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Log Engine Capacity Planning

Before using Elasticsearch/OpenSearch as the Guance log/tracing storage backend, please evaluate the storage capacity and cluster specifications. This article provides an evaluation algorithm based on community content and actual tests.

  • Due to changes in the Elasticsearch open-source license, we recommend using OpenSearch as a priority;
  • It is suggested to first test the monitoring data generation rate with a smaller configuration of Elasticsearch/OpenSearch, and plan the cluster according to the test results.

Data Compression

The following are the compression test results for Elasticsearch using the official esrally dataset nyc_taxis, which is 74GB in size.

Codec Configuration Compression Algorithm Compressed Size/GB Compression Ratio
default LZ4 35.5 0.48
best_compression DEFLATE 26.4 0.36

The following are the compression test results for OpenSearch using the eventdata dataset provided by opensearch-benchmark, which is 15GB in size.

Codec Configuration Compression Algorithm Compressed Size/GB Compression Ratio
default LZ4 5.1 0.34
best_compression DEFLATE 3.7 0.25

Disk Capacity Estimation

Assume the following conditions:

  • Daily generation of 【1TB】 monitoring source data
  • Compression ratio is 【0.5】
  • Each index has 【1】 replica
  • Monitoring data retention for the last 【7】 days

Here, we refer to the Tencent Cloud Elasticsearch storage calculation formula.

Parameter Reference Value
Data Expansion/Index Overhead 10%
Internal Task Overhead 20%
Operating System Reserved 5%
Safety Reserve 15%

According to Guance's data retention policy, we increase the safety reserve to 30%. The original formula is as follows.

Actual Space = Source Data x Compression Ratio × (1 + Number of Replicas) × (1 + Data Expansion) / (1 - Internal Task Overhead) / (1 - Operating System Reserved) x (1 + Reserved Space)

Substituting the reference values:

Actual Space ~= Source Data x Compression Ratio x (1 + Number of Replicas) × 1.89

For retaining the most recent 7 days of data, the possible peak value would be:

7[day] x 1[TB] x 0.5 x (1 + 1) * 1.89 ~= 13[TB]

Cluster Planning

Data Nodes

Below is the Elasticsearch cluster planning. The higher the single-node configuration, the larger the cluster scale it can support.

Single Node Specification Maximum Number of Cluster Nodes Maximum Disk Capacity per Node
2C4GB 10 200GB
2C8GB 10 400GB
4C16GB 20 800GB
8C32GB 40 1.5TB
16C64GB 80 3TB

If using a 【4C16GB】 node, based on the above capacity estimation, the recommended number of data nodes in the cluster is:

13T / 800G ~= 16

If using a 【8C32GB】 node, based on the above capacity estimation, the recommended number of data nodes in the cluster is:

13T / 1.5T ~= 9

If using a 【16C64GB】 node, based on the above capacity estimation, the recommended number of data nodes in the cluster is:

13T / 3T ~= 5

Coordinating Nodes

It is recommended to add independent coordinating nodes at a ratio of 1:5 (starting with at least 2), with a CPU:Memory ratio of 1:4 or 1:8. For example, for 10 8C32GB data nodes, it is recommended to configure 2 independent 8C32GB coordinating nodes. Management nodes should use a highly available deployment of 2n+1 to prevent cluster split-brain.


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