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Compilation Troubleshooting

Compilation errors occur, and the first step is to check the compilation environment.

Runnable Compilation Environment

✅ Runnable Environment

  • AGP version 3.5.0 or higher
  • Gradle version 5.4.0 or higher
  • Java version 8.0 or higher
  • Android minSdkVersion 21

Note: As Android Studio versions are updated, the compatibility of these versions may change. If you encounter compilation errors even though your environment meets the above conditions, please contact our developers.

⚠️ Compatible Running Environment

  • AGP version 3.0.1 or higher
  • Gradle version 4.8.1 or higher
  • Java version 8.0 or higher
  • Android minSdkVersion 21

This environment does not support ft-plugin, and data auto-capture needs to be manually integrated. For more information on manual integration, refer to here.

SDK Unable to Resolve Imports

The above errors occur because the Maven repository is not correctly configured. Please refer to the configuration here.

Compilation Errors

Desugaring Error

>Task :app:transformClassesWithStackFramesFixerForDebug
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a load for Ljava/lang/String; to set up parameter 0 for com/ft/sdk/FTRUMGlobalManager$$Lambda$11 but got 95
        at (
        at android.desugar.LambdaDesugaring$InvokedynamicRewriter
        ( 420)
        at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.a(Unknown Source)
        at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.b(Unknown Source)
        at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.accept(Unknown Source)
        at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.accept(Unknown Source)
        at android.desugar. Desugar.desugarClassesInInput ( at at Desugar.desugar ( at Desugar.main (
If the above error occurs during compilation, it is due to an AGP 3.0.0 compatibility issue. The issue explains this problem. You can resolve it by upgrading AGP to version 3.1.0 or higher, or using a newer version of the SDK. Upgrade the version in app/build.gradle.

dependencies {
    implementation('')//1.3.10 or higher

API 'android.registerTransform' is Obsolete

Transform has been marked as Deprecated in AGP 7.0 and removed in AGP 8.0. ft-plugin:1.2.0 has completed adaptation, please upgrade the corresponding version to fix this error. For specific instructions, see integration configuration

AndroidComponentsExtension ClassNotFoundException

AndroidComponentsExtension is a method supported by AGP 7.4.2. Environments below this version will generate this error. You can use the ft-plugin-legacy version to fix this error. For detailed instructions, see integration configuration


  • Invalid opcode 169

If this error occurs while using ft_plugin_legacy, it is due to a bug in asm-commons:7.0. The original issue is here. This can be resolved by depending on org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:7.2 or higher in the plugin configuration. Use ./gradlew buildEnvironment to confirm the actual asm-commons version being used.

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath '[version]'
        // Add dependency
        classpath 'org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:7.2' 
  • org.ow2.asm:asm version lower than 7.0

Currently, the plugin only supports build environments using org.ow2.asm:asm7.x or higher. Use ./gradlew buildEnvironment to query the build environment and confirm this issue. This can be fixed by forcing a dependency on version 7.x or higher. It is recommended to use version 7.2 or higher.

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath '[version]'
         // Add dependency
        classpath 'org.ow2.asm:asm:7.2'
        classpath 'org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:7.2'

SDK Initialization Exception Verification

Check Logcat to confirm if there are any logs with Level as Error and Tag prefixed with [FT-SDK]

[FT-SDK] com.demo E Please install the SDK first (call FTSdk.install(FTSDKConfig ftSdkConfig) when the application starts)

Enable Debug Mode

ft-sdk Debug Mode

You can enable the debug functionality of the SDK through the following configuration. Once enabled, the console LogCat will output SDK debug logs, which you can filter by [FT-SDK] to locate Guance SDK logs.

  val config = FTSDKConfig.builder(datakitUrl).setDebug(true)

Log Example

Data Synchronization
// Check if the upload URL is correctly configured in the SDK
[FT-SDK]FTHttpConfigManager com.demo D  serverUrl ==>
                                    Datakit Url:
// Below are connection error logs
[FT-SDK]SyncTaskManager com.demo   E  Network not available Stop poll
[FT-SDK]SyncTaskManager com.demo   E  
            1:Sync Fail-[code:10003,response:failed to connect to (port 9529) from 
   (port 47968) after 10000ms, check if the local network connection is normal]

// Below are successful synchronization logs
[FT-SDK]SyncTaskManager com.demo   D  Sync Success-[code:200,response:]

It is recommended to disable this configuration for Release versions

ft-plugin Debug Mode

You can enable Plugin debug logs through the following configuration. Once enabled, you can find [FT-Plugin] logs in the Build output logs. This can help you view the Plugin ASM writing situation.

FTExt {
    // Whether to display Plugin logs, default is false
    showLog = true

It is recommended to disable this configuration for Release versions

SDK Internal Logs Converted to Cache Files

// >= 1.4.6
// Default path: /data/data/{package_name}/files/LogInner.log

// >= 1.4.5+ 
val cacheFile = File(filesDir, "LogCache.log")

To ensure the integrity of internal logs, this configuration should be set before initializing the SDK

SDK Runs Normally But No Data

  • Troubleshoot Datakit to ensure it is running properly

  • Confirm that the SDK upload address datakitUrl or datawayUrl is configured correctly and initialized correctly. In debug mode, check the logs to diagnose upload issues.

  • Verify whether datakit is uploading data to the corresponding workspace and whether it is offline. This can be confirmed by logging into Guance and checking the "Infrastructure".

Data Loss

Partial Data Loss

  • If data from a particular RUM session or Log, Trace data is missing, first check if sampleRate < 1 is set in FTRUMConfig, FTLoggerConfig, FTTraceConfig.
  • Investigate network and load issues between the device uploading data and the device running datakit.
  • Ensure FTSdk.shutDown is called correctly, as this method releases SDK data processing objects, including cached data.

Resource Data Loss

Automatic Collection Not Properly Integrated with ft-plugin

Resource automatic collection requires Plugin ASM bytecode injection to automatically configure OkHttpClient Interceptor and EventListener, injecting FTTraceInterceptor, FTResourceInterceptor, FTResourceEventListener.FTFactory. If not using Plugin, refer to here Called Before SDK Initialization

Plugin ASM injects automatically when is called. If called before SDK initialization, it will load empty configurations, leading to loss of Resource-related data. This scenario can be self-inspected using debug mode logs.

// SDK initialization log
[FT-SDK]FTSdk       com.ft  D  initFTConfig complete
[FT-SDK]FTSdk       com.ft  D  initLogWithConfig complete
[FT-SDK]FTSdk       com.ft  D  initRUMWithConfig complete
[FT-SDK]FTSdk       com.ft  D  initTraceWithConfig complete

// SDK call log
// (must be called after SDK initialization)
[FT-SDK]AutoTrack   com.ft  D  trackOkHttpBuilder    

If unable to adjust the initialization order, choose manual integration

Data Processed Twice Using Interceptor or EventListener

After Plugin ASM inserts, it adds addInterceptor in OkHttpClient.Builder() to add FTTraceInterceptor and FTResourceInterceptor, where the body contentLength of HTTP requests participates in unique id calculation. Resource data across different stages is linked via this id. If integrating parties also add addInterceptor and process data, changing its size, it results in inconsistent id calculations, causing data loss.


  • ft-sdk < 1.4.1

    By adjusting the custom addInterceptor order to let the SDK calculate the id first, this issue can be resolved. To avoid duplicate settings, disable FTRUMConfig.enableTraceUserResource and FTTraceConfig.enableAutoTrace.

  • ft-sdk >= 1.4.1

    The SDK automatically adapts to this issue.

Error Data Loss (Crash Type Data)

  • Confirm whether other third-party SDKs with crash capture functionality are used simultaneously. If so, initialize the observation SDK after other SDKs.

Missing Specific Field Information in Data

User Data Fields

  • Confirm correct calls to user data binding methods. In debug mode, you can track this issue through logs.

    [FT-SDK]FTRUMConfigManager com.demo D  bindUserData xxxx
    ///---> Your data operations <-----
    [FT-SDK]FTRUMConfigManager com.demo D unbindUserData

Missing Custom Parameters or Incorrect Values

  • Confirm calls in the correct context, FTRUMConfig.addGlobalContext, FTLoggerConfig.addGlobalContext suitable for scenarios within an application cycle that do not change, such as app distributors or different Flavor attributes. For dynamic scenes requiring real-time response, use manual calls to RUM and Log interfaces.
  • In debug mode, check [FT-SDK]SyncTaskManager logs to validate the correctness of custom field parameters.

Log Enablement Causes Lag (enableConsoleLog)

If lag occurs, it may be due to excessive log collection data. FTLoggerConfig.enableConsoleLog captures android.util.Log, Java, and Kotlin println. Adjust FTLoggerConfig settings like sampleRate, logPrefix, logLevelFilters to mitigate or eliminate this issue.

Okhttp EventListener Becomes Ineffective After Integrating SDK

After Plugin AOP ASM insertion, eventListenerFactory is added in OkHttpClient.Builder(), overriding the original eventListener or eventListenerFactory.


  • ft-sdk < 1.4.1

    Disable automatic Plugin AOP settings FTRUMConfig.setEnableTraceUserResource(false) and customize a CustomEventListenerFactory inheriting FTResourceEventListener.FTFactory, using custom integration.

  • ft-sdk >= 1.4.1

    Customize a CustomEventListenerFactory inheriting FTResourceEventListener.FTFactory and set FTRUMConfig.setOkHttpEventListenerHandler to customize the ASM-injected eventListenerFactory.

  • ft-sdk >= 1.6.7

    The SDK automatically adapts to this issue.


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