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DataWay is the data gateway of the observation cloud, and the collector needs to pass through the DataWay gateway to report data to the observation cloud

Dataway Installation

  • New Dataway

On the Data Gateways page in the observation cloud management console, click Create Dataway. Enter a name and binding address, and then click Create.

After the creation is successful, a new Dataway is automatically created and the installation script for the Dataway is generated.


The binding address is the Dataway gateway address, which must be filled in as a complete HTTP address, such as http(s)://, including the protocol, host address and port, the host address can generally use the IP address of the Dataway machine deployed or specified as a domain name, and the domain name needs to be resolved.

Note: Make sure that the collector can access the address, otherwise the data collection will not be successful)

  • Install Dataway
DW_KODO=http://kodo_ip:port \
   bash -c "$(curl"

After the installation is complete, in the installation directory, dataway.yaml will be generated, the content of which can be manually modified and take effect by restarting the service.

# ============= DATAWAY CONFIG =============

# Dataway UUID, we can get it on during create a new dataway

# It's the workspace token, most of the time, it's
# system worker space's token.

# secret_token used under sinker mode, and to check if incomming datakit
# requests are valid.

# If __internal__ token allowed? If ok, the data/request will direct to
# the workspace with the token above
enable_internal_token: false

# is empty token allowed? If ok, the data/request will direct to
# the workspace with the token above
enable_empty_token: false

# Is dataway cascaded? For cascaded Dataway, it's remote_host is
# another Dataway and not Kodo.
cascaded: false

# kodo(next dataway) related configures
http_timeout: 30s

http_max_idle_conn_perhost: 0 # default to CPU cores
http_max_conn_perhost: 0      # default no limit

insecure_skip_verify: false
http_client_trace: false
max_conns_per_host: 0
sni: ""

# dataway API configures

# disable 404 page
disable_404page: false

# dataway TLS file path

# enable pprof
pprof_bind: localhost:6060

api_limit_rate : 100000         # 100K
max_http_body_bytes : 67108864  # 64MB
copy_buffer_drop_size : 262144  # 256KB, if copy buffer memory larger than this, this memory released
reserved_pool_size: 4096        # reserved pool size for better GC

within_docker: false

log_level: info
log: log
gin_log: gin.log

  # cache disk path
  dir: "disk_cache"

  # disable cache
  disabled: false

  clean_interval: "10s"

  # in MB, max single data package size in disk cache, such as HTTP body
  max_data_size: 100

  # in MB, single disk-batch(single file) size
  batch_size: 128

  # in MB, max disk size allowed to cache data
  max_disk_size: 65535

  # expire duration, default 7 days
  expire_duration: "168h"

  listen: "localhost:9090"
  url: "/metrics"
  enable: true

#  etcd:
#    urls:
#    - http://localhost:2379 # one or multiple etcd host
#    dial_timeout: 30s
#    key_space: "/dw_sinker" # subscribe to the etcd key
#    username: "dataway"
#    password: "<PASSWORD>"
#  #file:
#  #  path: /path/to/sinker.json

Download dataway.yaml, install:

$ wget -O dw-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f dw-deployment.yaml

In dw-deployment.yaml, you can modify the Dataway configuration through environment variables, see [here] (

  • Can only run on Linux systems
  • When the host is installed, the Dataway installation path is /usr/local/cloudcare/dataflux/dataway
  • Verify Dataway installation

After installation, wait for a while to refresh the "Data Gateway" page, if you see the version number in the "Version Information" column of the data gateway you just added, it means that the Dataway has been successfully connected to the observation cloud center, and front-end users can access data through it.

After Dataway is successfully connected to the observation cloud center, log in to the observation cloud console, view all Dataway addresses on the "Integration" / DataKit page, select the required Dataway gateway address, and obtain the DataKit installation command to execute on the server to start collecting data.

Manage DataWay

Delete DataWay

On the "Data Gateway" page of the observation cloud management background, select the DataWay to be deleted, click "Configure", and click the "Delete" button in the lower left corner of the pop-up Edit DataWay dialog box.


After deleting DataWay, you also need to log in to the server where the DataWay gateway is deployed to stop the operation of DataWay, and then delete the installation directory to completely delete the DataWay.

Upgrade DataWay

On the Data Gateways page in the observation cloud management background, if an upgradeable version exists for DataWay, an upgrade prompt appears in the version information.

DW_UPGRADE=1 bash -c "$(curl"

Replace the image version directly:

- image:<VERSION>

Dataway Service Management

When the host installs Dataway, you can use the following command to manage the Dataway service:

# Start
$ systemctl start dataway

# Reboot
$ systemctl restart dataway

# Stop
$ systemctl stop dataway

Kubernetes can restart the corresponding pod.

Environment variable

Host installation supports environment variable

The method of installing directly on the host is no longer recommended, and new configuration items are also not supported to be configured via command-line parameters. If it is not possible to change the deployment method, it is suggested to manually modify the corresponding configurations after the installation (upgrade) is complete. For default configurations, please refer to the default configuration examples provided above.

When installing a host, you can inject the following environment variables into the installation command:

Env Type Required Description Example Value
DW_BIND string No Dataway HTTP API binding address, default is
DW_CASCADED boolean No Whether Dataway is cascaded true
DW_HTTP_CLIENT_TRACE boolean No When Dataway acts as an HTTP client, enabling this can collect related metrics, which will be output in its Prometheus metrics true
DW_KODO string Yes Kodo address, or the address of the next Dataway, in the form of http://host:port
DW_SECRET_TOKEN string No When the Sinker feature is enabled, you can set this Token for security
DW_TOKEN string Yes Generally, it is the data Token of the system workspace
DW_UPGRADE boolean No Set this to 1 during an upgrade
DW_UUID string Yes Dataway UUID, this is generated by the system workspace when a new Dataway is created
DW_TLS_CRT file-path No Specify the directory of the HTTPS/TLS crt file Version-1.4.1
DW_TLS_KEY file-path No Specify the directory of the HTTPS/TLS key file Version-1.4.1
DW_PROM_EXPORTOR_BIND string No Specify the HTTP port for Dataway's own metrics exposure (default 9090) Version-1.5.0
DW_PPROF_BIND string No Specify the HTTP port for Dataway's own pprof (default 6060) Version-1.5.0
DW_DISK_CACHE_CAP_MB int No Specify the disk cache size (unit MB), default is 65535MB Version-1.5.0

Sinker-related settings must be manually modified after installation. Currently, it is not supported to specify Sinker configurations during the installation process. Version-1.5.0

Docker image environment variable

When Dataway runs in a Kubernetes environment, it supports the following environment variables.

Compatible with lagacy dataway.yaml

Some old Dataway's configure imported by ConfigMap(and mount to install path with the name of dataway.yaml). After Dataway image started, if detect the file dataway.yaml, all the configures from DW_* are ignored and only apply the lagacy dataway.yaml. We can remove the ConfigMap on dataway.yaml to recover these environment configures.

If these environment configures applied, there was a hidden file .dataway.ayml(view them via ls -a) under install path, we can cat it to check if all these environment configures applied ok.

HTTP Server Settings

Env Type Required Description Example Value
DW_REMOTE_HOST string Yes Kodo address, or the next Dataway address, in the form of http://host:port
DW_WHITE_LIST string No Dataway client IP whitelist, separated by English ,
DW_HTTP_TIMEOUT string No Dataway request timeout setting for Kodo or the next Dataway, default is 30s
DW_BIND string No Dataway HTTP API binding address, default is
DW_API_LIMIT int No Dataway API rate limit setting, for example, if set to 1000, each specific API is only allowed to be requested 1000 times within 1 second, default is 100K
DW_HEARTBEAT string No Dataway heartbeat interval with the center, default is 60s
DW_MAX_HTTP_BODY_BYTES int No Maximum HTTP Body size allowed by Dataway API (unit bytes), default is 64MB
DW_MAX_CONNS_PER_HOST int N Linut TCP connections between Dataway and Kodo1
DW_TLS_INSECURE_SKIP_VERIFY boolean No Ignore HTTPS/TLS certificate errors true
DW_HTTP_CLIENT_TRACE boolean No Dataway, acting as an HTTP client, can enable the collection of some related metrics, which will ultimately be output in its Prometheus metrics true
DW_ENABLE_TLS boolean No Enable HTTPS Version-1.4.1
DW_TLS_CRT file-path No Specify the directory of the HTTPS/TLS crt file Version-1.4.0
DW_TLS_KEY file-path No Specify the directory of the HTTPS/TLS key file Version-1.4.0
DW_SNI string N Specify current Dataway's SNI Version-1.6.0
DW_DISABLE_404PAGE boolean N Disable 404 page Version-1.6.1
HTTP TLS Settings

To generate a TLS certificate with a one-year validity period, you can use the following OpenSSL command:

# Generate a TLS certificate with a one-year validity
$ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -out tls.crt -keyout tls.key

After executing this command, the system will prompt you to enter some necessary information, including your country, region, city, organization name, department name, and your email address. This information will be included in your certificate.

After completing the information input, you will generate two files: tls.crt (certificate file) and tls.key (private key file). Please keep your private key file secure and safe.

In order for the application to use these TLS certificates, you need to set the absolute paths of these two files to the application's environment variables. Here is an example of setting environment variables:

DW_ENABLE_TLS must be turned on first, and then the other two ENVs (DW_TLS_CRT/DW_TLS_KEY) will take effect. Version-1.4.1

  value: "true"
- name: DW_TLS_CRT
  value: "/path/to/your/tls.crt"
- name: DW_TLS_KEY
  value: "/path/to/your/tls.key"

Replace /path/to/your/tls.crt and /path/to/your/tls.key with the actual paths to your tls.crt and tls.key files, respectively.

After setting up the environment variables, you can test whether TLS is functioning correctly with the following command:

curl -k https://localhost:9528

If successful, you should see an ASCII art message indicating "It's working!" If the certificates are missing, you might encounter an error in the Dataway logs similar to:

server listen(TLS) failed: open /path/to/your/tls.{crt,key}: no such file or directory

In this case, Dataway would not start, and the curl command would also result in an error:

curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 9528 after 6 ms: Couldn't connect to server

Ensure that the paths to the TLS certificate and key are correctly specified and that the files have the appropriate permissions for the application to read them.

Logging Settings

Env Type Required Description Value
DW_LOG string N Log path, default to log
DW_LOG_LEVEL string N The default is info
DW_GIN_LOG string N The default is gin.log

Token/UUID Settings

Env Type Required Description Value
DW_UUID string Y Dataway UUID, this will generate in the system workspace when creating a new Dataway
DW_TOKEN string Y Generally the token of the system workspace
DW_SECRET_TOKEN string N When the sinker function is enabled, you can set the token
DW_ENABLE_INTERNAL_TOKEN boolean N __internal__ is allowed as the client token, and the Token of the system workspace is used by default
DW_ENABLE_EMPTY_TOKEN boolean N It is allowed to upload data without a token, and the token of the system workspace is used by default

Sinker Settings

Env Type Required Description Value
DW_CASCADED string N Whether the Dataway is cascading "on"
DW_SINKER_ETCD_URLS string N etcd address lists, separated by ,, e.g.,
DW_SINKER_ETCD_DIAL_TIMEOUT string N etcd connection timeout, default 30s
DW_SINKER_ETCD_KEY_SPACE string N The name of the etcd key where the sinker configuration is located (default /dw_sinker)
DW_SINKER_ETCD_USERNAME string N etcd username
DW_SINKER_ETCD_PASSWORD string N etcd password
DW_SINKER_FILE_PATH file-path N Specify the sinker rule configuration via a local file

If both local files and etcd are specified, the sinker rule in the local file takes precedence.

Prometheus metrics expose

Env Type Required Description Value
DW_PROM_URL string N URL Path for Prometheus metrics (default /metrics)
DW_PROM_LISTEN string N The Prometheus indicator exposes the address (default localhost:9090)
DW_PROM_DISABLED boolean N Disable Prometheus indicator exposure "on"

Disk cache settings

Env Type Required Description Value
DW_DISKCACHE_DIR file-path N Set the cache directory, This directory is generally plugged in path/to/your/cache
DW_DISKCACHE_DISABLE boolean N Disable disk caching, If caching is not disabled, delete the environment variable "on"
DW_DISKCACHE_CLEAN_INTERVAL string N Cache cleanup interval (default 30s) Duration string
DW_DISKCACHE_EXPIRE_DURATION string N Cache expiration time (default 24h) Duration string, such as 72h for three days
DW_DISKCACHE_CAPACITY_MB int N Version-1.6.0 Set the available disk space size for caching, unit MB, default is 20GB Specify 1024 for 1GB
DW_DISKCACHE_BATCH_SIZE_MB int N Version-1.6.0 Set the maximum size of a single disk cache file, unit MB, default is 64MB Specify 1024 for 1GB
DW_DISKCACHE_MAX_DATA_SIZE_MB int N Version-1.6.0 Set the maximum size of a single cache content (e.g., a single HTTP body), unit MB, default is 64MB, any single data packet exceeding this size will be discarded Specify 1024 for 1GB

Set DW_DISKCACHE_DISABLE to disable diskcache globally.

Performance related


Env Type Required Description Example Value
DW_COPY_BUFFER_DROP_SIZE int No Any buffer exceeding the specified size (in bytes) will be immediately cleared to avoid excessive memory consumption. Default is 256KiB 524288

Dataway API List

Details of each API below are to be added.

GET /v1/ntp/


  • API description: Get current dataway unix timestamp(unit: second)

POST /v1/write/:category

  • API description: Receive various collection data uploaded by Datakit

GET /v1/datakit/pull

  • API description: Handles Datakit pull center configuration (blacklist/pipeline) requests

POST /v1/write/rum/replay

  • API description: Receive Session Replay data uploaded by Datakit

POST /v1/upload/profiling

  • API description: Receive profiling data uploaded by Datakit

POST /v1/election

  • API description: Handles election requests for Datakit

POST /v1/election/heartbeat

  • API description: Handles election heartbeat requests for Datakit

POST /v1/query/raw

  • API description: Handles DQL query requests initiated by the Datakit side

POST /v1/workspace

  • API description: Handles workspace query requests initiated by Datakit

POST /v1/object/labels

  • API description: Handles requests to modify object labels

DELETE /v1/object/labels

  • API description: Handles delete object Label requests

GET /v1/check/:token

  • API description: Detect if tokken is legitimate

Dataway metrics collection

HTTP client metrics collection

If you want to collect metrics for Dataway HTTP requests to Kodo (or Dataway next hop), you need to manually enable the http_client_trace configuration. You can also specify DW_HTTP_CLIENT_TRACE=true during the installation phase.

Dataway itself exposes Prometheus metrics, which can be collected through Datakit's built-in prom collector, which is configured as follows:

  ## Exporter URLs.
  urls = [ "http://localhost:9090/metrics", ]

  source = "dataway"

  election = true

  ## Dataway metric set fixed to dw, do not change
  measurement_name = "dw"

You can add annotations on pods (requires [Datakit 1.14.2] (../datakit/ or above):

   datakit/prom.instances: |
       url = "http://$IP:9090/metrics" # Here the port (default 9090) is as appropriate
       source = "dataway"
       measurement_name = "dw" # pinned to this metric set
       interval = "30s"

         namespace = "$NAMESPACE"
         pod_name = "$PODNAME"
         node_name = "$NODENAME"

If the collection is successful, search for dataway in the "Scene"/"Built-in View" of the observation cloud to see the corresponding monitoring view.

Dataway Metric List

The following are the indicators exposed by Dataway, which can be obtained by requesting http://localhost:9090/metrics, and you can view (3s) a specific indicator in real time by following the following command:

If some metrics cannot be queried, it may be caused by the relevant business module not running.

watch -n 3 'curl -s http://localhost:9090/metrics | grep -a <METRIC-NAME>'
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_elapsed_seconds api,method,status API request latency
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_body_buffer_utilization api API body buffer utillization(Len/Cap)
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_body_copy api API body copy
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_resp_size_bytes api,method,status API response size
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_req_size_bytes api,method,status API request size
COUNTER dataway_http_api_total api,status API request count
COUNTER dataway_http_api_body_too_large_dropped_total api,method API request too large dropped
COUNTER dataway_http_api_with_inner_token api,method API request with inner token
COUNTER dataway_http_api_dropped_total api,method API request dropped when sinker rule match failed
COUNTER dataway_syncpool_stats name,type sync.Pool usage stats
COUNTER dataway_http_api_copy_body_failed_total api API copy body failed count
COUNTER dataway_http_api_signed_total api,method API signature count
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_cached_bytes api,cache_type,method,reason API cached body bytes
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_reusable_body_read_bytes api,method API re-read body on forking request
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_recv_points api API /v1/write/:category recevied points
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_send_points api API /v1/write/:category send points
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_cache_points api,cache_type Disk cached /v1/write/:category points
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_cache_cleaned_points api,cache_type,status Disk cache cleaned /v1/write/:category points
COUNTER dataway_http_api_forked_total api,method,token API request forked total
GAUGE dataway_http_info cascaded,docker,http_client_trace,listen,max_body,release_date,remote,version Dataway API basic info
GAUGE dataway_last_heartbeat_time N/A Dataway last heartbeat with Kodo timestamp
GAUGE dataway_cpu_usage N/A Dataway CPU usage(%)
GAUGE dataway_mem_stat type Dataway memory usage stats
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_copy_buffer_drop_total max API copy buffer dropped(too large cached buffer) count
GAUGE dataway_open_files N/A Dataway open files
GAUGE dataway_cpu_cores N/A Dataway CPU cores
GAUGE dataway_uptime N/A Dataway uptime
COUNTER dataway_process_ctx_switch_total type Dataway process context switch count(Linux only)
COUNTER dataway_process_io_count_total type Dataway process IO count
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_copy_buffer_drop_total max API copy buffer dropped(too large cached buffer) count
COUNTER dataway_process_io_bytes_total type Dataway process IO bytes count
SUMMARY dataway_http_api_dropped_expired_cache api,method Dropped expired cache data
SUMMARY dataway_httpcli_tls_handshake_seconds server HTTP TLS handshake cost
SUMMARY dataway_httpcli_http_connect_cost_seconds server HTTP connect cost
SUMMARY dataway_httpcli_got_first_resp_byte_cost_seconds server Got first response byte cost
SUMMARY http_latency api,server HTTP latency
COUNTER dataway_httpcli_tcp_conn_total server,remote,type HTTP TCP connection count
COUNTER dataway_httpcli_conn_reused_from_idle_total server HTTP connection reused from idle count
SUMMARY dataway_httpcli_conn_idle_time_seconds server HTTP connection idle time
SUMMARY dataway_httpcli_dns_cost_seconds server HTTP DNS cost
SUMMARY dataway_sinker_rule_cost_seconds N/A Rule cost time seconds
SUMMARY dataway_sinker_cache_key_len N/A cache key length(bytes)
SUMMARY dataway_sinker_cache_val_len N/A cache value length(bytes)
COUNTER dataway_sinker_pull_total event,source Sinker pulled or pushed counter
GAUGE dataway_sinker_rule_cache_miss N/A Sinker rule cache miss
GAUGE dataway_sinker_rule_cache_hit N/A Sinker rule cache hit
GAUGE dataway_sinker_rule_cache_size N/A Sinker rule cache size
GAUGE dataway_sinker_rule_error error Rule errors
GAUGE dataway_sinker_default_rule_hit info Default sinker rule hit count
GAUGE dataway_sinker_rule_last_applied_time source Rule last applied time(Unix timestamp)
COUNTER diskcache_put_bytes_total path Cache Put() bytes count
COUNTER diskcache_get_total path Cache Get() count
COUNTER diskcache_wakeup_total path Wakeup count on sleeping write file
COUNTER diskcache_seek_back_total path Seek back when Get() got any error
COUNTER diskcache_get_bytes_total path Cache Get() bytes count
GAUGE diskcache_capacity path Current capacity(in bytes)
GAUGE diskcache_max_data path Max data to Put(in bytes), default 0
GAUGE diskcache_batch_size path Data file size(in bytes)
GAUGE diskcache_size path Current cache size(in bytes)
GAUGE diskcache_open_time no_fallback_on_error,no_lock,no_pos,no_sync,path Current cache Open time in unix timestamp(second)
GAUGE diskcache_last_close_time path Current cache last Close time in unix timestamp(second)
GAUGE diskcache_datafiles path Current un-read data files
SUMMARY diskcache_get_latency path Get() time cost(micro-second)
SUMMARY diskcache_put_latency path Put() time cost(micro-second)
COUNTER diskcache_dropped_bytes_total path Dropped bytes during Put() when capacity reached.
COUNTER diskcache_dropped_total path,reason Dropped files during Put() when capacity reached.
COUNTER diskcache_rotate_total path Cache rotate count, mean file rotate from data to data.0000xxx
COUNTER diskcache_remove_total path Removed file count, if some file read EOF, remove it from un-read list
COUNTER diskcache_put_total path Cache Put() count

Metrics under Docker

There are two modes for non-Kubernetes, host mode and Docker mode. This section will specifically discuss the differences in metrics collection when installing in Docker.

When installed in docker, the HTTP port that exposes metrics will be mapped to port 19090 on the host machine (by default). In this case, the metrics collection address is http://localhost:19090/metrics.

If a different port is specified, the installer will add 10000 to the specified port during installation. Therefore, the specified port should not exceed 45535.

In addition, when installed in Docker mode, a profile collection port will also be exposed, which is mapped to port 16060 on the host machine by default. The mechanism is also to add 10000 to the specified port.

Dataway's Own Log Collection and Processing

Dataway's own logs are divided into two categories: one is the gin log, and the other is the Dataway's own log. The following Pipeline can separate them:

# Pipeline for dataway logging

# Testing sample loggin
2023-12-14T11:27:06.744+0800    DEBUG   apis    apis/api_upload_profile.go:272  save profile file to disk [ok] /v1/upload/profiling?token=****************a4e3db8481c345a94fe5a
[GIN] 2021/10/25 - 06:48:07 | 200 |   30.890624ms | | POST     "/v1/write/logging?token=tkn_5c862a11111111111111111111111"

add_pattern("TOKEN", "tkn_\\w+")

# gin logging
if cost_time != nil {
  if http_url != nil  {
    grok(http_url, "%{TOKEN:token}")
    cover(token, [5, 15])
    replace(message, "tkn_\\w{0,5}\\w{6}", "****************$4")
    replace(http_url, "tkn_\\w{0,5}\\w{6}", "****************$4")

  group_between(dataway_code, [200,299], "info", status)
  group_between(dataway_code, [300,399], "notice", status)
  group_between(dataway_code, [400,499], "warning", status)
  group_between(dataway_code, [500,599], "error", status)

  if sample(0.1) { # drop 90% debug log
  } else {
    set_tag(sample_rate, "0.1")

  duration_precision(cost_time, "ns", "ms")

  set_measurement('gin', true)

# app logging
if cost_time == nil {
  if level == nil {
    if errormsg != nil {

  # if debug level enabled, drop most of them
  if status == 'debug' {
    if sample(0.1) { # drop 90% debug log
    } else {
      set_tag(sample_rate, "0.1")

  group_in(status, ["error", "panic", "dpanic", "fatal","err","fat"], "error", status) # mark them as 'error'

  if msg != nil {
    grok(msg, "%{TOKEN:token}")
    cover(token, [5, 15])
    replace(message, "tkn_\\w{0,5}\\w{6}", "****************$4")
    replace(msg, "tkn_\\w{0,5}\\w{6}", "****************$4")

  set_measurement("dataway-log", true)

Dataway Bug Report

Dataway exposes its own metrics and profiling collection endpoints, allowing us to gather this information for troubleshooting purposes.

The following information collection should based on actual configured ports and addresses. These listed commands are based on default configurations.
br_dir="dw-br-$(date +%s)"
mkdir -p $br_dir

echo "Save bug report to ${br_dir}"

# Modify the following configurations according to your actual situation
dw_ip="localhost" # The IP address where Dataway's metrics/profile is exposed
metric_port=9090  # The port where metrics are exposed
profile_port=6060 # The port where profiling information is exposed

# Collect runtime metrics
curl -v "http://${dw_ip}:${metric_port}/metrics" -o $br_dir/metrics

# Collect profiling information
curl -v "http://${dw_ip}:${profile_port}/debug/pprof/allocs" -o $br_dir/allocs
curl -v "http://${dw_ip}:${profile_port}/debug/pprof/heap" -o $br_dir/heap
curl -v "http://${dw_ip}:${profile_port}/debug/pprof/profile" -o $br_dir/profile # This command will take about 30 seconds to run

cp $dw_yaml_conf $br_dir/dataway.yaml.copy
cp $dw_dot_yaml_conf $br_dir/.dataway.yaml.copy

tar czvf ${br_dir}.tar.gz ${br_dir}
rm -rf ${br_dir}

Run the script:

$ sh

After execution, a file similar to dw-br-1721188604.tar.gz will be generated. You can then retrieve this file for further use.


Request Entity Too Large Issue


Dataway has a default setting for the size of the request body (default is 64MB), but when the request body is too large, the client will receive an HTTP 413 error (Request Entity Too Large). If the request body is within a reasonable range, you can appropriately increase this value (unit is bytes):

  • Set the environment variable DW_MAX_HTTP_BODY_BYTES for Kubernetes Pod install
  • In dataway.yaml, set max_http_body_bytes for host install

If there is a request that is too large during runtime, it is reflected in both metrics and logs:

  • The metric dataway_http_too_large_dropped_total exposes the number of discarded large requests
  • Search the Dataway logs with cat log | grep 'drop too large request'. The logs will output the details of the HTTP request Header, which is helpful for further understanding the client situation

In the disk cache module, there is also a maximum data block write limit (default 64MB). If you increase the maximum request body configuration, you should also adjust this configuration accordingly (ENV_DISKCACHE_MAX_DATA_SIZE), to ensure that large requests can be correctly written to the disk cache.

  1. This limite will cause Dataway's performance decline. Under high payload, we should increase CPU limit or add more Dataway instances. 


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