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DataKit API

This document primarily describes the HTTP API interfaces provided by DataKit.

API Overview

DataKit currently only supports HTTP interfaces, mainly involving data writing and data querying.

Obtaining the Remote DataKit Version Number

There are two ways to obtain the version number:

  • Request the DataKit ping interface: curl http://ip:9529/v1/ping
  • In the response header of each of the following API requests, the current DataKit version for the request can be identified through X-DataKit

/v1/write/:category | POST

This API is used to upload(POST) various data (category) to DataKit. The URL parameters are explained as follows:


  • Type: string
  • Required: N
  • Default value: -
  • Description: Currently only supports metric,logging,rum,object,custom_object,keyevent, for example metric, the URL should be written as /v1/write/metric

dry Version-1.30.0

  • Type: bool
  • Required: N
  • Default value: false
  • Description: Test mode, just POST Point to Datakit, not actually uploaded to the Guance Cloud

echo Version-1.30.0

  • Type: enum
  • Required: N
  • Default value: -
  • Description: Optional values lp/json/pbjson, lp indicates that the uploaded Point is represented in line protocol format in the returned Body, followed by normal JSON and PB-JSON

encoding Version-1.62.0

  • Type: string
  • Required: N
  • Default value: -
  • Description: Supports gzip, deflate, br, and zstd compression methods. If this parameter is passed, DataKit will automatically decompress the request body.

global_election_tags Version-1.4.6

ignore_global_host_tags Version-1.4.6

  • Type: bool
  • Required: N
  • Default value: false
  • Description: Whether to ignore the global host tags on DataKit. By default, the data written by this interface will carry the global host tag

input Version-1.30.0

  • Type: string
  • Required: N
  • Default value: datakit-http
  • Description: Data source name, which will be displayed on the Datakit monitor for debugging

loose Version-1.4.11

  • Type: bool
  • Required: N
  • Default value: true
  • Description: Whether to be in loose mode, for some non-compliant Points, DataKit will try to fix them

precision Version-1.30.0

  • Type: enum
  • Required: N
  • Default value: -
  • Description: Data precision (supports n/u/ms/s/m/h). If the parameter is not passed in, the timestamp precision will be automatically recognized


  • Type: string
  • Required: N
  • Default value: -
  • Description: If source is not specified (or the corresponding source.p does not exist or is invalid), the uploaded Point data will not execute the Pipeline

strict Version-1.5.9

  • Type: bool
  • Required: N
  • Default value: false
  • Description: Strict mode, for some non-compliant line protocols, the API directly reports an error and tells the specific reason
  • The following parameters have been deprecated:

    • echo_line_proto : Replace with the echo parameter
    • echo_json : Replace with the echo parameter
  • Although multiple parameters are of boolean type, if you do not need to enable the corresponding option, do not pass a false value. The API will only check for the presence of a value on the parameter and will not consider its content.

  • Automatic recognition of time precision (precision) refers to guessing the likely time granularity based on the input timestamp value. While it cannot be mathematically guaranteed to be correct, it is sufficient for everyday use. For example, for a timestamp like 1716544492, it is interpreted as seconds, whereas 1716544492000 would be interpreted as milliseconds, and so on.

  • If the data point does not include a timestamp, the timestamp of the machine where Datakit is located will be used.

  • Although the current protocol supports both binary format and any format types, Kodo has not yet supported the upload of these two types of data.

Body Description

The HTTP body supports line protocol as well as two forms of JSON.

Line Protocol Body

A single line protocol format is as follows:

measurement,<tag-list> <field-list> timestamp

Multiple line protocols are separated by newlines:

measurement_1,<tag-list> <field-list> timestamp
measurement_2,<tag-list> <field-list> timestamp


  • measurement is the name of the measurement set, which represents a collection of metrics, such as the disk measurement set, which may include metrics like free/used/total, etc.
  • <tag-list> is a list of tags separated by ,. A single tag is in the form of key=value, and the value is considered a string. In the line protocol, <tag-list> is optional
  • <field-list> is a list of metrics separated by ,. In the line protocol, <field-list> is required. A single metric is in the form of key=value, and the value format depends on its type, as follows:
    • int Example: some_int=42i, which means appending an i after the integer value to indicate
    • uint Example: some_uint=42u, which means appending a u after the integer value to indicate
    • float Example: some_float_1=3.14,some_float_2=3, where some_float_2 is an integer 3, but it is still considered a float
    • string Example: some_string="hello world", string values need to be enclosed in quotes on both ends
    • bool Example: some_true=T,some_false=F, where T/F can also be represented as t/f/true/false respectively
    • Binary Example: some_binary="base-64-encode-string"b, binary data (text byte stream []byte, etc.) needs to be base64 encoded to be represented in the line protocol, similar to string representation, but with a b appended at the end to identify
    • Array Example: some_array=[1i,2i,3i], note that the type within the array can only be a basic type (int/uint/float/boolean/string/[]byte, excluding arrays), and the types must be consistent, such as invalid_array=[1i,3.14,"string"] which is currently unsupported
  • timestamp is an integer timestamp, by default, Datakit processes this timestamp in nanoseconds, if the original data is not in nanoseconds, the actual timestamp precision needs to be specified through the request parameter precision. In the line protocol, timestamp is optional, if the data does not include a timestamp, Datakit takes the time it receives as the current line protocol time.

The parts between them are:

  • measurement and <tag-list> are separated by ,
  • <tag-list> and <field-list> are separated by a single space
  • <field-list> and timestamp are separated by a single space
  • In the line protocol, if there is a # at the beginning, it is considered a comment and will actually be ignored by the parser

Here are some simple line protocol examples:

# Normal example
some_measurement,host=my_host,region=my_region cpu_usage=0.01,memory_usage=1048576u 1710321406000000000

# No tag example
some_measurement cpu_usage=0.01,memory_usage=1048576u 1710321406000000000

# No timestamp example
some_measurement,host=my_host,region=my_region cpu_usage=0.01,memory_usage=1048576u

# All basic types included
some_measurement,host=my_host,region=my_region float=0.01,uint=1048576u,int=42i,string="my-host",boolean=T,binary="aGVsbG8="b,array=[1.414,3.14] 1710321406000000000

Some special escapes for field names and field values are:

  • measurement needs to escape ,
  • Tag key and field key need to escape =,, and spaces
  • measurement, tag key, and field key must not contain newlines (\n)
  • Tag value must not contain newlines (\n), newlines in field values do not need to be escaped
  • If the field value is a string, if there is a " character, it also needs to be escaped


Compared to the line protocol, the JSON format does not require much escaping, a simple JSON format is as follows:

        "measurement": "metric set name",

        "tags": {
            "key": "value",
            "another-key": "value"

        "fields": {
            "key": value,
            "another-key": value # Here the value can be number/bool/string/list

        "time": unix-timestamp

        # another-point...

Here is a simple JSON example:

    "measurement": "abc",
    "tags": {
      "t1": "b",
      "t2": "d"
    "fields": {
      "f1": 123,
      "f2": 3.4,
      "f3": "strval"
    "time": 1624550216000000000
    "measurement": "def",
    "tags": {
      "t1": "b",
      "t2": "d"
    "fields": {
      "f1": 123,
      "f2": 3.4,
      "f3": "strval"
      "f4": false,
      "f5": [1, 2, 3, 4],
      "f6": ["str1", "str2", "str3"]
    "time": 1624550216000000000

Although this JSON structure is simple, it has several drawbacks:

  • It cannot distinguish between int/uint/float numeric types. For example, for all numbers, JSON defaults to handling them as floats, and for the number 42, JSON cannot distinguish whether it is signed or unsigned.
  • It does not support representing binary data ([]byte): Although in some cases, JSON encoding will automatically represent []byte as a base64 string, JSON itself has no binary type representation.
  • It cannot represent other information for specific fields, such as units, metric types (gauge/count/...), etc.


Version-1.30.0 · Experimental

Due to the inherent shortcomings of simple JSON, it is recommended to use another JSON format, which has the following structure:

    "name": "point-1", # Metric set name
    "fields": [...], # List of specific fields, including Field and Tag
    "time": "1709523668830398000"
    # another point...

The structure of a single field is as follows:

  "key"    : "field-name",        # Field name (required)
  "x"      : <value>,             # Field value, the type depends on x (required)
  "type"   : "<COUNT/GAUGE/...>", # Metric type (optional)
  "unit"   : "<kb/s/...>"         # Metric unit (optional)
  "is_tag" : true/false           # Whether it is a tag (optional)

Here x has several options, listed as follows:

  • b: Indicates that the value of this key is a boolean
  • d: Indicates that the value of this key is a stream of bytes, which may be binary ([]byte), in JSON, it must be base64 encoded
  • f: Indicates that the value of this key is a floating-point type (float64)
  • i: Indicates that the value of this key is a signed integer (int64)
  • s: Indicates that the value of this key is a string type (string)
  • u: Indicates that the value of this key is an unsigned integer (uint64)
  • a: Indicates that the value of this key is a dynamic type (any), currently it only supports arrays. It has two secondary fields:
    • @type: String, the value is fixed as
    • arr: An array of objects, each element in the array is in the form of {"x": <value>}, where x is one of the above basic types ( f/i/u/s/d/b ), but not a. Here, the x of each element must be consistent

The i and u here and the time field value of each Point are represented as strings in JSON

Here is a specific JSON example:

    "name": "abc",
    "fields": [
        "key": "say",
        "s": "hello"
        "key": "some-flag",
        "b": false
        "key": "binary-data",
        "d": "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="
        "key": "int-arr",
        "a": {
          "@type": "",
          "arr": [
            { "i": "1" },
            { "i": "2" },
            { "i": "3" }
        "key": "large-int",
        "i": "1234567890"
        "key": "large-bytes",
        "u": "1234567890",
        "type": "COUNT",
        "unit": "kb"
        "key": "some-tag",
        "s": "v1",
        "is_tag": true
        "key": "pi",
        "f": 3.14
    "time": "1709523668830398000"

  • All Bodies, whether line protocol or the other two JSON formats, are array structures, that is, at least one Point is uploaded each time
  • For JSON format Bodies, it is necessary to mark Content-Type: application/json in the Header, otherwise Datakit will parse it as line protocol
  • Array support in the field requires version 1.30.0 or above (inclusive)
  • Compared to the line protocol Body, the performance of the JSON format Body is relatively poor, with a gap of about 7-8 times

Data Type Classification

In DataKit, there are mainly the following data types (listed in alphabetical order of abbreviation):

Abbreviation Name URL Representation Description
CO custom_object /v1/write/custom_object Custom object data
E keyevent /v1/write/keyevent Event data
L logging /v1/write/logging Log data
M metric /v1/write/metric Time series data
N network /v1/write/network Generally refers to eBPF data
O object /v1/write/object Object data
P profiling /v1/write/profiling Profiling data
R rum /v1/write/rum RUM data
S security /v1/write/security Security inspection data
T tracing /v1/write/tracing APM (Tracing) data

DataKit Data Structure Constraints

  1. For all types of Points, if the measurement is missing (or the measurement is an empty string), the measurement value will be automatically filled with __default
  2. For time series Points (M), strings are not allowed in the field, and Datakit will automatically discard them
  3. For non-time series Points, . characters are not allowed in tag keys and field keys, Datakit will automatically replace them with _
  4. For log Points (L), if the status field is missing (i.e., it does not exist in both tags and fields), Datakit will automatically set it to unknown
  5. For object Points (O/CO), if the name field is missing (i.e., it does not exist in both tags and fields), Datakit will automatically set it to default
  6. Tag and Field keys must not have the same name, that is, the same key cannot appear in both Tags and Fields, otherwise, it is undefined which key's value will be written
  7. The same key cannot appear multiple times within Tags or Fields, that is, the same key cannot appear multiple times in Tags/Fields, and only one of them will be retained, which one is also undefined
  8. The number of Tags does not exceed 256, and the excess Tags will be truncated
  9. The number of Fields does not exceed 1024, and the excess Fields will be truncated
  10. The length of Tag/Field Key does not exceed 256 bytes, and it will be truncated if it exceeds the length
  11. The length of the Tag Value does not exceed 1024 bytes, and it will be truncated if it exceeds the length
  12. When the Field Value is a string or byte stream, its length must not exceed 32M (32x1024x1024) bytes, and it will be truncated if it exceeds the length
  13. If the field value is a null value (null/nil, etc.), the final behavior is undefined

Line Protocol Error Analysis


If the line protocol uploaded is incorrect, the Datakit API will return the corresponding error code and error details.

Assuming we send the following line protocol content to Datakit via HTTP POST. There are two errors in this line protocol, the second and fourth t2 are missing tag values.

# path/to/some/
some1,t1=1,t2=v2 f1=1i,f2=3
some2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2=3
some3,t1=1,t2=v3 f1=1i,f2=3
some2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2=
$ curl -s http://datakit-ip:9529/v1/write/logging --data-binary "@path/to/some/"

  "error_code": "datakit.invalidLinePoint",
  "message": "invalid lineprotocol: unable to parse 'some2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2=3'(pos: 29): missing tag value\nunable to parse 'some2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2='(pos: 82): missing tag value\nwith 2 point parse ok, 2 points failed. Origin data: \"some1,t1=1,t2=v2 f1=1i,f2=3\\nsome2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2=3\\nsome3,t1=1,t2=v3 f1=1i,f2=3\\nsome2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2=\\n\""

To better display the JSON in the request result, you can use the tool jq, for example, the complex message field above can be directly extracted into pure text through jq:

$ curl -s http://datakit-ip:9529/v1/write/logging --data-binary "@path/to/some/" | jq -r .message
invalid lineprotocol: unable to parse 'some2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2=3'(pos: 29): missing tag value
unable to parse 'some2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2='(pos: 82): missing tag value
with 2 point parse ok, 2 points failed. Origin data: "some1,t1=1,t2=v2 f1=1i,f2=3\nsome2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2=3\nsome3,t1=1,t2=v3 f1=1i,f2=3\nsome2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2=\n"

Here, message expands to:

invalid lineprotocol: unable to parse 'some2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2=3'(pos: 29): missing tag value
unable to parse 'some2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2='(pos: 82): missing tag value
with 2 point parse ok, 2 points failed. Origin data: "some1,t1=1,t2=v2 f1=1i,f2=3\nsome2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2=3\nsome3,t1=1,t2=v3 f1=1i,f2=3\nsome2,t1=1,t2 f1=1i,f2=\n"

message interpretation:

  • Since there are two errors, there are two unable to parse... in the returned information. Behind each error, the offset position of this line protocol in the original data ( pos ) will be attached to facilitate troubleshooting.
  • The returned error message will show the number of points that were parsed successfully and failed.
  • Origin data... attaches the original HTTP Body (if it contains binary, it will be displayed in hexadecimal form such as \x00\x32\x54..., etc.)

In the Datakit logs, if the line protocol is incorrect, the content of message here will also be recorded.

Verifying Uploaded Data

No matter which method (lp/pbjson/json) is used to upload data, DataKit will attempt to make some corrections to the data. These corrections may not be as expected, but we can use the echo parameter to view the final data:

Compared to the other two methods, using the PB-JSON method allows you to see the details and reasons for the correction. If the Point structure is automatically corrected, the Point will have a warns field to indicate the reason for the correction.

For example, in logging data, field keys are not allowed to contain . characters. DataKit will automatically convert them to _. In this case, the JSON(pbjson) response body will include additional warns information:

    "name": "...",
    "fields": [...],
    "time": "...",
    "warns": [
        "type": "dot_in_key",
        "message": "invalid field key `some.field`: found `.'"


Detects whether DataKit is running at the target address and can obtain the DataKit start time and version information. Example:

GET /v1/ping HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK



Used to report errors from external collectors. Example:

POST /v1/lasterror HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "err_content":"Cache avalanche"


Use DQL to query data (only data from the workspace where this DataKit is located can be queried), example:

POST /v1/query/raw HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

            "query": "cpu:(usage_idle) LIMIT 1",  # DQL query statement (required)
            "conditions": "",                     # Additional DQL query conditions
            "max_duration": "1d",                 # Maximum time range
            "max_point": 0,                       # Maximum number of points
            "time_range": [],                     #
            "orderby": [],                        #
            "disable_slimit": true,               # Disable the default SLimit, when set to true, no default SLimit value will be added, otherwise SLimit 20 will be forcibly added
            "disable_multiple_field": true        # Disable multiple fields. When set to true, only data from a single field (excluding the time field) can be queried

Parameter Description

Name Description
conditions Additional conditional expressions using DQL syntax, for example hostname="cloudserver01" OR system="ubuntu". It has an AND relationship with the existing query conditions and will be enclosed in parentheses to avoid confusion with them.
disable_multiple_field Whether to disable multiple fields. When set to true, only data from a single field (excluding the time field) can be queried, default is false.
disable_slimit Whether to disable the default SLimit, when set to true, no default SLimit value will be added, otherwise SLimit 20 will be forcibly added, default is false.
echo_explain Whether to return the final execution statement (returned in the raw_query field of the JSON data).
highlight Highlight search results.
limit Limit the number of points returned by a single timeline, which will override the limit in DQL.
max_duration Limit the maximum query time, supports units ns/us/ms/s/m/h/d/w/y, for example, 3d is 3 days, 2w is 2 weeks, 1y is 1 year. The default is 1 year, and this parameter also limits the time_range parameter.
max_point Limit the maximum number of aggregated points. When using aggregate functions, if the aggregation density is too small and results in too many points, it will replace it with a new aggregation interval of (end_time-start_time)/max_point.
offset Generally used in conjunction with limit configuration for result pagination.
orderby Specify order by parameters, content format is an array of map[string]string, key is the name of the field to be sorted, and value can only be the sorting method, i.e., asc and desc, for example [ { "column01" : "asc" }, { "column02" : "desc" } ]. This will replace the original query statement's order by.
queries Basic query module, including query statements and various additional parameters.
query DQL query statement (DQL documentation).
search_after Deep pagination, for the first call to pagination, pass in an empty list: "search_after": [], after a successful server response, the client directly reuses the value of this list through the search_after parameter for subsequent queries.
slimit Limit the number of timelines, which will override the slimit in DQL.
time_range Limit the time range, in timestamp format, unit is milliseconds, an array of int with a size of 2, if there is only one element, it is considered the start time, which will override the time range interval in the original query statement.

Return data example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "content": [
            "series": [
                    "name": "cpu",
                    "columns": [
                    "values": [
            "cost": "25.093363ms",
            "raw_query": "SELECT \"usage_idle\" FROM \"cpu\" LIMIT 1",

/v1/object/labels | POST

Create or update object labels.

request body description

Parameter Description Type
object_class Indicates the type of object associated with labels, such as HOST string
object_name Indicates the name of the object associated with labels, such as host-123 string
key Indicates the specific field name of the object associated with labels, such as the process name field process_name string
value Indicates the specific field value of the object associated with labels, such as the process name systemsoundserverd void
labels labels list, an array of string []string

Request example:

curl -XPOST "" \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
            "object_class": "host_processes",
            "object_name": "ubuntu20-dev_49392",
            "key": "host",
            "value": "ubuntu20-dev",
            "labels": ["l1","l2"]

Success return example:

status_code: 200
    "content": {
        "_id": "375370265b0641xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Failure return example:

status_code: 500

/v1/object/labels | DELETE

Delete object labels.

request body description

Parameter Description Type
object_class Indicates the type of object associated with labels, such as HOST string
object_name Indicates the name of the object associated with labels, such as host-123 string
key Indicates the specific field name of the object associated with labels, such as the process name field process_name string
value Indicates the specific field value of the object associated with labels, such as the process name systemsoundserverd void

Request example:

curl -XPOST ""  \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
            "object_class": "host_processes",
            "object_name": "ubuntu20-dev_49392",
            "key": "host",
            "value": "ubuntu20-dev"

Success return example:

status_code: 200
    "content": {
        "msg": "delete success!"

Failure return example:

status_code: 500
    "errorCode": "some-internal-error"

/v1/pipeline/debug | POST

Provides the functionality of remote debugging of the Pipeline.

Error information PlError structure:

type Position struct {
    File string `json:"file"`
    Ln   int    `json:"ln"`
    Col  int    `json:"col"`
    Pos  int    `json:"pos"`

type PlError struct {
    PosChain []Position `json:"pos_chain"`
    Err      string     `json:"error"`

Error information JSON example:

  "pos_chain": [
    { // Error generation location (script termination)
      "file": "xx.p",    // File name or file path
      "ln":   15,        // Line number
      "col":  29,        // Column number
      "pos":  576,       // Absolute character position from 0 in the text
    ... ,
    { // Starting point of the call chain
      "file": "b.p",
      "ln":   1,
      "col":  1,
      "pos":  0,
  "error": "error msg"

Request example:

POST /v1/pipeline/debug
Content-Type: application/json

    "pipeline": {
      "<caregory>": {
        "<script_name>": <base64("pipeline-source-code")>
    "script_name": "<script_name>"
    "category": "<logging[metric, tracing, ...]>", # Log category, pass in log text, other categories need to pass in line protocol text
    "data": [ base64("raw-logging-data1"), ... ], # Can be log or line protocol
    "encode": "@data's character encoding",         # Default is utf8 encoding
    "benchmark": false,                  # Whether to enable benchmark

Normal return example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "content": {
        "cost": "2.3ms",
        "benchmark": BenchmarkResult.String(), # Return benchmark results
        "pl_errors": [],                       # PlError list generated during script parsing or inspection
        "plresults": [                         # Since logs may be multi-line, multiple cutting results will be returned here
                "point": {
                  "name" : "Can be metric set name, log source, etc.",
                  "tags": { "key": "val", "other-key": "other-val"},
                  "fields": { "f1": 1, "f2": "abc", "f3": 1.2 }
                  "time": 1644380607,   # Unix timestamp (unit seconds), the front end can convert it to a readable date
                  "time_ns": 421869748, # The remaining nanoseconds time, which is convenient for accurately converting to a date, the complete nanosecond timestamp is 1644380607421869748
                "dropped": false,  # Whether the result is marked for discard during pipeline execution
                "run_error": null  # If there is no error, the value is null
            {  another-result },

Error return example:

HTTP Code: 400

    "error_code": "datakit.invalidCategory",
    "message": "invalid category"

/v1/dialtesting/debug | POST

Provides remote debugging functionality for dial testing, which can control the prohibition of network dialing through environment variables.

Request example:

POST /v1/dialtesting/debug
Content-Type: application/json

    "task_type" : "http",//"http","tcp","icmp","websocket"
    "task" : {
        "name"               : "",
        "method"             : "",
        "url"                : "",
        "post_url"           : "",
        "cur_status"         : "",
        "frequency"          : "",
        "enable_traceroute"  : true, // true represents checking, only useful for tcp, icmp
        "success_when_logic" : "",
        "SuccessWhen"        : []*HTTPSuccess ,
        "tags"               : map[string]string ,
        "labels"             : []string,
        "advance_options"    : *HTTPAdvanceOption,

Normal return example:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "content": {
        "cost": "2.3ms",
        "status": "success", # success/fail
        "error_msg": "",
              "total"    : 3,
              "failed"   : 0,
              "loss"     : 0,
              "avg_cost" : 0,
              "min_cost" : 2,
              "max_cost" : 3,
              "std_cost" : 33,
              "items" : [
                      "ip"            : "",
                      "response_time" : 33

Error return example:

HTTP Code: 400

    "error_code": "datakit.invalidClass",
    "message": "invalid class"

/v1/sourcemap | PUT


Upload sourcemap files, this interface requires the RUM collector to be enabled.

Request parameter description.

Parameter Description Type
token The token contained in the dataway address in datakit.conf configuration string
app_id The unique ID identifier for user access to the application, such as test-sourcemap string
env The deployment environment of the application, such as prod string
version The version of the application, such as 1.0.0 string
platform The type of application, optional values web/miniapp/android/ios, default web string

Request example:

curl -X PUT "http://localhost:9529/v1/sourcemap?app_id=test_sourcemap&env=production&version=1.0.0&token=tkn_xxxxx&platform=web"  \
-F "file=@./" \
-H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data"

Success return example:

  "content": "uploaded to [/path/to/datakit/data/rum/web/]!",
  "errorMsg": "",
  "success": true

Failure return example:

  "content": null,
  "errorMsg": "app_id not found",
  "success": false

/v1/sourcemap | DELETE


Delete sourcemap files; this endpoint requires the RUM collector to be enabled.

Request parameter description:

Parameter Description Type
token The token included in the dataway address in datakit.conf configuration string
app_id The unique ID identifier for user access to the application, such as test-sourcemap string
env The deployment environment of the application, such as prod string
version The version of the application, such as 1.0.0 string
platform The type of application, with optional values web/miniapp/android/ios, defaulting to web string

Request example:

curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:9529/v1/sourcemap?app_id=test_sourcemap&env=production&version=1.0.0&token=tkn_xxxxx&platform=web"

Success return example:

  "content":"deleted [/path/to/datakit/data/rum/web/]!",

Failure return example:

  "content": null,
  "errorMsg": "delete sourcemap file [/path/to/datakit/data/rum/web/] failed: remove /path/to/datakit/data/rum/web/ no such file or directory",
  "success": false

/v1/sourcemap/check | GET


Verify if the sourcemap files are correctly configured; this endpoint requires the RUM collector to be enabled.

Request parameter description:

Parameter Description Type
error_stack The error stack information string
app_id The unique ID identifier for user access to the application, such as test-sourcemap string
env The deployment environment of the application, such as prod string
version The version of the application, such as 1.0.0 string
platform The type of application, with optional values web/miniapp/android/ios, defaulting to web string

Request example:

curl "http://localhost:9529/v1/sourcemap/check?app_id=test_sourcemap&env=production&version=1.0.0&error_stack=at%20test%20%40%20http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fmain.min.js%3A1%3A48"

Success return example:

  "content": {
    "error_stack": "at test @ main.js:6:6",
    "original_error_stack": "at test @ http://localhost:8080/main.min.js:1:48"
  "errorMsg": "",
  "success": true

Failure return example:

  "content": {
    "error_stack": "at test @ http://localhost:8080/main.min.js:1:483",
    "original_error_stack": "at test @ http://localhost:8080/main.min.js:1:483"
  "errorMsg": "fetch original source information failed, make sure sourcemap file [] is valid",
  "success": false

/metrics | GET

Retrieve the Prometheus metrics exposed by Datakit.

/v1/global/host/tags | GET

Retrieve global-host-tags.

Request example:


Success return example:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "host-tags": {
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"

/v1/global/host/tags | POST

Create or update global-host-tags.

Request example:

curl -X POST ""

Success return example:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "dataway-tags": {
        "e": "e",
        "h": "h",
        "tag1": "v1",
        "tag2": "v2",
        "host": "host-name"
    "election-tags": {
        "e": "e"
    "host-tags": {
        "h": "h",
        "tag1": "v1",
        "tag2": "v2",
        "host": "host-name"

After successful modification, if in host mode, the changes will be persisted to the configuration file datakit.conf.

/v1/global/host/tags | DELETE

Delete some global-host-tags.

Request example:

curl -X DELETE ",tag3"

Success return example:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "dataway-tags": {
        "e": "e",
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"
    "election-tags": {
        "e": "e"
    "host-tags": {
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"

After successful modification, if in host mode, the changes will be persisted to the configuration file datakit.conf.

/v1/global/election/tags | GET

Retrieve global-election-tags.

Request example:


Success return example:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "election-tags": {
        "e": "e"

/v1/global/election/tags | POST

Create or update global-election-tags.

Request example:

curl -X POST ""

Success return example:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "dataway-tags": {
        "e": "e",
        "h": "h",
        "tag1": "v1",
        "tag2": "v2",
        "host": "host-name"
    "election-tags": {
        "tag1": "v1",
        "tag2": "v2",
        "e": "e"
    "host-tags": {
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"

After successful modification, if in host mode, the changes will be persisted to the configuration file datakit.conf.

When the global global-election-enable = false, this command is prohibited, and the failure return example is:

status_code: 500
Response: {
    "message": "Can't use this command when global-election is false."

/v1/global/election/tags | DELETE

Delete some global-election-tags.

Request example:

curl -X DELETE ",tag3"

Success return example:

status_code: 200
Response: {
    "dataway-tags": {
        "e": "e",
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"
    "election-tags": {
        "e": "e"
    "host-tags": {
        "h": "h",
        "host": "host-name"

After successful modification, if in host mode, the changes will be persisted to the configuration file datakit.conf.

When the global global-election-enable = false, this command is prohibited, and the failure return example is:

status_code: 500
Response: {
    "message": "Can't use this command when global-election is false."

Further Reading


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