Modified the judgment mechanism of isAppForeground to adapt to privacy-sensitive information detection.
Added new resource data fields: resource_first_byte_time, resource_dns_time, resource_download_time, resource_connect_time, and resource_ssl_time. These support enhanced Resource timing display on Guance and align with APM flame graphs.
Optimized the synchronous retry mechanism and removed the configuration option for direct data discard using FTSDKConfig.setDataSyncRetryCount(0).
Enabled FTSDKConfig.enableDataIntegerCompatible by default to ensure compatibility with web floating-point number types.
Fixed an issue where duplicate crash data was generated due to multiple initializations of RUM configurations.
Supported customizing FTTraceInterceptor.HeaderHandler to associate with RUM data.
Allowed modifying FTTraceInterceptor.HeaderHandler content via FTRUMConfig.setOkHttpTraceHeaderHandler and FTResourceInterceptor.ContentHandlerHelper content via FTRUMConfig.setOkHttpResourceContentHandler.
Optimized crash collection capabilities to handle OS-triggered system.exit scenarios.
Fixed an issue where empty tags caused data reporting failures.
Optimized ASM OkHttpListener EventListener coverage logic to preserve original project event parameter passing.
Optimized network status and type retrieval, supporting Ethernet network type display.
Prevented frequent database closures when no network connection is available.
Fixed discrepancies between discarded log entries and set limits during RUM data discarding.
Adapted TV device key events, removing non-TV device tags.
Supported limiting RUM data cache entry count via FTRUMConfig.setRumCacheLimitCount(int) (default: 100,000).
Supported limiting total cache size via FTSDKConfig.enableLimitWithDbSize(long dbSize), which disables FTLoggerConfig.setLogCacheLimitCount(int) and FTRUMConfig.setRumCacheLimitCount(int).
Optimized Session refresh rules for devices without user interaction.
Fixed thread not being reclaimed when calling custom startView in RUM.
Supported adding dynamic properties via FTSdk.appendGlobalContext(globalContext), FTSdk.appendRUMGlobalContext(globalContext), and FTSdk.appendLogGlobalContext(globalContext).
Supported clearing unsent cached data via FTSdk.clearAllData().
Extended the maximum limit of setSyncSleepTime to 5000 ms.
Optimized data storage and synchronization performance.
(Old versions upgrading to 1.6.0 need to configure FTSDKConfig.setNeedTransformOldCache for old data compatibility.)
Fixed an exception triggered by Log.w(String,Throwable) when using ft-plugin.