Custom Frontend Color Scheme¶
This article explains how to achieve different frontend color schemes by modifying service configurations.
Configure ConfigMap¶
Save the following content as a theme.css
/* The following configuration overrides the default variable settings */
:root {
/* Primary button color */
--gc-primary-color: #1770e6;
--gc-primary-color-hover: #4d7ee6;
/* Secondary color for tags, such as in host details */
--gc-subprimary-color: #76b1ea;
--gc-subprimary-color-hover: #549adf;
/* Warning color, e.g., active menu items */
--gc-warning-color: #1770e6;
--gc-warning-color-hover: #1770e6;
/* Error button and critical operation color */
--gc-error-color: #e64545;
--gc-error-color-hover: #f46359;
--gc-success-color: #4ac473;
/* Explorer status field colors */
--gc-status-ok-color: #508371;
--gc-status-error-color: #ff9500;
--gc-status-critical-color: #e64545;
--gc-status-info-color: #1770e6;
--gc-status-warning-color: #ffd500;
--gc-status-fail-color: #aaacb2;
--gc-status-debug-color: #9666b9;
--gc-status-alert-color: #ff9500;
/* Status field colors for honeycomb and topology maps */
--gc-level-0-color: #6ed08f;
--gc-level-1-color: #508371;
--gc-level-2-color: #ffd500;
--gc-level-3-color: #ff9500;
--gc-level-4-color: #e64545;
/* Link and A tag status field colors */
--gc-link-color: #1770e6;
--gc-link-hover-color: #3873ef;
--gc-link-active-color: #1770e6;
--gc-link-normal-color: #777;
/* Default theme color configuration */
html.light {
--gc-color-background: #fff;
--gc-disabled-color: #c0c4cc;
--gc-color-text: rgba(28, 43, 52, 0.98);
/* Left navigation background color */
--gc-leftmenu-background: #2c2f39;
/* Left navigation font color */
--gc-leftmenu-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
/* Left navigation hover or selected background color */
--gc-leftmenu-active-background: #21262d;
/* Selected menu item background */
--gc-list-item-active-background: #e9effe;
/* Dark theme color configuration */
html.dark {
--gc-color-background: #101319;
--gc-disabled-color: #52515c;
--gc-color-text: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.76);
/* Left navigation background color */
--gc-leftmenu-background: #161b22;
/* Left navigation font color */
--gc-leftmenu-color: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.5);
/* Left navigation hover or selected background color */
--gc-leftmenu-active-background: #21262d;
/* Selected menu item background */
--gc-list-item-active-background: #0e1935;
Using the ConfigMap¶
Use the following command to apply the ConfigMap:
Add the following content as prompted: ...
- mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d
name: front-nginx-config
- mountPath: /config/cloudcare-forethought-webclient/deployConfig.js
name: front-web-config
subPath: config.js
# Add the following content
- mountPath: /config/cloudcare-forethought-webclient/theme/theme.css
name: front-customize-color-config
subPath: theme.css
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
name: front-web-config
optional: false
name: front-web-config
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
name: front-nginx-config
optional: false
name: front-nginx-config
# Add the following content
- configMap:
defaultMode: 420
name: front-customize-color-config
optional: false
name: front-customize-color-config
Restart the Application¶
Restart the application to apply the new configuration: