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Embedding Pages via iframe


This document describes how private deployment users can embed Guance pages into external platforms using iframes.

Configuring External Platform Access

After deployment, locate the DEPLOYCONFIG configuration file and add cookieSameSite:"none" to the configuration. This allows external platforms to embed Guance pages via iframe. (By default, the value of cookieSameSite is LAX, which does not permit embedding from external platforms.)


To embed a Guance page, simply find the target page you wish to embed and copy its URL. You can use parameters to control hiding the left sidebar and the "Create Issue" button in the lower right corner. Just append parameter configurations to the page URL, for example: <iframe src=""></iframe>

Parameter Required Type Description
hideWidget No Boolean Hide the "Create Issue" button in the lower right corner. Default is not hidden; true hides it.
hideLeftNav No Boolean Hide the left navigation menu in the Guance console. Default is not hidden; true hides it.



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