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How to determine if RUM SDK initialization is successful

I. Open the browser console:

II. Check if the object DATAFLUX_RUM exists:


Does not exist:

III. Execute DATAFLUX_RUM.getInternalContext() to check if the object is initialized successfully:

If initialization is successful, you can obtain information about the current application page, such as session, application, view and other objects.

Initialization failure

I. If you are using the CDN method, make sure that the current application is an https site. II. Check the configuration for correctness (including the format and names of configuration parameters).

Successful initialization, but no data is reported or incomplete data is reported

I. Check the browser version information to determine if the corresponding data is supported according to the browser support list. II. Check the initialization position of the RUM browser SDK and consider performing the initialization operation as early as possible in the application code.

XHR/FETCH requests are not associated with APM traces

Check if the allowedTracingOrigins configuration in the initialization is enabled and verify that the format is correct. (If configured using regular expressions, make sure that the items in the array are regular expressions and not strings)


   applicationId: '<DATAFLUX_APPLICATION_ID>',
   datakitOrigin: '<DATAKIT ORIGIN>',
   env: 'production',
   version: 'I.0.0',
   trackInteractions: true,
   allowedTracingOrigins: [/https:\\\\/\\\\/.*\\\\.my-api-domain\\\\.com/] // The regular expression should not be in quotes


   applicationId: '<DATAFLUX_APPLICATION_ID>',
   datakitOrigin: '<DATAKIT ORIGIN>',
   env: 'production',
   version: 'I.0.0',
   trackInteractions: true,
   allowedTracingOrigins: ["/https:\\\\/\\\\/.*\\\\.my-api-domain\\\\.com/"]

How to confirm the successful association of APM and frontend XHR/FETCH

I. Open the browser console. II. Confirm if the Request Headers of XHR/FETCH requests contain the corresponding header keywords information. The following image shows the ddtrace-related request headers:


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