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Web Application Integration

Guance application monitoring can collect metrics data from various web applications and analyze the performance of each web application endpoint in a visual manner.


Note: If you have enabled the RUM Headless service, the prerequisites have been automatically configured for you, and you can directly integrate the application.

Application Integration

Log in to the Guance console, go to the Synthetic Tests page, click on the top-left corner Create Application to start creating a new application.

  • Guance provides Public DataWay to directly receive RUM data without installing the DataKit collector. Configuring site and clientToken parameters is sufficient. It supports uploading SourceMap directly from the console, allowing multiple files to be uploaded based on different versions and environments.

  • Guance also supports receiving RUM data via local environment deployment, which requires meeting the prerequisites.

Web application integration can be done in three ways: NPM integration, asynchronous loading, and synchronous loading.

Integration Method Description
NPM By bundling the SDK code into the frontend project, this method ensures no impact on the frontend page performance but may miss requests and errors before SDK initialization.
CDN Asynchronous Through CDN caching and asynchronous script introduction, it ensures that the SDK script download does not affect page load performance but may miss requests and errors before SDK initialization.
CDN Synchronous Through CDN caching and synchronous script introduction, it ensures capturing all errors, resources, requests, and performance metrics. However, it may impact page load performance.
import { datafluxRum } from '@cloudcare/browser-rum'

  applicationId: 'guance',
  datakitOrigin: '<DataKit domain or IP>', // Required for DK integration
  clientToken: 'clientToken', // Required for public OpenWay integration
  site: 'public OpenWay address', // Required for public OpenWay integration
  env: 'production',
  version: '1.0.0',
  sessionSampleRate: 100,
  sessionReplaySampleRate: 70,
  trackInteractions: true,
  traceType: 'ddtrace', // Optional, default is ddtrace. Currently supports ddtrace, zipkin, skywalking_v3, jaeger, zipkin_single_header, w3c_traceparent
  allowedTracingOrigins: ['', /https:\/\/.*\.my-api-domain\.com/],  // Optional, list of origins or regex patterns allowed to inject tracing headers
 (function (h, o, u, n, d) {
    h = h[d] = h[d] || {
      q: [],
      onReady: function (c) {
    d = o.createElement(u)
    d.async = 1
    d.src = n
    n = o.getElementsByTagName(u)[0]
    n.parentNode.insertBefore(d, n)
  DATAFLUX_RUM.onReady(function () {
      applicationId: 'guance',
      datakitOrigin: '<DataKit domain or IP>', // Required for DK integration
      clientToken: 'clientToken', // Required for public OpenWay integration
      site: 'public OpenWay address', // Required for public OpenWay integration
      env: 'production',
      version: '1.0.0',
      sessionSampleRate: 100,
      sessionReplaySampleRate: 70,
      trackInteractions: true,
      traceType: 'ddtrace', // Optional, default is ddtrace. Currently supports ddtrace, zipkin, skywalking_v3, jaeger, zipkin_single_header, w3c_traceparent
      allowedTracingOrigins: ['', /https:\/\/.*\.my-api-domain\.com/],  // Optional, list of origins or regex patterns allowed to inject tracing headers
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
  window.DATAFLUX_RUM &&
      applicationId: 'guance',
      datakitOrigin: '<DataKit domain or IP>', // Required for DK integration
      clientToken: 'clientToken', // Required for public OpenWay integration
      site: 'public OpenWay address', // Required for public OpenWay integration
      env: 'production',
      version: '1.0.0',
      sessionSampleRate: 100,
      sessionReplaySampleRate: 70,
      trackInteractions: true,
      traceType: 'ddtrace', // Optional, default is ddtrace. Currently supports ddtrace, zipkin, skywalking_v3, jaeger, zipkin_single_header, w3c_traceparent
      allowedTracingOrigins: ['', /https:\/\/.*\.my-api-domain\.com/],  // Optional, list of origins or regex patterns allowed to inject tracing headers


Initialization Parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
applicationId String Yes The application ID created in Guance.
datakitOrigin String Yes DataKit data reporting Origin. Format: protocol (including: //), domain name (or IP address) [and port number]. Example:;
clientToken String Yes The data reporting token for openway access, obtained from the Guance console (required for public openway integration).
site String Yes The data reporting address for public openway access, obtained from the Guance console (required for public openway integration).
env String No The current environment of the web application, such as prod: production; gray: gray release; pre: pre-release; common: daily; local: local.
version String No The version number of the web application.
service String No browser The service name of the current application, defaults to browser, supports custom configuration.
sessionSampleRate Number No 100 Percentage of metric data collection:
100 means full collection; 0 means no collection.
sessionReplaySampleRate Number No 100 Percentage of Session Replay data collection:
100 means full collection; 0 means no collection.
trackSessionAcrossSubdomains Boolean No false Subdomains under the same domain share cache.
usePartitionedCrossSiteSessionCookie Boolean No false Whether to enable partitioned secure cross-site session cookie more details
useSecureSessionCookie Boolean No false Use secure session cookies. This will disable RUM events sent over insecure (non-HTTPS) connections.
traceType Enum No ddtrace Configure the tracing tool type. Defaults to ddtrace if not set. Currently supports ddtrace, zipkin, skywalking_v3, jaeger, zipkin_single_header, w3c_traceparent.

1. opentelemetry supports zipkin_single_header, w3c_traceparent, zipkin, jaeger.
2. This setting depends on allowedTracingOrigins.
3. Setting the corresponding traceType requires configuring the appropriate Access-Control-Allow-Headers for the API services. Refer to How APM Connects with RUM.
traceId128Bit Boolean No false Whether to generate traceID using 128-bit format, corresponding to traceType, currently supports zipkin, jaeger.
allowedTracingOrigins Array No [] List of origins or regex patterns allowed to inject tracing headers. Can be request origin or regex, origin format: protocol (including: //), domain name (or IP address) [and port number]. Example:
["", /https:\\/\\/._\\.my-api-domain\\.com/].
allowedTracingUrls Array No [] URL matching list for requests associated with APM. Can be request URLs, regex, or match function, example: ["", /https:\/\/.*\.my-api-domain\.com\/xxx/, function(url) {if (url === 'xxx') { return false} else { return true }}]. This parameter extends allowedTracingOrigins, configuring either one is sufficient.
trackUserInteractions Boolean No false Whether to enable user interaction tracking.
actionNameAttribute String No Version requirement:>3.1.2. Add custom attributes to elements to specify action names. For more details, refer to Tracking User Actions
beforeSend Function(event, context):Boolean No Version requirement:>3.1.2. Intercept and modify data, refer to Data Interception
storeContextsToLocal Boolean No Version requirement:>3.1.2. Whether to cache custom user data locally in localStorage, e.g., data added via setUser, addGlobalContext APIs.
storeContextsKey String No Version requirement:>3.1.18. Define the key used to store data in localStorage, defaults to auto-generated if not specified. This parameter helps differentiate storage across different subpaths within the same domain.
compressIntakeRequests Boolean No Compress RUM data request content to reduce bandwidth usage when sending large amounts of data, reducing the number of data requests. Compression occurs in the WebWorker thread. For CSP security policy, refer to CSP Security. SDK version requirement >= 3.2.0. DataKit version requirement >=1.60. Deployment Plan version requirement >= 1.96.178.
workerUrl String No Both sessionReplay and compressIntakeRequests data compression occur in the WebWorker thread, so by default, in CSP secure access scenarios, you need to allow worker-src blob:. This configuration allows adding a self-hosted worker URL. For CSP security policy, refer to CSP Security. SDK version requirement >= 3.2.0.


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