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Pipeline Category Data Processing


Since DataKit v1.4.0, DataKit can be directly manipulated to collect data through the built-in Pipeline function, and all categories are supported.

  • Pipeline is applied to all data and is currently in the experimental stage, so there is no guarantee that incompatible adjustments will be made to the mechanism or behavior later.
  • Even data reported through the DataKit API supports Pipeline processing.
  • Using Pipeline to process the existing data (especially non-logging data) may destroy the existing data structure and lead to abnormal performance of the data on Guance Cloud.
  • Before applying Pipeline, be sure to use the Pipeline debugging tool to confirm that the data processing is as expected.

Pipeline can do the following on the data collected by DataKit:

  • Add, delete, and modify the values or data types of field and tag
  • Change field to tag
  • Modify measurment name
  • Drop current data(drop()
  • Terminate the run of the Pipeline script(exit()
  • ...

Pipeline Script Storage, Loading and Selection

Currently, DataKit supports three types of Pipeline:

  1. Remote Pipeline: Under /pipeline_remote directory
  2. Git managed Pipeline: under /gitrepos/ directory
  3. Pipeline that comes with the installation: /pipeline directory

The above three types of Pipeline directories store Pipeline scripts as follows:

├── pattern   <-- dedicated to custom patterns
├── apache.p
├── consul.p
├── sqlserver.p        <--- pipeline in all top-level directories defaults to logs for compatibility with history settings
├── tomcat.p
├── other.p
├── custom_object      <--- dedicated pipeline storage directory for custom objects
│   └── some-object.p
├── keyevent           <--- pipeline storage directory dedicated to events
│   └── some-event.p
├── logging            <--- pipeline storage directory dedicated to logs
│   └── nginx.p
├── metric             <--- dedicated pipeline storage directory for time series metrics
│   └── cpu.p
├── network            <--- pipeline directory dedicated to network metrics
│   └── ebpf.p
├── object             <--- object-specific pipeline storage directory
│   └── HOST.p
├── rum                <--- pipeline storage directory dedicated to RUM
│   └── error.p
├── security           <--- pipeline storage directory dedicated to scheck
│   └── scheck.p
└── tracing            <--- pipeline storage directory dedicated to APM
    └── service_a.p

Autoeffective Rules for Scripts

In the above directory setting, we store Pipeline applied to different data classifications in corresponding directories. For DataKit, the corresponding Pipeline script will be automatically applied for processing once a certain type of data is collected. For different types of data, their application rules are also different. It is mainly divided into several categories:

  1. Match the corresponding Pipeline with a specific line protocol tag name (tag):
  2. For Tracing and Profiling class data, Pipeline is automatically matched with the value of the label service 的值来自动匹配 Pipeline For example, DataKit collects a piece of data that, if the service value on the line protocol is service-a, will be sent to tracing/service-a.p | profiling/service-a.p for processing.
  3. For SECURITY (scheck) class data, Pipeline is automatically matched with the value of the label category . For example, DataKit receives a piece of security data that is sent to security/system.p for processing if its category value on the line protocol is system.
  4. Matching the corresponding Pipeline with a specific line protocol label name (tag) and measurement name: for rum class data, taking the value of label name app_id and measurement action as an example, rum/<app_id>_action.p will be automatically applied;
  5. Matching the corresponding Pipeline with the name of the line protocol measurement: For other class data, all match the Pipeline with the line protocol measurement. Taking the timeseries measurement cpu as an example, metric/cpu.p will be automatically applied; For host objects, object/HOST.p will be automatically applied.

Therefore, we can add corresponding Pipeline scripts in the corresponding directory in an appropriate way to realize Pipeline processing of the collected data.

Pipeline Selection Policy

At present, pl scripts are divided into three categories according to their sources, which are as follows under the DataKit installation directory:

  1. pipeline_remote
  2. gitrepo
  3. pipeline

When DataKit selects the corresponding Pipeline, the loading priority of these three categories is decreasing. Taking the cpu measurement as an example, when metric/cpu.p is required, the DataKit is loaded in the following order:

  1. pipeline_remote/metric/cpu.p
  2. gitrepo/<repo-name>/metric/cpu.p
  3. pipeline/metric/cpu.p

Note: <repo-name> here depends on the warehouse name of your git.

Pipeline Running View

You can get the running status of each Pipeline through the DataKit monitor function:

datakit monitor -V

Pipeline Processing Sample

The sample script is for reference only. Please write it according to the requirements for specific use.

Processing Timeseries Data

The following example is used to show how to modify tag and field with Pipeline. With DQL, we can know the fields of a CPU measurement as follows:

dql > M::cpu{host='u'} LIMIT 1
-----------------[ r1.cpu.s1 ]-----------------
core_temperature 76
             cpu 'cpu-total'
            host 'u'
            time 2022-04-25 12:32:55 +0800 CST
     usage_guest 0
usage_guest_nice 0
      usage_idle 81.399796
    usage_iowait 0.624681
       usage_irq 0
      usage_nice 1.695563
   usage_softirq 0.191229
     usage_steal 0
    usage_system 5.239674
     usage_total 18.600204
      usage_user 10.849057

Write the following Pipeline script,

# file pipeline/metric/cpu.p

set_tag(script, "metric::cpu.p")
set_tag(host2, host)
usage_guest = 100.1

After restarting DataKit, new data is collected, and we can get the following modified CPU measurement through DQL:

dql > M::cpu{host='u'}[20s] LIMIT 1
-----------------[ r1.cpu.s1 ]-----------------
core_temperature 54.250000
             cpu 'cpu-total'
            host 'u'
           host2 'u'                        <---   added tag
          script 'metric::cpu.p'            <--- added tag
            time 2022-05-31 12:49:15 +0800 CST
     usage_guest 100.100000                 <--- overwrites the specific field value
usage_guest_nice 0
      usage_idle 94.251269
    usage_iowait 0.012690
       usage_irq 0
      usage_nice 0
   usage_softirq 0.012690
     usage_steal 0
    usage_system 2.106599
     usage_total 5.748731
      usage_user 3.616751

Processing Object Data

The following Pipeline example is used to show how to discard (filter) data. Taking Nginx processes as an example, the list of Nginx processes on the current host is as follows:

$ ps axuwf | grep  nginx
root        1278  0.0  0.0  55288  1496 ?        Ss   10:10   0:00 nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -g daemon on; master_process on;
www-data    1279  0.0  0.0  55856  5212 ?        S    10:10   0:00  \_ nginx: worker process
www-data    1280  0.0  0.0  55856  5212 ?        S    10:10   0:00  \_ nginx: worker process
www-data    1281  0.0  0.0  55856  5212 ?        S    10:10   0:00  \_ nginx: worker process
www-data    1282  0.0  0.0  55856  5212 ?        S    10:10   0:00  \_ nginx: worker process
www-data    1283  0.0  0.0  55856  5212 ?        S    10:10   0:00  \_ nginx: worker process
www-data    1284  0.0  0.0  55856  5212 ?        S    10:10   0:00  \_ nginx: worker process
www-data    1286  0.0  0.0  55856  5212 ?        S    10:10   0:00  \_ nginx: worker process
www-data    1287  0.0  0.0  55856  5212 ?        S    10:10   0:00  \_ nginx: worker process

From DQL, we can know that the measurement fields of a specific process are as follows:

dql > O::host_processes:(host, class, process_name, cmdline, pid) {host='u', pid=1278}
-----------------[ r1.host_processes.s1 ]-----------------
       class 'host_processes'
     cmdline 'nginx: master process /usr/sbin/nginx -g daemon on; master_process on;'
        host 'u'
         pid 1278
process_name 'nginx'
        time 2022-05-31 14:19:15 +0800 CST

Write the following Pipeline script:

if process_name == "nginx" {
    drop()  # drop() function marks the data to be discarded and continues running pl after execution
    exit()  # terminates Pipeline with the exit () function

After restarting DataKit, the corresponding Ngxin process object will not be collected again (the central object has an expiration policy, and it takes 5 ~ 10min for the original nginx object to automatically expire).


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