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Kubernetes Cluster

1 Sealos Node NotReady, Kubelet Reports Node Not Found

Log in to the problematic node and check the kubelet logs.

journalctl -xeu kubelet
The logs indicate that apiserver cannot be connected. Test network connectivity.
telnet apiserver.cluster.local 6443
Testing reveals that the network is unreachable. Turn off the firewall on the master node to resolve the issue.
systemctl stop firewalld

2 Kylin ARM Architecture Sealos Deployment Timeout

Check if other containerized products are deployed.

rpm -qa | grep docker
rpm -qa | grep podman
Redundant software is found; uninstall the redundant software.
rpm -e <redundant_software_name>
Uninstall and reinstall Sealos.
sealos reset

3 Physical Machine k8s Cluster Deployment, Calico Component Fails to Start

When deploying a k8s cluster on a physical machine, the Calico component fails to start with the following error.

kubectl -n calico-system get 
kubectl -n calico-system edit default

# Change to interface: eth.*|en.*|bound.* Adjust bound.* based on the physical machine's network interface name, ensuring it matches with a regular expression
  interface: eth.*|en.*

4 Kylin ARM Architecture Sealos Deployment Reports Segmentation Fault

Install the latest versions of Sealos and the k8s cluster.

# Sealos
wget \
   && tar zxvf sealos_4.3.7_linux_arm64.tar.gz sealos && chmod +x sealos && mv sealos /usr/bin
# k8s cluster   
sealos run  --single  --debug

5 Sealos Installation Reports Port Conflict, 'Port: 10249 Occupied'

Check for port conflicts. If there is a conflict, close the conflicting port.

lsof -i: <port_number>
If the above command has no output, the lsof command may be malfunctioning.
whereis lsof
# If multiple lsof commands exist and only one works, rename or move the other lsof binary files to another path

6 Sealos Cluster Deployment, Kubelet Fails to Start

OS is openEuler 22.03 version Problem description: During the Sealos deployment process, errors persist, preventing the cluster from starting. It is suspected that this is due to an issue with kubelet. Check the kubelet logs. By checking the /var/log/message log, it is found that the /etc/resolv.conf file does not exist. Create the file and configure the correct DNS server, then reinstall Sealos.


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