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Data Access

Guance allows restricting RUM data access permissions for workspace members at the application level. Additionally, by introducing regular expressions and desensitization fields, it effectively enhances the security protection of different application data, ensuring information security.

Start Creating

  1. Enter the Create page;
  2. Input the rule name;
  3. Optionally input a description for this rule;
  4. Select the Application ID (only applications within the current workspace can be selected). You can apply the rule to all applications or select individual/multiple applications covering Web, iOS, Android, etc.;
  5. Define the access scope for RUM data under this rule;

  6. Add one or more fields that need desensitization;

  7. Use regular expressions to desensitize sensitive information in field content;

  8. Select one or more member roles to which the current access rule applies, including default roles and user-defined roles;
  9. Click Save.

Configuration Notes

When configuring data access rules, note the following three logics:

  • Data Access Scope: Members within the access rule can only access data that matches the filtering conditions.
  • Regular Expression Desensitization: If you need an additional layer of data protection on top of the defined data scope, you can set up regular expressions or desensitization fields to shield sensitive data.
  • Role Scenarios and Query Permissions: Different roles and rules, either individually or combined, will produce different outcomes in the final presentation of the data access rule.

Management List

For more details, refer to List Operations.

Important Points

Cross-Workspace Queries: If two workspaces contain the same application, specific roles can only view filtered data from the authorized workspace according to the permission settings in the data access rule.

Prerequisite: Both Workspace A and Workspace B contain the whytest-android application, and Workspace B has authorized Workspace A to view RUM application data.

When configuring the data access rule (as shown below), Workspace A restricts the "Custom Management" role to view only the data from whytest-android where source:kodo.

The following scenarios exist:

RUM Explorer

Since this explorer does not support cross-workspace queries, the "Custom Management" role can only view RUM data from the whytest-android application under Workspace A in the RUM Explorer.


When selecting both Workspace A and Workspace B for data queries and querying data from both whytest-android and whytest-ios applications in DQL, since the current data access restriction rule limits the "Custom Management" role and no access permissions are configured for whytest-android in Workspace B or whytest-ios in either workspace,

ultimately, the "Custom Management" role can only access data from the whytest-android application in Workspace A.

Further Reading


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