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Resources and System Requirements

Alibaba Cloud Resource List

  1. The "Minimum Configuration" is only suitable for POC scenario deployment, suitable for functional validation, not recommended for production environments.
  2. The "Recommended Configuration" is suitable for scenarios with less than 150,000 InfluxDB time series and less than 7 billion documents in Elasticsearch (total of log, trace, RUM, event, etc., document counts).
  3. For production deployment, evaluate based on actual data volume. The higher the data volume, the higher the storage and specification requirements for InfluxDB and Elasticsearch.
Resource Specification (Minimum Configuration) Specification (Recommended Configuration) Quantity Notes
ACK Standard Managed Cluster Edition Standard Managed Cluster Edition 1 Version: 1.18+
NAS 200GB (Capacity Type) 1T (Capacity Type) 1 Data persistence for ACK clusters
NAT Gateway Small NAT Gateway Small NAT Gateway 1 Outbound internet access for ACK clusters
SLB Performance Assurance Type Performance Assurance Type 2 Positioned before Kubernetes Ingress
ECS 4C8G (Single System Disk 80GB) 8C16G (Single System Disk 120GB) 4 Deploying Alibaba Cloud ACK Managed Cluster
2C4G (Single System Disk 80GB) 4C8G (Single System Disk 120GB) 2 Deploying Dataway
RDS 1C2G 50GB 2C4G 100GB (Three-node Enterprise Edition) 1 MySQL 8.0
InfluxDB 4C16G 300GB 8C32G 500GB 1 InfluxDB Version: 1.7.x
OpenSearch 4C16G 1T (2 Nodes) 16C64G 2T (3 Nodes) 1 Version: 2.3.0
Cloud Communication - - 1 Enable email service, SMS service
Domain Name - - 1 Main domain needs to be registered, including 8 subdomains under one main domain
SSL Certificate Wildcard Domain Certificate Wildcard Domain Certificate 1 -
OSS Standard Storage, Local Redundant Storage Standard Storage, Local Redundant Storage 2 Used for profiling, session-apply, and backuplog


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