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Applet Access Based on Uniapp Development Framework

Update Logs


  • The initialization parameter adds isIntakeUrl configuration, which is used to determine whether the data of the corresponding resource needs to be captured according to the requested resource url, and by default they are all captured.


  • New traceType configuration, configure the link tracing tool type, if not configure the default is ddtrace. Currently supports ddtrace, zipkin, skywalking_v3, jaeger, zipkin_single_header, w3c_traceparent 6 data types.
  • New allowedTracingOrigins allows to inject a list of all requests with the header headers required by the trace collector. It can be the origin of the request, or it can be a regular.

By introducing sdk files, we monitor applet performance metrics, error logs, and resource request status data and report them to the Guance platform.

Use Method

Introduce the code at the head of the main.js file in the uniapp project entry file in the following way


Introduction (see uniapp official npm introduction method)

import Vue from 'vue'
//#ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS || APP-NVUE || APP-PLUS-NVUE
const { datafluxRum } = require('@cloudcare/rum-uniapp')
// Initialize Rum
datafluxRum.init(Vue, {
    datakitOrigin: '',// Required, Datakit domain name address needs to be added with domain name white list in WeChat applet management background.
    applicationId: 'appid_xxxxxxx', // Required, application ID generated by dataflux platform.
    env: 'testing', // Optional filling, small program environment.
    version: '1.0.0', // Optional, small program version.
    trackInteractions: true, // User behavior data

Introduction (see uniapp official npm introduction method)

//#ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS || APP-NVUE || APP-PLUS-NVUE
import { datafluxRum } from '@cloudcare/rum-uniapp'
// Initialize Rum
    datakitOrigin: '',// Required, Datakit domain name address needs to be added with domain name white list in WeChat applet management background.
    applicationId: 'appid_xxxxxxx', // Required, application ID generated by dataflux platform.
    env: 'testing', // Optional filling, small program environment.
    version: '1.0.0', // Optional, small program version.
    trackInteractions: true, // User behavior data


Download files imported locally (download address)

import Vue from 'vue'
//#ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS || APP-NVUE || APP-PLUS-NVUE
const { datafluxRum } = require('./dataflux-rum-miniapp.js'); // Js file local path
// Initialize Rum
datafluxRum.init(Vue, {
    datakitOrigin: '',// Required, Datakit domain name address needs to be added with domain name white list in WeChat applet management background.
    applicationId: 'appid_xxxxxxx', // Required, application ID generated by dataflux platform.
    env: 'testing', // Optional filling, small program environment.
    version: '1.0.0', // Optional, small program version.
    trackInteractions: true, // User behavior data

Download files imported locally (download address)

//#ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS || APP-NVUE || APP-PLUS-NVUE
import { datafluxRum } from './dataflux-rum-miniapp.js'; // Js file local path
// Initialize Rum
    datakitOrigin: '',// Required, Datakit domain name address needs to be added with domain name white list in WeChat applet management background.
    applicationId: 'appid_xxxxxxx', // Required, application ID generated by dataflux platform.
    env: 'testing', // Optional filling, small program environment.
    version: '1.0.0', // Optional, small program version.
    trackInteractions: true, // User behavior data


Initialization Parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Value Description
applicationId String Yes Application ID created from Guance
datakitOrigin String Yes datakit data reporting Origin;Note: need to add request whitelist in the applet management backend
env String No The current environment of the applet application, such as prod: online environment; gray: grayscale environment; pre: pre-release environment common: daily environment; local: local environment.
version String No Applet App version number
service String No The service name of the current application, default is browser, custom configuration is supported.
sampleRate Number No 100 Metric data collection percentage: 100 means fully collected, 0 means not collected
trackInteractions Boolean No false Whether to open user behavior collection
traceType Enum No ddtrace Configure the link tracing tool type, if not the default is ddtrace. Currently, ddtrace, zipkin, skywalking_v3, jaeger, zipkin_single_header, w3c_traceparent are the 6 data types supported. Note: opentelemetry supports zipkin_single_header,w3c_traceparent,zipkin,jaeger types.

Note: Configuring the traceType of the appropriate type requires setting a different Access-Control-All-Headers for the corresponding API service to see specifically how APM associates with RUM
traceId128Bit Boolean No false Whether to generate traceID in 128 bytes, corresponding to traceType, currently supported types zipkin, jaeger
allowedTracingOrigins Array No [[] A list of all requests allowed to inject header headers required by the ddtrace collector. It can be the origin of the request, or it can be regular, origin: Protocol (including://), domain name (or IP address) [and port number]
For example:
["", /https:\\/\\/.*\\.my-api-domain\\.com/]
isIntakeUrl Function No function(url) {return false} The user-defined method judges whether the corresponding resource data needs to be collected according to the requested resource url, and collects it by default. Returns: false means to collect, true means not to collect
The result returned by this parameter method must be of Boolean type, otherwise it is considered an invalid parameter
Note: Version requirements are 2.1. 13 and above


  1. The datakit domain name corresponding to datakitOrigin must be added with a request white list in the applet management background
  2. At present, there is no perfect unification of the api exposure of performance data in each platform, so some performance data cannot be collected perfectly, such as applet start, applet package download, script injection, etc. Some data may be missing except for the WeChat platform.
  3. At present, the profile field in the returned data of uni.request and uni.downloadFile of the resource request API of each platform is only returned by the ios system of WeChat applet, so it will lead to incomplete collection of resource information and timing-related data. There is no solution at the moment, request, downloadFile ; API support
  4. After trackInteractions user behavior collection is opened, the content and structure data of the control cannot be collected because of the limitation of WeChat applet, so we adopt declarative programming in the applet SDK, by setting the data-name property in the template, you can add a name to the interaction element to facilitate the subsequent statistics to locate the operation record, for example
 <button bindtap="bindSetData" data-name="setData">setData</button>


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