Azure AD Single Sign-On (Deployment Plan)¶
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud-based identity and access management service introduced by Microsoft to help enterprises manage internal and external resources.
I. Obtaining Key Configuration Information for Single Sign-On¶
To enable single sign-on with Guance Deployment Plan via Azure AD, three key configuration pieces are required:
Configuration | Description |
wellKnowURL | The OIDC Endpoints configuration URL for the application, i.e., the complete address. |
clientSecret | Client secret value. |
clientId | Application (client) ID |
1. Creating an Azure AD Application¶
1) Create an Azure account on the Microsoft portal.
Go to the Azure Active Directory Admin Center and click View > App Registrations under Azure Active Directory management:
On the App Registrations page, click New Registration:
2) Register a new application
On the Register an Application page, enter a Name. Supported account types should be set to Any organization directory, and Redirect URI should be selected as Web. Click Register to create a new application. As shown in the following figure, name this application "Guance Deployment Plan".
2. Completing Basic Configuration for the New Application¶
1) After creating the new application, you will default to the Overview page. You can view the applications you have created under App Registrations > All Applications.
Note: The Application (client) ID here is the clientId
for OIDC client configuration.
2) Add client credentials:
Note: The Value listed here is the clientSecret
for OIDC client configuration. Please save it immediately!
3) Go to the Token Configuration > Add Optional Claims page and add a group claim. After adding, a groups
record will be generated.
Additionally, select the illustrated claims for both ID and Access token types so that the logging client can obtain relevant token data.
4) Add API scopes. Enter Exposed APIs and add the following scopes: User.Read
, User.Read.All
, GroupMember.Read.All
, Group.Read.All
. Click Add Scope to expose these four permissions for the current application client.
5) After adding the four scopes, grant permissions to the client application. Enter API Permissions:
- First, choose Microsoft API permissions:
- Then select the permissions required by the application:
You need to consent to authorize on behalf of the tenant administrator:
Note: The client ID is the Application (client) ID.
3. Obtain the OIDC Protocol Endpoint Access Address Information¶
In App Registrations > Endpoints, the WellKnowURL for OIDC client configuration is:
For more information about OpenID configuration document URIs, visit OpenID Connect on Microsoft Identity Platform.
To this point, the three key configuration pieces have been obtained.
II. Configuring User Groups within the Azure AD Application¶
1) Return to the home page and go to Groups > New Group;
2) Choose Group Type:
- Security: Used for managing access permissions for users and computers to shared resources.
- Microsoft 365: Provides collaboration opportunities by granting members access to shared mailboxes, calendars, files, SharePoint sites, etc.
3) Enter a Group Name and optionally add a group description;
4) Add Owners or Members:
- Select the link under "Owners" or "Members" to populate the list of each user from the directory;
- Choose users from the list and click the "Select" button at the bottom of the window.
5) Click Create.
III. Setting Up Enterprise Application Configuration¶
- Go to your application and select Overview > Self-service.
- Enable users to request access to this application and decide which group to add assigned users to.
- Under your Application > Users and Groups, add groups and users who need to log in.
- Under your Application > Single Sign-On, you can see
attribute claims.
IV. Configuring Association in Guance Launcher¶
1) Configure Azure AD basic information in Guance Launcher Namespace: forethought-core > core.
# OIDC client configuration (when wellKnowURL is configured, KeyCloakPassSet configuration item becomes invalid automatically)
# OIDC Endpoints configuration URL, i.e., the complete `` address.
# Client ID provided by the authentication service
# Client's Secret key
# Authentication method, currently only supports authorization_code
grantType: authorization_code
# Certificate verification switch in requests
verify: false
# List of certificate paths, enter .crt and .key file paths sequentially
# Method to get token interface authentication: basic: located in the Authorization header; post_body: located in the request body
fetchTokenVerifyMethod: basic
# Data access scope
scope: "openid profile email address"
# 【Internal configuration users do not need to adjust】Callback URL after successful authentication by the authentication server
innerUrl: "{}://{}/oidc/callback"
# 【Internal configuration users do not need to adjust】After successful authentication and callback by the DF system, the URL where the DF system redirects the user to the front-end dedicated page
frontUrl: "{}://{}/tomiddlepage?uuid={}"
# Mapping configuration between account information from the authentication service and DF system account information fields. Required fields are: username, email, exterId; Optional field is: mobile
# Username field name in the authentication service, required. If the value does not exist, take the email
username: preferred_username
# Email field name in the authentication service, required
email: email
# Phone number field name in the authentication service, optional
mobile: phone_number
# Unique identifier field name in the authentication service, required
exterId: sub
Refer to the example image:
2) Configure redirection information in Guance Launcher Namespace: forethought-webclient > frontNginx.
server {
listen 80;
# Note, the server_name service name is the domain name of the frontend access address
location / {
root /config/cloudcare-forethought-webclient;
index index.html;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
if ($request_filename ~* .*\.(?:htm|html)$)
add_header Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store";
# =========OIDC protocol redirection related configuration starts=========
# Request directly redirects to Inner API endpoint =========starts=========
# This address is used for third-party login access; it can be changed as needed, but the proxy_pass route address cannot be changed
location /oidc/login {
proxy_connect_timeout 5;
proxy_send_timeout 5;
proxy_read_timeout 300;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "keep-alive";
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers X-Requested-With;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods GET,POST,OPTIONS;
proxy_pass http://inner.forethought-core:5000/api/v1/inner/oidc/login;
# This address is used for callback to this service after third-party services authenticate through OIDC protocol; this address is directly associated with the innerUrl configuration item under OIDCClientSet in section 【3.2.1】; when changing this address, ensure it is synchronized with innerUrl; the proxy_pass value cannot be changed
location /oidc/callback {
proxy_connect_timeout 5;
proxy_send_timeout 5;
proxy_read_timeout 300;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "keep-alive";
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers X-Requested-With;
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods GET,POST,OPTIONS;
proxy_pass http://inner.forethought-core:5000/api/v1/inner/oidc/callback;
# =========OIDC protocol redirection related configuration ends=========
Refer to the example image:
3) Configure the entry URL for Azure AD user login to Guance Deployment Plan in Guance Launcher Namespace: forethought-webclient > frontWeb.
{ "iconUrl":"xxx", "label": "xxx", "url": "xxxx" ,desc:"xxx"}
Note: The server_name
is the domain name in the Guance login page URL.
Refer to the example image:
1) After completing the configuration, check the updated Modify Configuration and confirm the restart.
V. Using Azure AD Account for Single Sign-On to Guance¶
After all configurations are completed, you can use single sign-on to Guance.
1) Open the Guance Deployment Plan login URL, and on the login page, select Azure AD Single Sign-On.
2) Enter the email address configured in Azure AD.
3) Update the login password.
4) Log in to the corresponding workspace in Guance.
- If prompted with "The current account is not part of any workspace, please go to the admin backend to add the account to a workspace.", you need to log into the Guance admin backend to add the user to a workspace.
For more details, refer to Workspace Management in Deployment Plan.
After adding the workspace for the user in the Guance admin backend, the user can start using Guance.