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Metrics Query Error

1 Query Metrics Reports "query error: tenant: ; requestURI: /select/3/guance/api/v1/query; auth error: cannot parse accountID from "": strconv.ParseUint: parsing "": invalid syntax"

When querying metrics, an error occurs.

Connect to the database via MySQL in the launcher pod and execute the following SQL:

use df_core;
update main_influx_instance set configJSON='{"write": {"host": "http://guancedb-cluster-guance-insert.middleware:8480"}, "read": {"host": "http://guancedb-cluster-guance-select.middleware:8481"}}' where id=1;

Restart all kodo services:

kubectl delete pod -n forethought-kodo

2 Kodo Error in Metrics Management query error: db config pwd is null:ro

There is a data gap in metrics management. Through F12 inspection, the kodo API response returns 'query error: db config pwd is null:ro'.

Solution: Check the storage engine instance using the following SQL. If it has switched to Doris, note that the datastore field should have the metric value as guancedb.

select * from main_es_instance;
If the value of this field is not guancedb, modify it to guancedb via SQL.

3 Query Metrics Error

Problem Description:

Metrics query reports query error: the query is too broad or the time range is too long, resulting in too many rows.


Add or modify the startup parameter -search.maxQueryUniqueTimeseries for the GuanceDB for metrics select component:



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