Offline Deployment
Single Machine Deployment¶
Single machine deployment is only suitable for POC environments, not for production environments.
1. Prerequisites¶
1.1 Prerequisites for Using sealos¶
- You can configure the hostname; do not use underscores in the hostname.
- Node time synchronization.
- Run the
sealos run
command on the first node of the Kubernetes cluster; currently, external nodes are not supported for cluster installation. - It is recommended to use a clean operating system to create the cluster. Do not install Docker manually.
- Supports most Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, CentOS, Rocky Linux.
- Published supported Kubernetes versions.
- Supports using containerd as the container runtime.
- Use private IPs on public clouds.
2. Installation and Deployment¶
2.1 Configure Installation Package¶
2.1.1 Download Installation Package
Installation package URL: Extract the installation package:
2.2 Install sealos¶
2.2.1 Install sealos
Commonly used sealos commands summarysealos save Save cluster images to a file
sealos load Load a cluster image from a file
sealos images List images
sealos rmi Remove local images
sealos run imageId Run an application based on an image
sealos version Check the sealos version
sealos help Sealos help documentation
2.3 Install Kubernetes Cluster¶
2.3.1 Install Kubernetes
sealos load -i calico_3.22.1.tar.gz && sealos load -i helm_3.8.2.tar.gz && sealos load -i kubernetes_1.24.0.tar.gz && sealos images
sealos run --single
# Verify
kubectl get nodes
2.3.2 Modify containerd Data Directory
By default, the containerd data directory is under /
. In Kubernetes versions 1.16 and later, if the root directory threshold reaches 85%, pods on the node will be evicted. To avoid pod eviction, switch the containerd data directory to the data disk.
# After all nodes are Ready, modify the containerd data directory
vim /etc/containerd/config.toml
root = "/data/containerd"
mkdir -p /data/containerd
cp -r /var/lib/containerd/* /data/containerd
chmod 777 -R /data/containerd
# Restart containerd
sudo systemctl restart containerd
2.4 Install NFS¶
2.4.1 Disable Firewall
2.4.2 Install NFS Service
If the server can access the internet, deploy NFS with the following commands:
If the server cannot access the internet, find the offline package in the extracted files, then install it with the following commands:
2.4.3 Configure NFS Shared Path
Create a shared directory
Execute the commandvim /etc/exports
, create the exports file, with the following content:
Note: The
directory is configured as the NFS shared directory, generally located on a separately mounted data disk, such as/data/nfsdata
2.4.4 Start NFS Service
Execute the following commands to start the NFS service
2.4.5 Verify Configuration
2.5 Install Kubernetes Storage¶
2.5.1 Install Kubernetes Storage
sealos load -i nfs_4.0.2.tar.gz
# Get the imageId of the NFS cluster image
sealos images
# Replace the imageId value below with the obtained cluster image ID
sealos run imagesId -e nfs_server=,nfs_path=/nfsdata
Note: For other components mentioned below, you can obtain and replace the imageId in the same way
Parameter Explanation:
Name | Description | Value |
nfs_server | Server IP | e.g., |
nfs_path | NFS shared path | e.g., /data/nfsdata |
2.6 Install Ingress¶
2.6.1 Install Ingress
Note: If the domain directly resolves to the server, add the
hostNetwork: true
configuration to the ingress deployment
2.7 Install OpenEBS¶
2.7.1 Install OpenEBS
Note: Installing OpenEBS is optional; using local storage offers better performance than NFS
2.8 Create Middleware Namespace¶
2.8.1 Create Middleware Namespace
2.9 Install MySQL¶
2.9.1 Install MySQL
Install MySQL using sealos
sealos load -i mysql_8.0.tar.gz
# Example 1: Disk type is NFS, storageclass name is df-nfs-storage
sealos run imageId -e storageclass_type=nfs,openebs_localpath='',nfs_name=df-nfs-storage
# Example 2: Disk type is OpenEBS, local shared path is /data/mysql_data
sealos run imageId -e storageclass_type=openebs,openebs_localpath='/data/mysql_data',nfs_name=''
Parameter Explanation:
Name | Description | Value |
storageclass_type | Type of storage class to use, options are nfs or openebs | nfs or openebs (required) |
openebs_localpath | Specify the local path when choosing openebs | e.g., /data/mysql_data (required when sc type is openebs) |
nfs_name | If sc type is set to nfs, specify the storageclass name for PVC binding | e.g., df-nfs-storage (required when sc type is nfs) |
2.9.2 Create MySQL Configuration User
# Create guance_setup_user
kubectl -n middleware exec -it podname bash
# Enter password rootPassw0rd
mysql -uroot -p
create user 'guance_setup_user'@'%' identified by 'Aa123456';
-- WITH GRANT OPTION allows this user to grant permissions to others
# Connection Information
Connection Address: mysql.middleware
Port: 3306
User: guance_setup_user
Password: Aa123456
2.10 Install Redis¶
2.10.1 Install Redis
sealos load -i redis_6.0.20.tar.gz
sealos run imagesId
# Connection Information
Connection Address: redis.middleware
Port: 6379
Password: viFRKZiZkoPmXnyF
2.11 Install InfluxDB¶
2.11.1 Install InfluxDB
sealos load -i influxdb_1.7.8.tar.gz
# Refer to MySQL example
sealos run imagesId -e storageclass_type=nfs,openebs_localpath='',nfs_name=df-nfs-storage
# Connection Information
Connection Address: influxdb.middleware
Port: 8086
User: admin
Password: admin@influxdb
Parameter Explanation:
Name | Description | Value |
storageclass_type | Type of storage class to use, options are nfs or openebs | nfs or openebs (required) |
openebs_localpath | Specify the local path when choosing openebs | e.g., /data/mysql_data (required when sc type is openebs) |
nfs_name | If sc type is set to nfs, specify the storageclass name for PVC binding | e.g., df-nfs-storage (required when sc type is nfs) |
2.12 Install OpenSearch¶
2.12.1 Install OpenSearch
Note: Currently, OpenSearch disk type only supports NFS
Parameter Explanation:
Name | Description | Value |
nfs_name | If sc type is set to nfs, specify the storageclass name for PVC binding | e.g., df-nfs-storage (required) |
2.12.2 Change Default OpenSearch Password
# Change password
kubectl exec -ti -n middleware opensearch-single-0 -- curl -u admin:admin \
-XPUT "http://localhost:9200/_plugins/_security/api/internalusers/elastic" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"password": "4dIv4VJQG5t5dcJOL8R5",
"opendistro_security_roles": ["all_access"]
# Connection Information
Connection Address: opensearch-single.middleware
Port: 9200
User: elastic
Password: 4dIv4VJQG5t5dcJOL8R5
2.13 Install GuanceDB¶
2.13.1 Install GuanceDB
Note: Currently, GuanceDB disk type only supports NFS
Parameter Explanation:
Name | Description | Value |
nfs_name | If sc type is set to nfs, specify the storageclass name for PVC binding | e.g., df-nfs-storage (required) |
2.14 Deploy Launcher¶
2.14.1 Download Business Service Installation Package
Image package download URL:
Image package download URL:
2.14.2 Download Launcher Chart Package
Chart package download URL:
2.14.3 Import Business Service Images
# For containerd environment import
gunzip guance-amd64-latest.tar.gz
ctr images import guance-amd64-latest.tar
2.14.4 Install Launcher
helm install launcher launcher-*.tgz -n launcher --create-namespace \
--set \
--set storageClassName=df-nfs-storage
2.14.5 Configure Business Service Single Replica (Optional)
If you want to use a single replica in a POC environment, configure as follows:
kubectl edit cm launcher-settings -n launcher
# Add the following configuration
settings.yaml: 'debug: True'
# After adding, restart the launcher service
kubectl -n launcher rollout restart deploy launcher
2.14.6 Access Launcher
# Modify the network mode of ingress, add to ingress deployment
hostNetwork: true
# After modification, configure the local host file with the server IP (e.g., and open port 80 externally
2.15 Deploy Business Services via Launcher¶
After deploying the launcher, refer to Start Installation to deploy business services