun-bss-sync", "field": "EffectiveCashCoupons", "fieldType": "integer", "alias": "", "fieldFunc": "last", "groupByTime": "", "groupBy": ["account"], "q": "M::`aliyun-bss-sync`:(LAST(`EffectiveCashCoupons`)) BY `account`", "funcList": []}}], "funcName": "", "rules": [{"status": "critical", "conditions": [{"alias": "Result", "operator": "&gt;=", "operands": ["7"]}], "conditionLogic": "and"}, {"status": "error", "conditions": [{"alias": "Result", "operator": "&gt;=", "operands": ["6"]}], "conditionLogic": "and"}, {"status": "warning", "conditions": [{"alias": "Result", "operator": "&gt;=", "operands": ["5"]}], "conditionLogic": "and"}], "noDataInterval": 4, "recoverNeedPeriodCount": 3}, "jsonScript": {"name": "ee", "title": "hhhh", "message": "adfsgdsad", "type": "simpleCheck", "every": "1m", "groupBy": ["account"], "interval": 300, "targets": [{"dql": "M::`aliyun-bss-sync`:(LAST(`EffectiveCashCoupons`)) BY `account`", "alias": "Result"}], "checkerOpt": {"rules": [{"status": "critical", "conditions": [{"alias": "Result", "operator": ">=", "operands": ["7"]}], "conditionLogic": "and"}, {"status": "error", "conditions": [{"alias": "Result", "operator": ">=", "operands": ["6"]}], "conditionLogic": "and"}, {"status": "warning", "conditions": [{"alias": "Result", "operator": ">=", "operands": ["5"]}], "conditionLogic": "and"}]}, "noDataInterval": 4, "recoverNeedPeriodCount": 3}, "monitorUUID": "monitor_3f5e5d2108f74e07b8fb1e7459aae2b8"}' \
--compressed \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "createAt": 1642580905.1799061,
        "creator": "wsak_9c2d4d998d9548949ce05680552254af",
        "crontabInfo": {
            "crontab": "*/1 * * * *",
            "id": "cron-uJAoM0hVAAQz"
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "extend": {
            "funcName": "",
            "noDataInterval": 4,
            "querylist": [
                    "datasource": "dataflux",
                    "qtype": "dql",
                    "query": {
                        "alias": "",
                        "code": "Result",
                        "dataSource": "acs_ecs_dashboard",
                        "field": "CPUUtilization_Average",
                        "fieldFunc": "last",
                        "fieldType": "float",
                        "funcList": [],
                        "groupBy": [
                        "groupByTime": "",
                        "namespace": "metric",
                        "q": "M::`acs_ecs_dashboard`:(LAST(`CPUUtilization_Average`)) [::300s] BY `account`",
                        "type": "simple"
                    "uuid": "84d07b21-d881-43cc-be73-eccd52c81216"
            "recoverNeedPeriodCount": 4,
            "rules": [
                    "checkCount": 5,
                    "conditionLogic": "and",
                    "direction": "up",
                    "periodNum": 5,
                    "status": "critical",
                    "strength": 3
                    "checkCount": 5,
                    "conditionLogic": "and",
                    "direction": "up",
                    "periodNum": 5,
                    "status": "error",
                    "strength": 3
                    "checkCount": 5,
                    "conditionLogic": "and",
                    "direction": "up",
                    "periodNum": 5,
                    "status": "warning",
                    "strength": 3
        "id": null,
        "jsonScript": {
            "checkerOpt": {
                "rules": [
                        "checkCount": 5,
                        "conditionLogic": "and",
                        "direction": "up",
                        "periodNum": 5,
                        "status": "critical",
                        "strength": 3
                        "checkCount": 5,
                        "conditionLogic": "and",
                        "direction": "up",
                        "periodNum": 5,
                        "status": "error",
                        "strength": 3
                        "checkCount": 5,
                        "conditionLogic": "and",
                        "direction": "up",
                        "periodNum": 5,
                        "status": "warning",
                        "strength": 3
            "every": "1m",
            "groupBy": [
            "interval": 300,
            "message": "ooopen",
            "name": "opentest-han",
            "noDataInterval": 4,
            "recoverNeedPeriodCount": 4,
            "targets": [
                    "alias": "Result",
                    "dql": "M::`acs_ecs_dashboard`:(LAST(`CPUUtilization_Average`)) [::300s] BY `account`"
            "title": "ooooo",
            "type": "mutationsCheck"
        "monitorName": "神神道道所",
        "monitorUUID": "monitor_8a71b5488b8c42cfa8f407cbb91d6898",
        "status": 0,
        "type": "trigger",
        "updateAt": 1642580905.1799622,
        "updator": "",
        "uuid": "rul_d09dbe87b4fd42ac98717518cc6416ef",
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_2dc431d6693711eb8ff97aeee04b54af"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-6D77BEDB-3798-4A4A-84E0-E9B27FC47E3F"


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