Switch to HTTPS Access¶
This document only describes how to modify the already deployed Guance from HTTP access to support HTTPS.
- Verify the validity of the SSL certificate and Ingress plugin support for HTTPS before proceeding.
- Guance has been successfully deployed and is accessible.
- Cluster permissions for Guance.
- Guance Launcher page.
Impact Scope¶
Guance Studio will experience brief periods of inaccessibility.
Step One: Modify Domain Name and Certificate Name in Launcher¶
- Open the settings in the top-right corner of Launcher.
- Click on "External Domain TLS Certificate Update".
- Add certificate information and update the TLS certificate.
- Verification
For example, using dataflux.cn
kubectl get secret -A | grep dataflux.cn
forethought-core dataflux.cn kubernetes.io/tls 2 8d
forethought-kodo dataflux.cn kubernetes.io/tls 2 8d
forethought-webclient dataflux.cn kubernetes.io/tls 2 8d
func2 dataflux.cn kubernetes.io/tls 2 8d
middleware dataflux.cn kubernetes.io/tls 2 8d
utils dataflux.cn kubernetes.io/tls 2 8d
Step Two: Add TLS to Ingress¶
- You can execute the following script to back up commands:
NAMESPACE="forethought-core forethought-kodo forethought-webclient func2 middleware utils launcher"
for i in $NAMESPACE;
for ing in $(kubectl get ing -n $i -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}');
kubectl get ing $ing -n $i -o yaml > $filename
- Execute the following script to modify the address:
Replace the SecretName
variable with your domain's secret name.
NAMESPACE="forethought-core forethought-kodo forethought-webclient func2 middleware utils launcher"
for i in $NAMESPACE; do
for ing in $(kubectl get ing -n $i -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'); do
# Check if Ingress already has TLS configured
TLS_EXISTS=$(kubectl get ing "$ing" -n "$i" -o jsonpath='{.spec.tls}')
if [ -z "$TLS_EXISTS" ]; then
# Extract current Ingress hosts
HOSTS=$(kubectl get ing "$ing" -n "$i" -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[*].host}')
# Use kubectl patch command to update each Ingress
kubectl patch ingress "$ing" -n "$i" --type='json' -p="[
\"op\": \"add\",
\"path\": \"/spec/tls\",
\"value\": [
\"hosts\": [$HOSTS],
\"secretName\": \"$SecretName\"
echo "Updated Ingress $ing in namespace $i to use HTTPS."
echo "Ingress $ing in namespace $i already has HTTPS configured. Skipping."
Step Three: Modify Guance Frontend Configuration¶
- Open the settings in the top-right corner of Launcher.
- Click on "Modify Application Configuration".
- Modify the namespaces
forfrontWeb (User Frontend)
andmanagementWeb (Management Platform Frontend)
, changing http to https.
Rollback Method¶
- Revert the frontend configuration changes.
- Apply the backed-up Ingress YAML files.