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Doris Deployment


Choose either OpenSearch or Doris.


Component Description

  • Doris Manager: Used for deployment, upgrade, and configuration changes of the Doris cluster.
  • Doris FE: Mainly responsible for user request access, query parsing planning, metadata management, and node-related tasks.
  • Doris BE: Mainly responsible for data storage and execution of query plans.
  • guance-insert: Receives line protocol formatted data, accumulates it locally (usually using tmpfs due to lower space usage), and writes it in batches to Doris BE.
  • guance-select: Translates DQL queries into SQL; most queries use Doris FE, while a few use the Doris BE Thrift interface.
  • VictoriaMetrics: Stores write volume metrics at the index level, providing auxiliary information for sampling queries and other functions.

Server Description

Typically, the following three groups of machines are used. Small clusters can be mixed deployments, and the server system OS is preferably Ubuntu.

  • doris-fe: CPU to memory ratio 1:2, one data disk of more than 20GB for metadata storage, the first machine can deploy Doris Manager.
  • doris-be: CPU to memory ratio 1:8, adjust disk configuration (number) to maximize disk throughput.
  • guancedb-logs: CPU to memory ratio 1:2, can be deployed on hosts or containers; the first machine needs a data disk to deploy VictoriaMetrics for storing some Doris metadata metrics.
  • CPU must support the AVX2 instruction set.
  • Resources should not be preempted by other machines (CPU steal should not be too high).

Network Description

  • Doris Manager is typically deployed on the doris-fe-01 server, which needs to communicate with all Doris machines via SSH and access port 8004.
  • The guancedb-logs machine needs to install supervisor through the system package manager (APT).
  • MySQL protocol access is required on port 9030 of the FE machine, usually installing mysql-client on the Doris Manager machine.
  • The guancedb-logs machine needs to access ports 8030 and 9030 of the doris-fe machines; ports 8040 and 9060 of the doris-be machines; and port 8428 of the first guancedb-logs machine.
  • The provided account needs full permissions for the S3 bucket.

Deployment Description

  • Once configured, the S3 bucket cannot be modified. If modification is needed, only clearing the data and reinstalling the Doris cluster is possible.
  • Doris is deployed on hosts. Regardless of network conditions, the installation package must first be placed in the designated location.
Category Description
Host Deployment Components be + fe + manager + guancedb-logs
Prerequisites 1. Provide root password and support passwordless SSH login as root
2. CPU architecture supports AVX2 instruction set

Default Configuration Information for Deployment

Category Description
Host Deployment Refer to Host Deployment Instructions below
Host Deployment Instructions

For Guance business services, if there is only one guancedb-logs machine, the address used is host IP:8480/8481;

If there are multiple guancedb-logs machines:

a. ELB capability can be provided, using ELB to listen on multiple guancedb-logs 8480/8481 ports, and the service address used is ELB IP:8480/8481;

b. If ELB capability cannot be provided, a service can be created in the business cluster, and the service address used is:

Write: internal-doris-insert.middleware:8480

Read: internal-doris-select.middleware:8481

Refer to the following YAML to create the service

doris-service.yaml (click to expand)
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: internal-doris-insert
  namespace: middleware
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8480
      targetPort: 8480
apiVersion: v1
kind: Endpoints
  # This name must match the Service name
  name: internal-doris-insert
  namespace: middleware
  # List all guancedb-logs machines here
  - addresses:
      - ip:
      - port: 8480      
  - addresses:
      - ip:
      - port: 8480

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: internal-doris-select
  namespace: middleware
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8481
      targetPort: 8481
apiVersion: v1
kind: Endpoints
  # This name must match the Service name
  name: internal-doris-select
  namespace: middleware
  # List all guancedb-logs machines here
  - addresses:
      - ip:
      - port: 8481      
  - addresses:
      - ip:
      - port: 8481

Doris Deployment


Download Installation Package

Install the tool package. Place the installation package on the fe-01 machine.

After decompressing the downloaded package, it contains the SelectDB + manager installation package. Place the installation package on the fe-01 machine, in the directory specified in inventory/doris-manager.vars.yaml.

After decompressing the downloaded package, it contains the GuanceDB installation package. Place the installation package on all guancedb-logs machines, in the directory specified in inventory/guancedb-logs-doris.vars.yaml.

After decompressing the downloaded package, it contains the victoria-metrics + vmutils installation package. Place the installation package on all guancedb-logs machines, in the directory specified in inventory/guancedb-logs-doris.vars.yaml.

Configure Passwordless SSH Login Between Machines

On the jump server (usually fe-01), check if the current user has an SSH public key in ~/.ssh. If no public key has been generated, generate it and send it remotely to other role machines using the following commands:

ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/

Deployment Checkpoints

Verify that the configurations of be and fe machines are the same;

Network ping between be and fe machines does not exceed 1ms;

The provided data disks should be raw disks (not partitioned or formatted).

Prepare Hosts File

The inventory directory requires 5 hosts files:

  • doris-be.hosts.yaml
  • doris-fe.hosts.yaml
  • doris-manager.hosts.yaml
  • guancedb-logs-doris.hosts.yaml
  • guancedb-logs-doris-vm.hosts.yaml

Each host file format is as follows:

The name format must be xxx-doris-fe-01 or xxx-doris-be-01

  - name: xxx
      - name: xxx-doris-be-01
        port: xxx
        host: xxx
        user: xxx
          default_ipv4: xxx
      - name: xxx-doris-be-02
        port: xxx
        host: xxx
        user: xxx
          default_ipv4: xxx

# name:          Mark the cluster, can be poc or prd
#    Mark the server role, can be xxx-doris-be-01, xxx can be poc or prd
# hosts.port:    SSH port, usually 22
#    SSH target machine's IP
# hosts.user:    SSH target machine's user, usually root
# vars.default_ipv4: IP address of be-01

Generally, the manager is deployed together with fe, so the content of doris-manager.hosts.yaml is the same as doris-fe.hosts.yaml. If doris-fe.hosts.yaml has multiple fe hosts, doris-manager.hosts.yaml only needs to fill in fe-01.

The content of guancedb-logs-doris-vm.hosts.yaml is the same as guancedb-logs-doris.hosts.yaml. If guancedb-logs-doris.hosts.yaml has multiple hosts, guancedb-logs-doris-vm.hosts.yaml only needs to fill in one.

Configure Variables

Modify the inventory/doris-manager.vars.yaml file

  - name: xxx
      # Path to the Doris installation package on the machine; e.g., /root/packages/xxx.tar.gz
      # Path to the Doris Manager installation package on the machine; e.g., /root/packages/xxx.tar.gz

      # Leave blank if cold storage is not used
      # Can be left blank
      # When using cloud provider object storage, usually not filled; when using self-built object storage or endpoint is an IP, fill in 'path'
Modify the inventory/doris.vars.yaml file
  - name: xxx
      # Replication factor
      # FE machine memory GB
      # Number of FE machines
      # Number of BE machines
      # Number of cores on BE machines
      # Number of BE data disks
      # Size of single BE data disk in GB
      # FE log retention time
      fe_log_retention: 3d
      # Internal network segment of FE and BE machines
Modify the inventory/guancedb-logs-doris.vars.yaml file
  - name: xxx
      # Version number is no longer used, leave empty
      version: ""
      # Directory where the installation package is located on the machine; e.g., /root/packages
Modify the inventory/secrets.yaml file
  - name: xxx
      # zyadmin user password for the operating system, recommend using a strong password
      # doris user password for the operating system, recommend using a strong password
      # root database user password, recommend using a strong password
      # user_read database user password, recommend using a strong password
      # Object storage access key, leave blank if cold storage is not used
      # Object storage secret key, leave blank if cold storage is not used
      # Used for reporting self-monitoring data, usually only one entry is needed, can be left blank
      dataway_urls: []
      # Whether to set hostname, set to false for mixed deployments
      set_hostname: false

Install Python Dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Deploy Doris Manager

Initialize the machine, then check disk mounting after completion.

python3 -l cluster_name -i 'inventory/doris-?e.*.yaml' -p playbooks/doris/initialize-machine.yaml

Deployment Checkpoints

Verify correct disk mounting on the server;

Ensure swap is permanently disabled on the server;

Ensure the server's vm.max_map_count parameter is set to 2000000.

Update Datakit configuration for reporting self-monitoring data.

python3 -l cluster_name -i 'inventory/doris-?e.*.yaml' -p playbooks/doris/update-datakit.yaml

Download and start Doris Manager.

python3 -l cluster_name -i 'inventory/doris-manager.*.yaml' -p playbooks/doris/initialize-manager.yaml

Configure cgroup for be nodes

Determine whether the server supports cgroup v1 or v2

If this path exists, cgroup v1 is currently effective
ls /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/

If this path exists, cgroup v2 is currently effective
ls /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers
# Create service file
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/doris-cgroup-v1.service

# File content
Description=Create Doris CGroup V1

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '\
    mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/doris && \
    mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/doris && \
    chmod 770 /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/doris && \
    chmod 770 /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/doris && \
    chown -R doris:doris /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/doris && \
    chown -R doris:doris /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/doris'

# Reload systemd configuration
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# Enable service at boot
sudo systemctl enable doris-cgroup-v1.service
# Start service
sudo systemctl start doris-cgroup-v1.service
# Check service status
sudo systemctl status doris-cgroup-v1.service
# Verify
ls -l /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/doris
# Create service file
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/doris-cgroup-v2.service

# File content
Description=Create Doris CGroup V2

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '\
    mkdir -p /sys/fs/cgroup/doris && \
    chmod 770 /sys/fs/cgroup/doris && \
    chown -R doris:doris /sys/fs/cgroup/doris && \
    chmod a+w /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.procs'

# Reload systemd configuration
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# Enable service at boot
sudo systemctl enable doris-cgroup-v2.service
# Start service
sudo systemctl start doris-cgroup-v2.service
# Check service status
sudo systemctl status doris-cgroup-v2.service

# Verify
ls -l /sys/fs/cgroup/doris
cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.subtree_control

Deploy Doris FE and BE

Create Doris Cluster

Access URL: http://doris-fe-01:8004

Create Doris Manager Admin Account Service Configuration

  • Disable monitoring alert service
  • Doris local installation package path: /data1/doris/manager/downloads/doris
  • Doris Manager local installation package path: /data1/doris/manager/downloads/manager

Start Doris Manager

Create New Cluster

  • Cluster Name: Customer abbreviation_test/prd Example: guance_prd
  • Database root user password: Fill in the doris_root_password from inventory/secrets.yaml

Node Configuration

  • Node username: doris
  • Node password: Fill in the os_doris_password from inventory/secrets.yaml

  • FE installation path: /home/doris/
  • FE metadata storage directory: /data1/doris/meta

  • BE installation path: /home/doris/
  • BE data storage directory: Enter one input box per data disk, e.g., /data1/doris/data, /data2/doris/data, etc.

Deploy Cluster

Configure Doris Cluster

Modify segmentation configuration, parameters need to be changed to the cluster name

python3 -l cluster_name -i 'inventory/doris-be.*.yaml' -p playbooks/doris/update-be.yaml
Render Doris configuration in the doris-conf directory, check if cluster_name-be.conf and cluster_name-fe.conf are generated under the doris-conf folder
python3 -l cluster_name -i 'inventory/doris.vars.yaml' -p playbooks/doris/render-config.yaml

Deployment Checkpoints

Verify that storage_path is correctly configured in the configuration file;

Verify that priority_networks is correctly configured in the configuration file.

Modify BE configuration: Doris Manager cluster page top right «…» button -> «Parameter Configuration» -> Select all BE nodes -> Top right «Edit Configuration» -> Paste the generated be.conf -> Check «Confirm...» -> «OK»

Modify FE configuration: Doris Manager cluster page top right «…» button -> «Parameter Configuration» -> Select all FE nodes -> Top right «Edit Configuration» -> Paste the generated fe.conf -> Check «Confirm...» -> «OK»

Modify database configuration

python3 -l cluster_name -i 'inventory/doris-manager.*.yaml' -p playbooks/doris/exec-init-sql.yaml

In this step, the S3 bucket will be configured. You can verify if files can be uploaded to the bucket as follows:

Switch to the root user on the fe machine and log into the cluster

mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P 9030
Execute the following SQL and check if files with the prefix result_ are generated in the default_resource folder of the S3 bucket. If no files are generated, check the permissions.
use information_schema;
INTO OUTFILE "s3://bucket_name/default_resource/result_"
    "s3.endpoint" = "https://xxx",
    "s3.access_key"= "your-ak",
    "s3.secret_key" = "your-sk"

Deployment Checkpoints

Confirm that the S3 storage can be used and cannot be modified after configuration;

The S3 endpoint address must be an internal network address.

Deploy guance-insert, guance-select, and VictoriaMetrics

Initialize the machine

python3 -l cluster_name -i 'inventory/guancedb-logs-doris.*.yaml' -p playbooks/guancedb/initialize-machine.yaml 
Deploy VictoriaMetrics
 python3 -l cluster_name -i 'inventory/guancedb-logs-doris-vm.*.yaml' -p playbooks/doris/init-victoria-metrics.yaml
Deploy guance-insert and guance-select
python3 -l cluster_name -i 'inventory/guancedb-logs-doris.*.yaml' -p playbooks/guancedb/update-config.yaml

Check Cluster Status

Check VictoriaMetrics status, IP is the guance-select deployment machine

guancedb-logs-doris-api-test -ip xxx -ip yyy -ip zzz
Check Doris components
# Check components

# View logs


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