C++ Application Integration¶
Note: If you have enabled the RUM Headless service, the prerequisites have been automatically configured for you. You can directly integrate your application.
- Install DataKit;
- Configure the RUM Collector;
- Ensure DataKit is publicly accessible and has the IP geolocation database installed.
Application Integration¶
The current CPP version supports Windows and Linux platforms. Log in to the Guance console, navigate to the User Analysis page, click the top-left Create Application, and start creating a new application.
Source Code Location: https://github.com/GuanceCloud/datakit-cpp
Demo Location: https://github.com/GuanceCloud/datakit-cpp/ft-sdk-sample
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg
#apt install ninja-build
#apt install pkg-config
cd vcpkg
# Download custom registries configuration file
curl -o vcpkg-configuration.json https://static.guance.com/ft-sdk-package/vcpkg_config/vcpkg-configuration.json
./vcpkg install datakit-sdk-cpp:x64-linux
# In the compilation environment, reference the VCPKG_ROOT variable
export VCPKG_ROOT= [ your_vcpkg_root_dir ]
Add CMake Configuration
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
project(ft-sdk-reference-sample VERSION 1.0.0 LANGUAGES CXX C)
add_definitions(-fPIC -g -Werror=return-type)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++17 -O1 -ftree-vectorize -ffast-math ")
if (EXISTS "$ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake")
include ("$ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake")
endif ()
else ()
message(STATUS "please set the system environment variable : VCPKG_ROOT" $ENV{VCPKG_ROOT})
endif ()
# Add Guance SDK reference
find_path(FT-SDK_INCLUDE_DIR datakit-sdk-cpp/FTSDK.h)
find_library(FT-SDK_LIBRARY ft-sdk "${FT-SDK_INCLUDE_DIR}/../lib/")
file(GLOB PROJECT_HEADER "../include/*.h" "*.h")
# Link SDK
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${FT-SDK_LIBRARY})
Include Header¶
Field | Type | Required | Description |
FTSDKFactory::get | string | No | Specifies the configuration file, default is ft_sdk_config.json |
Starting JSON File Configuration¶
You can configure the json
file using FTSDKFactory
to enable SDK debug logs.
Global Configuration¶
FTSDKConfig gc;
Field | Type | Required | Description |
setServerUrl | string | Yes | DataKit access URL, example:, default port is 9529. Note: The device installing the SDK must be able to access this address |
setEnv | enum | No | Environment configuration, default is EnvType::PROD |
setAppVersion | enum | No | Automatically retrieved on Windows, needs manual setting on Linux |
setEnableFileDBCache | Bool | No | Whether to enable local database, default is false |
addGlobalContext | dictionary | No | Add global attributes to the SDK, refer to here for rules |
setServiceName | string | No | Affects the service field data in Logs and RUM, defaults to df_rum_windows on Windows and df_rum_linux on Linux |
RUM Configuration¶
Field | Type | Required | Description |
setRumAppId | string | Yes | Sets the RUM appid , enabling RUM collection. Refer to method to obtain appid |
setSamplingRate | float | No | Sampling rate, range [0,1], 0 means no collection, 1 means full collection, default is 1. Applies to all View, Action, LongTask, Error data under the same session_id |
setExtraMonitorTypeWithError | ErrorMonitorType | No | Adds additional monitoring data to RUM crash data, e.g., ErrorMonitorType::MEMORY for memory usage, ErrorMonitorType::CPU for CPU usage, ErrorMonitorType::ALL for all |
addGlobalContext | dictionary | No | Adds label data for distinguishing user monitoring sources. If tracking functionality is needed, use track_id as key and any value as value. Refer to here for rules |
Log Configuration¶
FTLogConfig lpc;
//std::vector<LogLevel> llf;
Field | Type | Required | Description |
setSamplingRate | float | No | Sampling rate, range [0,1], 0 means no collection, 1 means full collection, default is 1 |
addGlobalContext | dictionary | No | Adds label data, refer to here for rules |
setLogLevelFilters | array | No | Sets log level filters, default is none |
setEnableCustomLog | bool | No | Whether to upload custom logs, default is false |
setEnableLinkRUMData | bool | No | Whether to link with RUM data, default is false |
setLogCacheDiscardStrategy | LogCacheDiscard | No | Default is LogCacheDiscard::DISCARD , DISCARD discards appended data, DISCARD_OLDEST discards oldest data |
Trace Configuration¶
Field | Type | Required | Description |
setSamplingRate | float | No | Sampling rate, range [0,1], 0 means no collection, 1 means full collection, default is 1 |
setTraceType | enum | No | Default is DDTrace , currently supports Zipkin , Jaeger , DDTrace , Skywalking (8.0+), TraceParent (W3C). When integrating with OpenTelemetry, choose the appropriate trace type and check supported types and agent configurations |
setEnableLinkRUMData | bool | No | Whether to link with RUM data, default is false |
RUM User Data Tracking¶
Currently, RUM data transmission can only be achieved through manual method calls.
* Start an action
* @param actionName Action name
* @param actionType Action type
void startAction(std::string actionName, std::string actionType);
* Stop an action
void stopAction();
Code Example¶
* Start a view.
* @param viewName Current page name
void startView(std::string viewName);
* Stop a view.
void stopView();
Code Example¶
* Start resource
* @param resourceId Resource Id
void startResource(std::string resourceId);
* Stop resource
* @param resourceId Resource Id
void stopResource(std::string resourceId);
* Set network transmission content
* @param resourceId Resource Id
* @param params Network transmission parameters
* @param netStatusBean Network status statistics
void addResource(std::string resourceId, ResourceParams params, NetStatus netStatusBean);
Method Name | Meaning | Required | Description |
NetStatus.fetchStartTime | Request start time | No | |
NetStatus.tcpTime | TCP connection duration | No | |
NetStatus.dnsTime | DNS resolution time | No | |
NetStatus.responseTime | Response content transmission duration | No | |
NetStatus.sslTime | SSL connection duration | No | |
NetStatus.firstByteTime | Total time from DNS resolution to receiving the first data packet | No | |
NetStatus.ttfb | Time from sending request to receiving the first response packet | No | |
NetStatus.tcpStartTime | TCP connection start time | No | |
NetStatus.tcpEndTime | TCP connection end time | No | |
NetStatus.dnsStartTime | DNS resolution start time | No | |
NetStatus.dnsEndTime | DNS resolution end time | No | |
NetStatus.responseStartTime | Response start time | No | |
NetStatus.responseEndTime | Response end time | No | |
NetStatus.sslStartTime | SSL start time | No | |
NetStatus.sslEndTime | SSL end time | No | |
ResourceParams.url | URL address | Yes | |
ResourceParams.requestHeader | Request header parameters | No | |
ResourceParams.responseHeader | Response header parameters | No | |
ResourceParams.responseConnection | Response connection | No | |
ResourceParams.responseContentType | Response Content-Type | No | |
ResourceParams.responseContentEncoding | Response Content-Encoding | No | |
ResourceParams.resourceMethod | Request method | No | GET, POST, etc. |
ResourceParams.responseBody | Response body content | No |
Code Example¶
RestClient::Connection* conn = new RestClient::Connection(url);
RestClient::HeaderFields headers;
headers["Accept"] = "application/json";
RestClient::Response r = conn->get("/get");
RestClient::Connection::Info info = conn->GetInfo();
params.resourceMethod = "GET";
params.requestHeader = convert(headers);
params.responseHeader = convert(r.headers);
ResourceParams params;
params.responseBody = r.body;
params.responseConnection = "Keep-Alive";
params.responseContentEncoding = "UTF-8";
params.responseContentType = r.headers["Content-Type"];
params.url = url;
params.resourceStatus = r.code;
NetStatus status;
status.dnsTime = info.lastRequest.nameLookupTime * ns_factor;
status.tcpTime = (info.lastRequest.connectTime - info.lastRequest.nameLookupTime ) * ns_factor;
status.sslTime = (info.lastRequest.appConnectTime - info.lastRequest.connectTime) * ns_factor;
status.ttfb = (info.lastRequest.startTransferTime - info.lastRequest.preTransferTime) * ns_factor;
status.responseTime = (info.lastRequest.totalTime -info.lastRequest.startTransferTime) * ns_factor;
status.firstByteTime = info.lastRequest.startTransferTime * ns_factor;
* Add error information
* @param log Log
* @param message Message
* @param errorType Error type
* @param state Program state
void addError(std::string log, std::string message, RUMErrorType errorType, AppState state);
Code Example¶
sdk->addError("test error 1", "first error", RUMErrorType::native_crash, AppState::UNKNOWN);
sdk->addError("test error 2", "second error", RUMErrorType::network_error, AppState::UNKNOWN);
* Add long-running task
* @param log Log
* @param duration Duration (ns)
void addLongTask(std::string log, long duration);
Code Example¶
Log Printing¶
* Upload user log to DataKit
* @param content Log content
* @param level Log level
void addLog(std::string content, LogLevel level);
Code Example¶
Tracer Network Trace¶
Tracing is implemented by generating a Trace Header and adding it to the HTTP request headers.
* Generate trace header according to configuration
* @param url Network address
* @return Trace data
PropagationHeader generateTraceHeader(const std::string url);
Code Example¶
RestClient::Connection* conn = new RestClient::Connection(url);
RestClient::HeaderFields headers;
headers["Accept"] = "application/json";
auto headerWithRes = pSDK->generateTraceHeader(resId, url);
for (auto& hd : headerWithRes)
headers[hd.first] = hd.second;
RestClient::Response r = conn->get("/get");
Binding and Unbinding User Information¶
* Bind user data
* @param config User data
* @return
FTSDK&& bindUserData(UserData& config);
* Unbind user data
void unbindUserData();
Code Example¶
// Bind user data
UserData uc;
uc.init("username", "1001", "someone@email.com");
uc.addCustomizeItem("ft_key", "ft_value");
// Unbind user data
Closing the SDK¶
Common Issues¶
Adding Prefixes to Avoid Conflict Fields¶
To avoid conflicts between custom fields and SDK data, it is recommended to prefix tags with a project abbreviation, such as df_tag_name
. For more details on used key
values, refer to the source code. If there are conflicting variables in SDK global variables with RUM or Log, RUM or Log will override the SDK global variables.