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Application Image Acquisition

Online Deployment Method

Online deployment refers to a Kubernetes environment that can access the public internet, allowing Kubernetes to automatically download images from Guance's official public image repository during deployment.

To obtain the public address for Guance images, visit the Guance Version History.

Offline Deployment Method

Downloading and Importing Guance Offline Image Packages


If Kubernetes nodes can access the public internet, there is no need to import images using the offline method described above; the installation program will automatically download the images.

For installations in an offline network environment, you need to manually download the latest Guance image package first. Afterward, use the docker load command to import all images onto each Kubernetes worker node before proceeding with subsequent installation steps.

Latest Guance Docker image package download link:

  1. Use the following command to download the Docker image package to your local machine:

    $ wget

  2. After downloading, upload the Docker image package to each Kubernetes node host and execute the following commands to import the Docker images:

  3. Command to import images in a Docker environment:

    $ gunzip -c guance-amd64-latest.tar.gz | docker load

  4. Command to import images in a Containerd environment:

    $ gunzip guance-amd64-latest.tar.gz
    $ ctr images import guance-amd64-latest.tar

For installations in an offline network environment, you need to manually download the latest Guance image package first. Afterward, use the docker load command to import all images onto each Kubernetes worker node before proceeding with subsequent installation steps.

Latest Guance Docker image package download link:

  1. Use the following command to download the Docker image package to your local machine:

    $ wget

  2. After downloading, upload the Docker image package to each Kubernetes node host and execute the following commands to import the Docker images:

  3. Command to import images in a Docker environment:

    $ gunzip -c guance-arm64-latest.tar.gz | docker load

  4. Command to import images in a Containerd environment:

    $ gunzip guance-arm64-latest.tar.gz
    $ ctr images import guance-arm64-latest.tar

Configuration of Self-built Image Repository for Launcher


If the downloaded offline image packages are imported into a self-built image repository for use, please perform the following configuration.

This operation must be done before deploying launcher.

When installing launcher, add the imageSecrets.url, imageSecrets.username, and imageSecrets.password parameters.

helm install launcher launcher  --repo -n launcher \
--create-namespace  \
--set ingress.hostName=<Hostname>,storageClassName=<Stroageclass> \
--set imageSecrets.url=<warehouseaddress>,imageSecrets.username=<warehouse username>,imageSecrets.password=<warehouse passwd>
  • Generate a secret
kubectl create secret docker-registry dataflux-test --docker-server='<Repo Server>' --docker-username='<Repo Username>' --docker-password='<Repo Password>'

Replace the values of docker-server, docker-username, and docker-password with your image repository address, account, and password respectively.

  • Retrieve the secret
kubectl get secrets dataflux-test -o jsonpath='{.data.\.dockerconfigjson}'

Execution result:


  • Installation

Download the Launcher YAML file:

Save the content of the YAML file as launcher.yaml on the operations machine, then replace the variable parts within the document:

  • Replace {{ launcher_image }} with the latest Launcher application image address, which can be found in the Deployment Image documentation.
  • Replace {{ domain }} with the main domain, such as
  • Replace {{ storageClassName }} with the storage class name, such as alicloud-nas.

Replace the .dockerconfigjson content with the secret obtained earlier.

Execute the installation:

kubectl apply -f launcher.yaml


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