Log Engine Storage Space Insufficient
Solution One: Scaling Up¶
You can choose to scale horizontally or vertically.
Horizontal scaling: Increase the data nodes in the cluster.
Vertical scaling: Expand the data disk of the data nodes.
Solution Two: Data Cleanup¶
First, use the
df -h
command to check the disk space of the corresponding ES instance and determine if it is full. -
Use the following command to view index storage:
$ kubectl exec -ti -n middleware <es_pod_name> -- curl -XGET -u <user>:<password>
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green open wksp_4bcd96fc753e4a87a7f035717e3492f4_logging-000002 v8EAVH4FR32gSGIeMGKtSw 1 0 0 0 60.0gb 60.0gb
green open wksp_4bcd96fc753e4a87a7f035717e3492f4_logging-000001 blKeVx7mT1edx-EJFf0PBA 1 0 0 0 60.1gb 60.1gb
green open wksp_4bcd96fc753e4a87a7f035717e3492f4_logging-000003 XGDzVakRT4yLx3KdgJpl6Q 1 0 0 0 59.9gb 59.9gb
green open wksp_4bcd96fc753e4a87a7f035717e3492f4_logging-000004 dXaJwIuKQMKj1W-sGQMgYA 1 0 8 0 53.6kb 53.6kb
green open .monitoring-es-7-2023.05.31 hWN-pIKWSpyxHGLAuyrR-w 1 0 3342741 1023346 1.3gb 1.3gb
green open .monitoring-es-7-2023.05.30 06VnZgosSuCZR4mUXewBxg 1 0 3386407 931888 1.3gb 1.3gb
green open wksp_ae656f5d29764fdd904707a2564b7517_keyevent-000002 PecXZi1sTGOvFgEhpbXifA 1 0 0 0 208b 208b
green open .monitoring-es-7-2023.06.01 obPVFxemQeGVQC2flCtUiA 1 0 3466792 519395 1.4gb 1.4gb
green open .monitoring-es-7-2023.06.02 HcxlyaH1R7-R7Wh1jF12bw 1 0 390356 151592 292.7mb 292.7mb
green open .infini_activities-00001 f8f6rb1wTCe7IZDEECrKmQ 1 0 460 0 252.1kb 252.1kb
- As shown above, each index has its size and number. We prioritize deleting indexes with smaller numbers to clean up data.
Index Name Explanation: The index name consists of a workspace ID + data type + number.
Note: Delete indexes in ascending order based on the same workspace and data type but different numbers, but do not delete the largest numbered index. Smaller numbers represent older data. Generally, the largest numbered index is the one currently being written to.
For example, from the query results, you can see that wksp_4bcd96fc753e4a87a7f035717e3492f4_logging
has four indexed logs: 000001, 000002, 000003, and 000004. In this case, you can delete up to 000001, 000002, and 000003 in order.
Deletion command: