Quick Deployment Guide for Kubernetes¶
0. Introduction¶
After successfully deploying Kubernetes according to this document, the following tasks are completed by default
Coverage of Functional Components
High availability deployment of Kubernetes 1.24.2
Installation of the CoreDNS component
Installation of the Node-Local-DNS component
Installation of the Ingress-Nginx component
Installation of the Metrics-Server component
Installation of the OpenEBS-Provisioner component driver
Resource List
1. "Minimum configuration" is suitable for POC scenarios and is only used for functional verification, not recommended for production environments.
2. For production deployments, evaluate based on actual data volume接入; the more data volume connected, the higher the storage and specification configurations required for TDengine and OpenSearch.
Purpose | Resource Type | Minimum Specification | Recommended Specification | Quantity | Notes |
Kubernetes Master | Physical server or virtual machine | 4C8GB 100GB | 8C16GB 100GB | 3 | Version: 1.24.2 Note: If it's a virtual machine, appropriately increase the resource specifications, reuse one master node as the deployment node |
Kubernetes workerload | Physical server or virtual machine | 4C8GB 100GB | 8C16GB 100GB | 4 | k8s cluster worker nodes, hosting Guance applications, k8s components, basic service Mysql 5.7.18, Redis 6.0.6 |
Guance Proxy Service | Physical server or virtual machine | 2C4GB 100GB | 4C8GB 200GB | 1 | Used to deploy an Nginx reverse proxy server, proxying to ingress edge nodes Note: For security reasons, do not directly expose the cluster edge nodes |
Guance Network File System Service | Physical server or virtual machine | 2C4GB 200G | 4C8GB 1TB high-performance disk | 1 | Deploy network file system, network storage service, default NFS (if an existing NFS service exists, this machine can be canceled) |
DataWay | Physical server or virtual machine | 2C4GB 100GB | 4C8GB 100GB | 1 | User-deployed DataWay |
OpenSearch | Physical server or virtual machine | 4C8GB 1TB | 8C16G 1TB | 3 | OpenSearch version: 2.2.1 Note: Password authentication must be enabled, install matching version analysis plugin analysis-ik |
TDengine | Physical server or virtual machine | 4C8GB 500GB | 8C16G 1TB | 3 | TDengine version: |
Other | Email server/SMS | - | - | 1 | SMS gateway, email server, alert channel |
Officially registered wildcard domain | - | - | 1 | The main domain needs to be registered | |
SSL/TLS certificate | Wildcard domain certificate | Wildcard domain certificate | 1 | To secure the site |
1. Prerequisites¶
- Basic environment offline resource package uploaded to all cluster nodes and extracted to the /etc directory on the server
- SSH keyless login configured between the deployment node and other cluster nodes (including the deployment node itself)
- Guance platform offline resource package uploaded to all cluster nodes and imported into the container runtime environment (containerd)
1.1 Keyless Login Setup Reference¶
# Log in to the deployment machine and execute the command
# Generate public/private key pair
[root@k8s-node01 ~]# ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:vruHbsWUUL5M9k0dg15zhIX5Y9MZVJ+enf0JhzF5lP0 root@k8s-node02
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
| .. o@B|
| .. .**B|
| .+..+o+X|
| +oo +*=E|
| Soo .oo==|
| . o o o|
| .o ..|
| o.. |
| o=+ |
# $IP is the address of all nodes including itself, follow the prompts to input yes and the root password
ssh-copy-id $IP
# Set up a Python symlink for each node, default not required 【Specific versions using Python 3 may require this action】
# ssh $IP ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
2. Pre-deployment Preparation¶
2.1 Resource Package Download¶
Basic environment offline resource package download link Download
2.2 Offline Resource Package Structure Description¶
Brief description of the offline package content
is the main kubeasz directory/etc/kubeasz/example
contains sample configuration files/etc/kubeasz/clusters
contains cluster-related configuration files/etc/kubeasz/guance
contains Guance related charts, yaml, etc./etc/kubeasz/bin
contains k8s/etcd/docker/cni binary files/etc/kubeasz/down
contains offline container image packages needed for cluster installation/etc/kubeasz/down/packages
contains system base software needed for cluster installation
3. Cluster Installation¶
3.1 Important Notes¶
Ensure that the time zone settings and time synchronization are consistent across all nodes
Commands in the document require root privileges by default
Ensure you start installation on a clean system, do not use systems with pre-installed kubeadm or other k8s distributions
Before executing the one-click installation, configure and check the custom-generated cluster configuration files. Mainly
Modify hostnames for easy identification 【optional】
3.2 Cluster Role Planning¶
Configuration for nodes in a highly available cluster:
Role | Quantity | Description |
Deploy node | 1 | Runs ansible/ezctl commands, typically reuses the first master node |
etcd node | 3 | Note that etcd clusters need an odd number of nodes (1, 3, 5,...), generally reusing master nodes |
Master node | 3 | A highly available cluster requires at least 2 master nodes |
Node node | N | Nodes running application workloads, can upgrade machine configurations/increase node count as needed |
By default, the container runtime and kubelet will occupy disk space under /var
. If the disk partition is special, you can set the directories for the container runtime and kubelet data before creating the cluster configuration: CONTAINERD_STORAGE_DIR
3.3 Deployment Steps¶
3.3.1 Orchestrating k8s Installation on the Deployment Node¶
Log in to the deployment node server
Navigate to the /etc/kueasz
directory and run the following commands
# Install Docker service on the deployment machine
# Start the local registry
# Load the required image packages for the offline environment and push them to the registry repository
./ezdown -D
./ezdown -X
For more information about ezdown parameters, run ezdown
If it does not run, navigate to the /etc/kubeasz
directory and execute ./ezdwon -h
to view
3.3.2 Creating Cluster Configuration Instances¶
# Run the kubeasz container
./ezdown -S
# Create a new cluster named guancecloud
# The cluster name can be customized as needed, and a corresponding directory will be generated
docker exec -it kubeasz ezctl new guancecloud
# Result output example
2022-10-19 10:48:23 DEBUG generate custom cluster files in /etc/kubeasz/clusters/guancecloud
2022-10-19 10:48:23 DEBUG set version of common plugins
2022-10-19 10:48:23 DEBUG cluster k8s-01: files successfully created.
2022-10-19 10:48:23 INFO next steps 1: to config '/etc/kubeasz/clusters/guancecloud/hosts'
2022-10-19 10:48:23 INFO next steps 2: to config '/etc/kubeasz/clusters/guancecloud/config.yml'
Then modify the cluster configuration files according to the prompts
# Modify the hosts file according to the previous cluster role planning
# Other major cluster-level configuration options can be modified in the `config.yml` file 【Use defaults unless you are very clear about the parameters being modified】
Sample configuration file content
Refer to the sample configuration file for custom configuration items
Sample Configuration File
# config.yaml
# prepare
# Optional offline installation of system software packages (offline|online)
# Default to "offline" in an offline environment
# Optional perform system security hardening github.com/dev-sec/ansible-collection-hardening
OS_HARDEN: false
# role:deploy
# Default: CA will expire in 100 years
# Default: Certificates issued by the CA will expire in 50 years
CA_EXPIRY: "876000h"
CERT_EXPIRY: "438000h"
# kubeconfig configuration parameters
CLUSTER_NAME: "cluster1"
# k8s version
K8S_VER: "__k8s_ver__"
# role:etcd
# Set different WAL directories to avoid disk I/O contention and improve performance
# It is recommended to modify to a directory with larger disk space, specific to actual conditions
ETCD_DATA_DIR: "/var/lib/etcd"
# role:runtime [containerd,docker]
# ------------------------------------------- containerd
# [.] Enable container registry mirror
# [containerd] Base container image
SANDBOX_IMAGE: "easzlab.io.local:5000/easzlab/pause:__pause__"
# [containerd] Container persistent storage directory
# It is recommended to modify to a directory with larger disk space, specific to actual conditions
CONTAINERD_STORAGE_DIR: "/var/lib/containerd"
# ------------------------------------------- docker
# [docker] Container storage directory
# It is recommended to modify to a directory with larger disk space, specific to actual conditions
# Only the deployment machine has the Docker service
DOCKER_STORAGE_DIR: "/var/lib/docker"
# [docker] Enable Restful API
# [docker] Trusted HTTP registry
INSECURE_REG: '["http://easzlab.io.local:5000"]'
# role:kube-master
# k8s cluster master node certificate configuration, multiple IPs and domains can be added (such as adding public IP and domain)
- ""
- "k8s.easzlab.io"
#- "www.test.com"
# CIDR length for pod subnet mask on node (determines the maximum number of pod IP addresses each node can allocate)
# If flannel uses the --kube-subnet-mgr parameter, it will read this setting to allocate pod subnets for each node
# https://github.com/coreos/flannel/issues/847
# role:kube-node
# Kubelet root directory
# It is recommended to modify to a directory with larger disk space, specific to actual conditions
KUBELET_ROOT_DIR: "/var/lib/kubelet"
# Maximum number of pods on a node
# Configure resources reserved for kube components (kubelet, kube-proxy, dockerd, etc.)
# Specific values refer to templates/kubelet-config.yaml.j2
# k8s officially does not recommend casually enabling system-reserved unless you have long-term monitoring and understand the system's resource usage;
# And as the system runs over time, appropriate increases in resource reservations are needed, specific values refer to templates/kubelet-config.yaml.j2
# System reservation settings are based on 4c/8g VMs with minimal system services installed, if using high-performance physical machines, you can appropriately increase the reservation
# Additionally, during cluster installation, apiserver and other resources consume a lot of memory temporarily, it is recommended to reserve at least 1G of memory
# role:network [flannel,calico,cilium,kube-ovn,kube-router]
# ------------------------------------------- flannel
# [flannel] Set flannel backend "host-gw", "vxlan", etc.
# [flannel] flanneld_image: "quay.io/coreos/flannel:v0.10.0-amd64"
flannelVer: "__flannel__"
flanneld_image: "easzlab.io.local:5000/easzlab/flannel:{{ flannelVer }}"
# ------------------------------------------- calico
# [calico] Setting CALICO_IPV4POOL_IPIP="off" can improve network performance, see docs/setup/calico.md for restrictions
# [calico] Set the host IP used by calico-node, BGP neighbors establish connections through this address, can be manually specified or automatically discovered
IP_AUTODETECTION_METHOD: "can-reach={{ groups['kube_master'][0] }}"
# [calico] Set calico network backend: brid, vxlan, none
# [calico] Whether calico uses route reflectors
# If the cluster scale exceeds 50 nodes, it is recommended to enable this feature
# CALICO_RR_NODES configure route reflector nodes, if not set, default to cluster master nodes
# CALICO_RR_NODES: ["", ""]
# [calico] Update supported calico version: [v3.3.x] [v3.4.x] [v3.8.x] [v3.15.x]
calico_ver: "__calico__"
# [calico] Calico main version
calico_ver_main: "{{ calico_ver.split('.')[0] }}.{{ calico_ver.split('.')[1] }}"
# ------------------------------------------- cilium
# [cilium] Image version
cilium_ver: "__cilium__"
cilium_connectivity_check: true
cilium_hubble_enabled: false
cilium_hubble_ui_enabled: false
# ------------------------------------------- kube-ovn
# [kube-ovn] Select OVN DB and OVN Control Plane nodes, default to the first master node
OVN_DB_NODE: "{{ groups['kube_master'][0] }}"
# [kube-ovn] Offline image tarball
kube_ovn_ver: "__kube_ovn__"
# ------------------------------------------- kube-router
# [kube-router] Public clouds have restrictions, generally ipinip should always be enabled; self-hosted environments can set to "subnet"
# [kube-router] NetworkPolicy support switch
# [kube-router] kube-router image version
kube_router_ver: "__kube_router__"
busybox_ver: "1.28.4"
# role:cluster-addon
# Automatic installation of coredns
dns_install: "yes"
corednsVer: "__coredns__"
dnsNodeCacheVer: "__dns_node_cache__"
# Set local DNS cache address
# Automatic installation of metric server
metricsserver_install: "yes"
metricsVer: "__metrics__"
# Automatic installation of dashboard
dashboard_install: "no"
dashboardVer: "__dashboard__"
dashboardMetricsScraperVer: "__dash_metrics__"
# Automatic installation of prometheus
prom_install: "no"
prom_namespace: "monitor"
prom_chart_ver: "__prom_chart__"
# Automatic installation of nfs-provisioner
# If there is an existing nfs, it must be configured as "yes" and correct server information must be configured
nfs_provisioner_install: "no"
nfs_provisioner_namespace: "kube-system"
nfs_provisioner_ver: "__nfs_provisioner__"
nfs_storage_class: "managed-nfs-storage"
nfs_server: ""
nfs_path: "/data/nfs"
# Automatic installation of network-check
network_check_enabled: false
network_check_schedule: "*/5 * * * *"
# role:harbor
# Harbor version, full version number
HARBOR_VER: "__harbor__"
HARBOR_DOMAIN: "harbor.easzlab.io.local"
# If set to 'false', you need to put certificates named harbor.pem and harbor-key.pem in the 'down' directory
# Install extra components
# ingress-nginx related configurations
ingress_nginx_install: "yes"
ingressnginxVer: v1.4.0
certgenVer: v20220916-gd32f8c343
Configure Hosts
Host Configuration Example
# 'etcd' cluster should have odd members (1,3,5,...)
# Must replace IPs according to actual planning
# master nodes
# Must replace IPs according to actual planning
# work nodes
# Must replace IPs according to actual planning
# [optional] Harbor server, a private Docker registry
# 'NEW_INSTALL': 'true' to install a Harbor server; 'false' to integrate with an existing one
# [optional] Load balancer for accessing k8s from outside
# [optional] NTP server for the cluster
# --------- Main Variables ---------------
# Secure port for apiservers
# Cluster container-runtime supported: docker, containerd
# if k8s version >= 1.24, docker is not supported
# Network plugins supported: calico, flannel, kube-router, cilium, kube-ovn
# It is recommended to use this default value or change to "flannel"
# Service proxy mode of kube-proxy: 'iptables' or 'ipvs'
# K8S Service CIDR, must not overlap with node(host) networking
# Cannot conflict with the host IP segment
# Cluster CIDR (Pod CIDR), must not overlap with node(host) networking
# Cannot conflict with the host IP segment
# NodePort Range
# Cluster DNS Domain
# -------- Additional Variables (do not change the default value right now) ---
# Binaries Directory
# Deploy Directory (kubeasz workspace)
# Directory for a specific cluster
cluster_dir="{{ base_dir }}/clusters/_cluster_name_"
# CA and other components cert/key Directory
3.3.3 One-click Deployment¶
After confirming that the above operations are correctly executed, run the following commands for quick deployment
# One-click installation command, equivalent to executing docker exec -it kubeasz ezctl setup xxx all
# xxx represents the created cluster name
dk ezctl setup guancecloud all
# Or step-by-step installation, use dk ezctl help setup to view step-by-step installation help information
# dk ezctl setup guancecloud 01
# dk ezctl setup guancecloud 02
# dk ezctl setup guancecloud 03
# dk ezctl setup guancecloud 04
# After the command completes, tasks should not have errors
TASK [cluster-addon : Prepare DNS deployment files] *********************************************
changed: []
TASK [cluster-addon : Create coredns deployment] *********************************************
changed: []
TASK [cluster-addon : Prepare dnscache deployment files] *****************************************
changed: []
TASK [cluster-addon : Create dnscache deployment] ********************************************
changed: []
TASK [cluster-addon : Prepare metrics-server deployment files] **********************************
changed: []
TASK [cluster-addon : Create metrics-server deployment] *************************************
changed: []
TASK [cluster-addon : Prepare nfs-provisioner configuration directory] *********************************
changed: []
TASK [cluster-addon : Prepare nfs-provisioner deployment files] **********************************
changed: [] => (item=nfs-provisioner.yaml)
changed: [] => (item=test-pod.yaml)
TASK [cluster-addon : Create nfs-provisioner deployment] ************************************
changed: []
TASK [cluster-addon : Prepare openebs-provisioner configuration directory] *****************************
changed: []
TASK [cluster-addon : Prepare openebs-provisioner deployment files] *****************************
changed: [] => (item=openebs-provisioner.yaml)
TASK [cluster-addon : Create openebs-provisioner deployment] *******************************
changed: []
TASK [cluster-addon : Prepare ingress-nginx configuration directory] ***********************************
changed: []
TASK [cluster-addon : Prepare ingress-nginx deployment files] ***********************************
changed: [] => (item=ingress-nginx.yaml)
TASK [cluster-addon : Create ingress-nginx deployment] *************************************
changed: []
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=110 changed=99 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=172 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=117 changed=106 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=199 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=93 changed=83 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=148 rescued=0 ignored=0
localhost : ok=33 changed=30 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=11 rescued=0 ignored=0
All return information must be successful, otherwise reset the system and re-execute the installation
Clean up the cluster with
docker exec -it kubeasz ezctl destroy xxx
, wherexxx
represents the cluster name -
Restart nodes to ensure cleanup of residual virtual NICs, routes, etc.
Successful Return Example
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* : ok=110 changed=99 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=172 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=117 changed=106 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=199 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=93 changed=83 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=148 rescued=0 ignored=0
localhost : ok=33 changed=30 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=11 rescued=0 ignored=0
More information about ezctl parameters can be viewed by running ezctl
. If it cannot run, enter the /etc/kubeasz
directory and execute ./ezctl
4. Verification of Installation¶
4.1 Cluster Component Status¶
Cluster Components
Confirm that all returned results have no ERROR
4.2 Cluster Node Status¶
Cluster Nodes
Confirm that all returned results show nodes in Ready status
4.3 Cluster Default Pod Status¶
Initial Cluster Pods
[root@k8s-node01 ~]# kubectl get pods -A
ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-admission-create-sh5gb 0/1 Completed 0 22h
ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-admission-patch-dhsvl 0/1 Completed 0 22h
ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller-6d799ccc9c-rhgx5 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system calico-kube-controllers-5c8bb696bb-srlmd 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system calico-node-4rwfj 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system calico-node-lcm44 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system calico-node-nbc5w 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system calico-node-qfnw2 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system coredns-84b58f6b4-zgkvb 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-5fc74cf5c6-kcpc7 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system metrics-server-69797698d4-nqfqf 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system node-local-dns-7w2kt 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system node-local-dns-gb4zp 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system node-local-dns-mw9pt 1/1 Running 0 22h
kube-system node-local-dns-zr5d9 1/1 Running 0 22h
Confirm all pods are in Running status and nodes are in Ready status
4.4 Confirm Cluster Info
Cluster Information
[root@k8s-node01 ~]# kubectl cluster-info
Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at
KubeDNSUpstream is running at
kubernetes-dashboard is running at
To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
4.5 Confirm Cluster Resource Usage
Cluster Resource Usage
Confirm normal return of cluster resource usage
5. Common Issues¶
If prompted with kubectl: command not found
during the verification stage, log out and re-login via SSH to make the environment variables effective.
If the helm command is not found, log out and re-login via SSH to the server, check the environment variables, and confirm the execution of the helm command