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DQL Definition

Below is the DataFlux Query Language (DQL) definition. As support for different syntaxes gradually expands, this document will be adjusted and modified to varying degrees.

Global constraints are as follows:

  • Non-keywords (such as metric names, label names, etc.) are case-sensitive, while keywords and function names are case-insensitive;

  • The # character is used for line comments; inline comments are not supported;

  • Supported operators:

    • + - Addition
    • - - Subtraction
    • * - Multiplication
    • / - Division
    • % - Modulus
    • = - Equal to
    • != - Not equal to
    • <= - Less than or equal to
    • < - Less than
    • >= - Greater than or equal to
    • > - Greater than
    • ^ - Exponentiation
    • && - Logical AND
    • || - Logical OR
  • Supported keywords:

  • Identifiers: Identifiers come in several forms to accommodate various variable naming conventions:

    • Normal variable names can only contain [_a-zA-Z0-9] characters, and the first character cannot be a digit. For example, _abc, _abc123, _123ab.
    • Other forms of variable names:
      • this+is-a*xx/yy^zz?variable should be written as `this+is-a*xx/yy^zz?variable` and `by`. The former contains operators within the variable, while the latter's by is a DQL keyword.
      • UTF8 identifiers such as Chinese characters are supported, e.g., M::cpu:(usage AS usage_rate) [5m].
        • Emoji support: M::cpu:(usage AS usage_rate👍) [5m].
      • If a variable contains a backtick, this`is-a-variable should be written as `identifier("this`is-a-variable")`.
  • String values can use double quotes and single quotes: "this is a string" and 'this is a string' are equivalent.

  • Special strings:

    • Base64 strings: DQL supports handling base64 strings. For base64 strings, DQL can automatically decode the original string during queries. The syntax is as follows:

      • b64`some-base64-string`
      • b64'some-base64-string'
      • b64"some-base64-string"
    • Regular expression strings: The original re('xxx') has been deprecated. It is recommended to use the following format to identify regular expressions.

      • re`some-regexp` * (recommended) *
      • re'some-regexp'
      • re"some-regexp"
  • Supported data types:

    • Floating-point (123.4, 5.67E3)
    • Integer (123, -1)
    • String ('John Doe', "hello world")
    • Boolean (true, false)
    • Duration (1y, 1w, 1d, 1h, 1m, 1s, 1ms, 1us, 1ns representing 1 year/week/day/hour/minute/second/millisecond/microsecond/nanosecond)


Queries follow the following syntactic paradigm. Note that the relative order between parts cannot be changed, such as time-expr appearing before filter-clause.


From a syntactic perspective, data-source is mandatory (similar to the FROM clause in SQL), while other parts are optional. However, during actual query execution, certain constraints may apply (for example, time_expr does not allow too large time spans).


# Get all fields of the metric set cpu for the last 5 minutes
M::cpu [5m]

# Find all metrics matching the regular expression *db for the last 5 minutes
M::re('*db') [5m]

# Get all field data from the metric set cpu from 10 minutes ago to 5 minutes ago
M::cpu [10m:5m]

# Get all field data from the metric set cpu from 10 minutes ago to 5 minutes ago, aggregated at 1-minute intervals
M::cpu:(usage_idle) [10m:5m:1m]

# Query Time Series data for the metric set cpu for the last 5 minutes for two fields time_active, time_guest_nice,
# filtered by host and cpu tags, grouped by host and cpu to display results.
M:: cpu:(time_active, time_guest_nice)
    { host = "host-name", cpu = "cpu0" } [5m] BY host,cpu

# Order by height in descending order and get the top ten
O::human:(height, age) { age > 100, sex = "male" } ORDER BY height desc LIMIT 10

M::cpu,mem:(time_active, time_guest_nice, host) { host = "host-name", cpu = "cpu0" } [5m] BY host,cpu

Note: :: and : on both sides can have whitespace characters, as the following statements are equivalent:

M::cpu:(time_active, time_guest_nice)
    { host = "host-name", cpu = "cpu0" } [5m]

M   ::cpu : (time_active, time_guest_nice)
    { host = "host-name", cpu = "cpu0" } [5m]

M   :: cpu :   (time_active, time_guest_nice)
    { host = "host-name", cpu = "cpu0" } [5m]

Examples of Various Data Type Queries

  • M::metric_set_name:(aggregation_function(metric_name)) { label_name = 'label_value' } BY label_name

    • Example: M::cpu:(last(usage_system)) {host=xxx} BY host_ip
  • L::log_source:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: L::datakit:(COUNT(*)) { index = 'default' } BY host
  • O::category_name:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: O::HOST:(COUNT(*)) { class = 'HOST' } BY host_ip
  • E::event_source:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: E::monitor:(COUNT(create_time)) { create_time = 1688708829409 } BY df_event_id
  • T::service_name:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: T::mysqli:(COUNT(resource)) { status = 'ok' } BY status
  • R::data_source:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: R::error:(LAST(browser)) { city = 'unknown' } BY city
  • S::category_name:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: S::storage:(LAST(host)) { level = re('warn') } BY level
  • N::network_source:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: N::httpflow:(FIRST(direction)) { http_version = '1.1' } BY dst_ip_type
  • P::Profiling_name:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: P::mysqli:(COUNT(resource)) { status = 'ok' } BY status

Without using aggregation functions:

For example:

  • Counting the number of containers under different namespaces:

O::docker_containers:(COUNT(*)) BY namespace

  • Query all fields of the container and return the latest 10 records:

O::docker_containers {host=xxx} limit 10



Semantically, the following data sources are currently supported:

  • M/metric - Time Series Metrics Data
  • O/object - Object Data
  • CO/custom_object - User Resource Catalog Data
  • L/logging - Log Data
  • E/event - Event Data
  • T/tracing - Tracing Data
  • R/rum - RUM Data
  • F/func - Func Function Computation
  • N/network - Network eBPF Data Lookup

At the syntax level, there are no constraints on data sources. The data source syntax is as follows:

data-source ::
    # Specific query details...

In specific queries, if the data source is not specified, it defaults to metric (or M), meaning Time Series Metrics is the default data source for DQL.

Target Clause

The result list of the query:

M::cpu:(time_active, system_usage) {host="biz_prod"} [5m]

# This supports calculations between different metrics on the same metric set (types must match)
M::cpu:(time_active+1, time_active/time_guest_nice) [5m]

Filter Clause

The filter clause is used to filter the result data, similar to the where condition in SQL:

# Query the height of centenarian males in the human population (__class=human)
O::human:(height) { age > 100, sex = "male" }

# Filter with regex
O::human:(height) { age > 100, sex != re("male") }

# Filter with an expression
O::human:(height) { (age + 1)/2 > 31, sex != re("male") }

# Filter with OR expressions
O::human:(height) { age > 31 || sex != re("male"), weight > 70}

# Aggregate result column
M::cpu:(avg(time_active) AS time_active_avg) [1d::1h]

# Aggregate with fill
M::cpu:(fill(avg(time_active) AS time_active_avg, 0.1)) [1d::1h]

# Query with IN list, where options in IN are logically OR, IN list can only be numbers or strings
O::human:(height) { age in [30, 40, 50], weight > 70}

Regarding filling:

  • Numeric fill: Formatted like cpu:(fill(f1, 123), fill(f2, "foo bar"), fill(f3, 123.456))
  • Linear fill: Such as cpu:(fill(f1, LINEAR))
  • Previous value fill: Such as cpu:(fill(f1, PREVIOUS))

Note: Multiple filtering conditions are AND by default, but if you want to express OR, use the || operator. The following two statements are equivalent:

O::human:(height) { age > 31, sex != re("male") }
O::human:(height) { age > 31 && sex != re("male") }

A complex filtering expression:

M::some_metric {(a>123.45 && b!=re("abc")) || (z!="abc"), c=re("xyz")} [1d::30m]

Time Expression

DataFlux data characteristics all have time attributes, so the time expression is represented by a separate clause:

time-expr consists of four parts [start_time:end_time:interval:rollup]:

No. Name Required Description Example
1 start_time No Start time for time filtering 1672502400000 / 1672502400
2 end_time No End time for time filtering 1672588800000 / 1672588800
3 interval No Time aggregation period, generally used with aggregation or rolling aggregation, supports s, m, h, d units, can be combined 1s/1m/1h
4 rollup No Rolling aggregation function name, currently supported aggregation functions include avg, sum, min, max, count, first, last, stddev last


start_time, end_time support three formats:

  • Numerical with time unit, e.g., 1m
  • Timestamp, e.g., 1672502400
  • Millisecond timestamp, 1672502400000

interval supports the following time units:

  • ns - Nanoseconds
  • us - Microseconds
  • ms - Milliseconds
  • s - Seconds
  • m - Minutes
  • h - Hours
  • d - Days
  • w - Weeks
  • y - Years, specified as 365d, ignoring leap years.

rollup rolling aggregation functions include:

  • avg: Average
  • sum: Sum
  • min: Minimum
  • max: Maximum
  • count: Count
  • first: First
  • last: Last
  • deriv: Rate of change per second, estimated by subtracting the first value from the last value and dividing by the time interval
  • rate: Rate of change per second, similar to deriv but does not return negative results, consistent with PromQL logic
  • irate: Instantaneous rate of change, estimated by subtracting the previous value from the current value and dividing by the time interval, consistent with PromQL logic
  • p99, p95, p90, p75: Percentile calculation, supports any percentage after p
  • median: Median, equivalent to p50
  • stddev: Standard deviation

rollup rolling aggregation splits a single timeline into different time periods according to the given interval and performs aggregation calculations on each period. When rollup is empty, it indicates no rolling aggregation.

Common examples:

  • [5m] - Last 5 minutes
  • [10m:5m] - From 10 minutes ago to 5 minutes ago
  • [10m:5m:1m] - From 10 minutes ago to 5 minutes ago, aggregated at 1-minute intervals
  • [1672502400000:1672588800000] - Time range from 2023-01-01 00:00:00 to 2023-01-02 00:00:00
  • [1672502400:1672588800] - Time range from 2023-01-01 00:00:00 to 2023-01-02 00:00:00

By Clause Statement

The BY clause is used to aggregate and classify results, similar to MySQL's GROUP BY.

Having Clause Statement

The HAVING clause is used to filter results after aggregation, similar to MySQL's HAVING.

# Get all hosts with CPU utilization greater than 80%
M::cpu:(max(`usage_total`) as `max_usage`) by host having max_usage > 80

Order By Clause Statement

The ORDER BY clause sorts the results, similar to MySQL's ORDER BY.

Note: 1. Metric data only supports sorting by the time field; 2. When grouping with by in the query, order-by will not take effect. Please use sorder-by for sorting.

# Get all host CPU utilization, ordered by time in descending order
M::cpu:(`usage_total`) order by time desc
# Get all log data, ordered by response time in ascending order
L::`*`:(`*`) order by response_time asc

SOrder By Clause Statement

The SORDER BY clause sorts groups.

# Get the maximum CPU utilization of different hosts, ordered by hostname in descending order
M::cpu:(max(`usage_total`)) by host sorder by host desc
# Get the maximum CPU utilization of different hosts, ordered by maximum CPU utilization in ascending order
M::cpu:(max(`usage_total`) as m) by host sorder by m
# Get the CPU utilization of different hosts, ordered by the latest CPU utilization in ascending order
M::cpu:(`usage_total`) sorder by usage_total

Limit Statement

Used to specify the number of returned rows,


For time series data, if the DQL statement includes both by and limit clauses, the limit applies to the number of rows returned in each aggregation group.

# Return three CPU records
M::cpu:() limit 3

# Return three CPU records for each host
M::cpu:() by host limit 3

SLimit Statement

Used to specify the number of groups

# Return CPU usage information for three hosts
M::cpu:(last(usage_total)) by host slimit 3

# Return CPU information for three hosts, where each host returns three records
M::cpu:() by host limit 3 slimit 3

SHOW Statement

SHOW_xxx is used to browse data (function names are case-insensitive):

  • SHOW_MEASUREMENT() - View the list of metric sets, supports filter-clause, limit, and offset statements
  • SHOW_OBJECT_CLASS() - View the list of object classes
  • SHOW_CUSTOM_OBJECT_SOURCE() - View the list of resource catalog data types
  • SHOW_EVENT_SOURCE() - View the list of event sources
  • SHOW_LOGGING_SOURCE() - View the list of log sources
  • SHOW_TRACING_SERVICE() - View the list of tracing sources
  • SHOW_RUM_TYPE() - View the list of RUM data types
  • SHOW_NETWORK_SOURCE() - View the list of network eBPF data types
  • SHOW_SECURITY_SOURCE() - View the list of security check data types
  • SHOW_WORKSPACES() - View current workspace and authorized workspace information

For more show functions, see Function Documentation

Nested Queries and Statement Blocks

Subqueries and outer queries are separated by (), such as two levels of nesting:

# Subquery
M::cpu:(usage_total) {host='kind'}
):(last(usage_total))  # Outer query target column
{}  # Outer query filter condition

Three levels of nesting:

M::(M::(M::cpu:(usage_total) {host='kind'}):(usage_total) {usage_total > 0} ):(last(usage_total))

Principally, there is no limit on nesting levels. However, multiple parallel subqueries are not allowed in a nested layer, such as:

object::(     # Second-level query
        object::( # Third-level query
                object::a:(f1,f2,f3) {host="foo"}

        object::( # Parallel third-level query: not supported
                object::b:(f1,f2,f3) {host="foo"}

Special Usage

If the message field is of JSON type (currently only supported for logs), you can directly extract fields using DQL as follows:

L::nginx { @abc.def = "xyz" }

This is equivalent to the following query, i.e., @ represents message@json, which is a shorthand.

L::nginx { `` = "xyz" }

Function Documentation

英语 </example# DQL Definition

Below is the DataFlux Query Language (DQL) definition. As support for different syntaxes gradually expands, this document will be adjusted and modified to varying degrees.

Global constraints are as follows:

  • Non-keywords (such as metric names, label names, etc.) are case-sensitive, while keywords and function names are case-insensitive;

  • The # character is used for line comments; inline comments are not supported;

  • Supported operators:

    • + - Addition
    • - - Subtraction
    • * - Multiplication
    • / - Division
    • % - Modulus
    • = - Equal to
    • != - Not equal to
    • <= - Less than or equal to
    • < - Less than
    • >= - Greater than or equal to
    • > - Greater than
    • ^ - Exponentiation
    • && - Logical AND
    • || - Logical OR
  • Supported keywords:

  • Identifiers: Identifiers come in several forms to accommodate various variable naming conventions:

    • Normal variable names can only contain [_a-zA-Z0-9] characters, and the first character cannot be a digit. For example, _abc, _abc123, _123ab.
    • Other forms of variable names:
      • this+is-a*xx/yy^zz?variable should be written as `this+is-a*xx/yy^zz?variable` and `by`. The former contains operators within the variable, while the latter's by is a DQL keyword.
      • UTF8 identifiers such as Chinese characters are supported, e.g., M::cpu:(usage AS usage_rate) [5m].
        • Emoji support: M::cpu:(usage AS usage_rate👍) [5m].
      • If a variable contains a backtick, this`is-a-variable should be written as `identifier("this`is-a-variable")`.
  • String values can use double quotes and single quotes: "this is a string" and 'this is a string' are equivalent.

  • Special strings:

    • Base64 strings: DQL supports handling base64 strings. For base64 strings, DQL can automatically decode the original string during queries. The syntax is as follows:

      • b64`some-base64-string`
      • b64'some-base64-string'
      • b64"some-base64-string"
    • Regular expression strings: The original re('xxx') has been deprecated. It is recommended to use the following format to identify regular expressions.

      • re`some-regexp` * (recommended) *
      • re'some-regexp'
      • re"some-regexp"
  • Supported data types:

    • Floating-point (123.4, 5.67E3)
    • Integer (123, -1)
    • String ('John Doe', "hello world")
    • Boolean (true, false)
    • Duration (1y, 1w, 1d, 1h, 1m, 1s, 1ms, 1us, 1ns representing 1 year/week/day/hour/minute/second/millisecond/microsecond/nanosecond)


Queries follow the following syntactic paradigm. Note that the relative order between parts cannot be changed, such as time-expr appearing before filter-clause.


From a syntactic perspective, data-source is mandatory (similar to the FROM clause in SQL), while other parts are optional. However, during actual query execution, certain constraints may apply (for example, time_expr does not allow too large time spans).


# Get all fields of the metric set cpu for the last 5 minutes
M::cpu [5m]

# Find all metrics matching the regular expression *db for the last 5 minutes
M::re('*db') [5m]

# Get all field data from the metric set cpu from 10 minutes ago to 5 minutes ago
M::cpu [10m:5m]

# Get all field data from the metric set cpu from 10 minutes ago to 5 minutes ago, aggregated at 1-minute intervals
M::cpu:(usage_idle) [10m:5m:1m]

# Query Time Series data for the metric set cpu for the last 5 minutes for two fields time_active, time_guest_nice,
# filtered by host and cpu tags, grouped by host and cpu to display results.
M:: cpu:(time_active, time_guest_nice)
    { host = "host-name", cpu = "cpu0" } [5m] BY host,cpu

# Order by height in descending order and get the top ten
O::human:(height, age) { age > 100, sex = "male" } ORDER BY height desc LIMIT 10

M::cpu,mem:(time_active, time_guest_nice, host) { host = "host-name", cpu = "cpu0" } [5m] BY host,cpu

Note: :: and : on both sides can have whitespace characters, as the following statements are equivalent:

M::cpu:(time_active, time_guest_nice)
    { host = "host-name", cpu = "cpu0" } [5m]

M   ::cpu : (time_active, time_guest_nice)
    { host = "host-name", cpu = "cpu0" } [5m]

M   :: cpu :   (time_active, time_guest_nice)
    { host = "host-name", cpu = "cpu0" } [5m]

Examples of Various Data Type Queries

  • M::metric_set_name:(aggregation_function(metric_name)) { label_name = 'label_value' } BY label_name

    • Example: M::cpu:(last(usage_system)) {host=xxx} BY host_ip
  • L::log_source:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: L::datakit:(COUNT(*)) { index = 'default' } BY host
  • O::category_name:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: O::HOST:(COUNT(*)) { class = 'HOST' } BY host_ip
  • E::event_source:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: E::monitor:(COUNT(create_time)) { create_time = 1688708829409 } BY df_event_id
  • T::service_name:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: T::mysqli:(COUNT(resource)) { status = 'ok' } BY status
  • R::data_source:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: R::error:(LAST(browser)) { city = 'unknown' } BY city
  • S::category_name:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: S::storage:(LAST(host)) { level = re('warn') } BY level
  • N::network_source:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: N::httpflow:(FIRST(direction)) { http_version = '1.1' } BY dst_ip_type
  • P::Profiling_name:(aggregation_function(property_name)) { property_name = 'property_value' } BY property_name

    • Example: P::mysqli:(COUNT(resource)) { status = 'ok' } BY status

Without using aggregation functions:

For example:

  • Counting the number of containers under different namespaces:

O::docker_containers:(COUNT(*)) BY namespace

  • Query all fields of the container and return the latest 10 records:

O::docker_containers {host=xxx} limit 10



Semantically, the following data sources are currently supported:

  • M/metric - Time Series Metrics Data
  • O/object - Object Data
  • CO/custom_object - User Resource Catalog Data
  • L/logging - Log Data
  • E/event - Event Data
  • T/tracing - Tracing Data
  • R/rum - RUM Data
  • F/func - Func Function Computation
  • N/network - Network eBPF Data Lookup

At the syntax level, there are no constraints on data sources. The data source syntax is as follows:

data-source ::
    # Specific query details...

In specific queries, if the data source is not specified, it defaults to metric (or M), meaning Time Series Metrics is the default data source for DQL.

Target Clause

The result list of the query:

M::cpu:(time_active, system_usage) {host="biz_prod"} [5m]

# This supports calculations between different metrics on the same metric set (types must match)
M::cpu:(time_active+1, time_active/time_guest_nice) [5m]

Filter Clause

The filter clause is used to filter the result data, similar to the where condition in SQL:

# Query the height of centenarian males in the human population (__class=human)
O::human:(height) { age > 100, sex = "male" }

# Filter with regex
O::human:(height) { age > 100, sex != re("male") }

# Filter with an expression
O::human:(height) { (age + 1)/2 > 31, sex != re("male") }

# Filter with OR expressions
O::human:(height) { age > 31 || sex != re("male"), weight > 70}

# Aggregate result column
M::cpu:(avg(time_active) AS time_active_avg) [1d::1h]

# Aggregate with fill
M::cpu:(fill(avg(time_active) AS time_active_avg, 0.1)) [1d::1h]

# Query with IN list, where options in IN are logically OR, IN list can only be numbers or strings
O::human:(height) { age in [30, 40, 50], weight > 70}

Regarding filling:

  • Numeric fill: Formatted like cpu:(fill(f1, 123), fill(f2, "foo bar"), fill(f3, 123.456))
  • Linear fill: Such as cpu:(fill(f1, LINEAR))
  • Previous value fill: Such as cpu:(fill(f1, PREVIOUS))

Note: Multiple filtering conditions are AND by default, but if you want to express OR, use the || operator. The following two statements are equivalent:

O::human:(height) { age > 31, sex != re("male") }
O::human:(height) { age > 31 && sex != re("male") }

A complex filtering expression:

M::some_metric {(a>123.45 && b!=re("abc")) || (z!="abc"), c=re("xyz")} [1d::30m]

Time Expression

DataFlux data characteristics all have time attributes, so the time expression is represented by a separate clause:

time-expr consists of four parts [start_time:end_time:interval:rollup]:

No. Name Required Description Example
1 start_time No Start time for time filtering 1672502400000 / 1672502400
2 end_time No End time for time filtering 1672588800000 / 1672588800
3 interval No Time aggregation period, generally used with aggregation or rolling aggregation, supports s, m, h, d units, can be combined 1s/1m/1h
4 rollup No Rolling aggregation function name, currently supported aggregation functions include avg, sum, min, max, count, first, last, stddev last


start_time, end_time support three formats:

  • Numerical with time unit, e.g., 1m
  • Timestamp, e.g., 1672502400
  • Millisecond timestamp, 1672502400000

interval supports the following time units:

  • ns - Nanoseconds
  • us - Microseconds
  • ms - Milliseconds
  • s - Seconds
  • m - Minutes
  • h - Hours
  • d - Days
  • w - Weeks
  • y - Years, specified as 365d, ignoring leap years.

rollup rolling aggregation functions include:

  • avg: Average
  • sum: Sum
  • min: Minimum
  • max: Maximum
  • count: Count
  • first: First
  • last: Last
  • deriv: Rate of change per second, estimated by subtracting the first value from the last value and dividing by the time interval
  • rate: Rate of change per second, similar to deriv but does not return negative results, consistent with PromQL logic
  • irate: Instantaneous rate of change, estimated by subtracting the previous value from the current value and dividing by the time interval, consistent with PromQL logic
  • p99, p95, p90, p75: Percentile calculation, supports any percentage after p
  • median: Median, equivalent to p50
  • stddev: Standard deviation

rollup rolling aggregation splits a single timeline into different time periods according to the given interval and performs aggregation calculations on each period. When rollup is empty, it indicates no rolling aggregation.

Common examples:

  • [5m] - Last 5 minutes
  • [10m:5m] - From 10 minutes ago to 5 minutes ago
  • [10m:5m:1m] - From 10 minutes ago to 5 minutes ago, aggregated at 1-minute intervals
  • [1672502400000:1672588800000] - Time range from 2023-01-01 00:00:00 to 2023-01-02 00:00:00
  • [1672502400:1672588800] - Time range from 2023-01-01 00:00:00 to 2023-01-02 00:00:00

By Clause Statement

The BY clause is used to aggregate and classify results, similar to MySQL's GROUP BY.

Having Clause Statement

The HAVING clause is used to filter results after aggregation, similar to MySQL's HAVING.

# Get all hosts with CPU utilization greater than 80%
M::cpu:(max(`usage_total`) as `max_usage`) by host having max_usage > 80

Order By Clause Statement

The ORDER BY clause sorts the results, similar to MySQL's ORDER BY.

Note: 1. Metric data only supports sorting by the time field; 2. When grouping with by in the query, order-by will not take effect. Please use sorder-by for sorting.

# Get all host CPU utilization, ordered by time in descending order
M::cpu:(`usage_total`) order by time desc
# Get all log data, ordered by response time in ascending order
L::`*`:(`*`) order by response_time asc

SOrder By Clause Statement

The SORDER BY clause sorts groups.

# Get the maximum CPU utilization of different hosts, ordered by hostname in descending order
M::cpu:(max(`usage_total`)) by host sorder by host desc
# Get the maximum CPU utilization of different hosts, ordered by maximum CPU utilization in ascending order
M::cpu:(max(`usage_total`) as m) by host sorder by m
# Get the CPU utilization of different hosts, ordered by the latest CPU utilization in ascending order
M::cpu:(`usage_total`) sorder by usage_total

Limit Statement

Used to specify the number of returned rows,


For time series data, if the DQL statement includes both by and limit clauses, the limit applies to the number of rows returned in each aggregation group.

# Return three CPU records
M::cpu:() limit 3

# Return three CPU records for each host
M::cpu:() by host limit 3

SLimit Statement

Used to specify the number of groups

# Return CPU usage information for three hosts
M::cpu:(last(usage_total)) by host slimit 3

# Return CPU information for three hosts, where each host returns three records
M::cpu:() by host limit 3 slimit 3

SHOW Statement

SHOW_xxx is used to browse data (function names are case-insensitive):

  • SHOW_MEASUREMENT() - View the list of metric sets, supports filter-clause, limit, and offset statements
  • SHOW_OBJECT_CLASS() - View the list of object classes
  • SHOW_CUSTOM_OBJECT_SOURCE() - View the list of resource catalog data types
  • SHOW_EVENT_SOURCE() - View the list of event sources
  • SHOW_LOGGING_SOURCE() - View the list of log sources
  • SHOW_TRACING_SERVICE() - View the list of tracing sources
  • SHOW_RUM_TYPE() - View the list of RUM data types
  • SHOW_NETWORK_SOURCE() - View the list of network eBPF data types
  • SHOW_SECURITY_SOURCE() - View the list of security check data types
  • SHOW_WORKSPACES() - View current workspace and authorized workspace information

For more show functions, see Function Documentation

Nested Queries and Statement Blocks

Subqueries and outer queries are separated by (), such as two levels of nesting:

# Subquery
M::cpu:(usage_total) {host='kind'}
):(last(usage_total))  # Outer query target column
{}  # Outer query filter condition

Three levels of nesting:

M::(M::(M::cpu:(usage_total) {host='kind'}):(usage_total) {usage_total > 0} ):(last(usage_total))

Principally, there is no limit on nesting levels. However, multiple parallel subqueries are not allowed in a nested layer, such as:

object::(     # Second-level query
        object::( # Third-level query
                object::a:(f1,f2,f3) {host="foo"}

        object::( # Parallel third-level query: not supported
                object::b:(f1,f2,f3) {host="foo"}

Special Usage

If the message field is of JSON type (currently only supported for logs), you can directly extract fields using DQL as follows:

L::nginx { @abc.def = "xyz" }

This is equivalent to the following query, i.e., @ represents message@json, which is a shorthand.

L::nginx { `` = "xyz" }

Function Documentation


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