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Launcher Service Installation Configuration

Product Overview

Used for deploying and installing Guance's WEB application, following the guidance steps of the Launcher service to complete the installation and upgrade of Guance


Term Description
Launcher Used for deploying and installing Guance's WEB application, following the guidance steps of the Launcher service to complete the installation and upgrade of Guance
Operations Machine A machine with kubectl installed, on the same network as the target Kubernetes cluster
Installation Machine A machine that accesses the launcher service via a browser to complete the guided installation of Guance
hosts file The hosts file is a system file without an extension. Its main function is to save the mapping relationship between domain names and IPs.

1. Guance Offline Package Import

If installing in an offline network environment, you need to manually download the latest Guance image package first, then import all images to each Kubernetes worker node using the docker load command before proceeding with the subsequent guided installation.

Latest Guance image package download address:

Containerd Environment Image Import Command

$ gunzip guance-xxx-latest.tar.gz
$ ctr images import guance-xxx-latest.tar


Images must be imported on each node, guance-xxx-latest.tar.gz resource package

2. Launcher Installation

  • Installation

In the launcher directory, execute the command

helm install launcher launcher-*.tgz -n launcher --create-namespace  \
  --set \
  --set storageClassName=managed-nfs-storage

Download launcher chart Download

  • Uninstalling Launcher
helm uninstall <RELEASE_NAME> -n launcher

Do not uninstall Launcher after successful installation unless under abnormal circumstances.

3. Resolve launcher Domain to Launcher Service

Since the launcher service is used for deploying and upgrading Guance and does not need to be open to users, the domain should not be resolved publicly. You can bind hosts on the installation operation machine to simulate domain resolution by adding the domain binding in /etc/hosts is the proxy IP

4. Application Installation Guidance Steps

Access in the browser on the installation operation machine, and follow the guidance steps to complete the installation configuration step by step.

4.1 Database Configuration

  • The database connection address must use an internal network address.
  • The account must be an administrator account because it needs to initialize multiple sub-application databases and database access accounts.
url mysql.middleware
port 3306
Username/Password root/mQ2LZenlYs1UoVzi

4.2 Redis Configuration

  • The Redis connection address must use an internal network address
url redis.middleware
Port 6379
Password pNpX15GZkgICqX5D

4.3 Time Series Engine Configuration

  • TDengine

    • The TDengine connection address must use an internal network address
    • The account must be an administrator account because it needs to initialize DB and RP information
    url taos-tdengine.middleware
    Port 6041
    Username/Password Your created account/your set password

4.4 Log Engine Configuration

  • OpenSearch
    • The connection address must use an internal network address
      • The account must be an administrator account
url opensearch-cluster-client.middleware
Port 9200
Username/Password openes/kJMerxk3PwqQ

4.5 Other Settings

  • Initial admin account name and email for Guance management backend (default password is admin, it is recommended to change the default password immediately after login)
  • Internal network IP of cluster nodes (will be automatically obtained, need to confirm if correct)
  • Main domain and subdomains for each sub-application, default subdomains are as follows and can be modified as needed:
  • dataflux 【User Frontend
  • df-api 【User Frontend API
  • df-management 【Management Backend
  • df-management-api 【Management Backend API
  • df-websocket 【Websocket Service
  • df-func 【Func Platform
  • df-openapi 【OpenAPI】
  • df-static-res 【Static Resource Site
  • df-kodo 【kodo

Fill in TLS domain certificate

4.6 Installation Information

Summarizes the information filled out previously; if any information is incorrect, you can return to the previous step to make changes.

4.7 Application Configuration File

The installation program will automatically initialize the application configuration template based on the provided installation information from the previous steps, but you still need to check all application templates individually and modify personalized application configurations. Specific configuration instructions are available on the installation interface.

Confirm everything is correct, then submit to create the configuration files.

4.8 Application Image

  • Select the correct shared storage, i.e., the storage class name you created in the previous steps.
  • Application images will be automatically filled based on the selected Launcher version, no modification is required. Confirm everything is correct, then start creating the application.

4.9 Application Status

This section lists the startup status of all application services. This process requires downloading all images, which may take several minutes to over ten minutes. Once all services have successfully started, the installation is complete.

Note: During the service startup process, you must stay on this page without closing it until you see the prompt “version information written successfully” and no error window pops up, indicating a successful installation!

4.10 Domain Resolution

Resolve all subdomains except to the public IP address of the SLB or edge node ingress:


Since local Kubernetes clusters cannot use LoadBalancer services, you need to use edge node ingress.

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: df-kodo
  namespace: forethought-kodo
  - host:
      - backend:
          serviceName: kodo-nginx
          servicePort: http
        path: /
        pathType: ImplementationSpecific
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kodo-nginx
  namespace: forethought-kodo
  - name: https
    nodePort: 31841
    port: 443
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 80
  - name: http
    nodePort: 31385
    port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 80
    app: deployment-forethought-kodo-kodo-nginx
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: NodePort
kubectl apply -f kodo-ingress.yaml

5. Security Settings


After completing the above steps, Guance is fully installed and can be verified. After verification, an important step is to take the launcher service offline to prevent accidental access that could disrupt the application configuration. On the operations machine, execute the following command to set the number of replicas of the launcher service pod to 0:

kubectl patch deployment launcher \
-p '{"spec": {"replicas": 0}}' \
-n launcher


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