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Best Practices for Collecting Metrics from Multiple Kubernetes Clusters


When connecting multiple Kubernetes clusters to a workspace, you need to set the ENV_NAMESPACE environment variable with a non-empty value. The values for different clusters must be unique.

  value: xxx

For collecting metrics from multiple Kubernetes clusters within a single workspace, Guance provides a method using global Tags to differentiate them. When there is only one collection target in the cluster, such as collecting Kubernetes API Server metrics, the number of DataKit instances in the cluster will be more than one. To avoid duplicate metric collection, DataKit enables an election feature. In this case, the way to distinguish clusters is by adding ENV_GLOBAL_ELECTION_TAGS.

  value: cluster_name_k8s=k8s-prod

For non-election-based metric collection, such as collecting metrics by adding annotations to Pods, Guance provides a method to add global Tags in the ENV_GLOBAL_HOST_TAGS environment variable.

  value: host=__datakit_hostname,host_ip=__datakit_ip,cluster_name_k8s=k8s-prod

The collected metric sets will all have the cluster_name_k8s Tag with the value k8s-prod. This is the principle behind distinguishing clusters.

Below, we will provide a detailed explanation using the example of collecting Kubernetes API Server metrics from multiple clusters.



Step 1 Deploy DataKit on Test Environment Cluster

1.1 Download datakit.yaml

Log in to the Guance Console, click on "Integration" - "DataKit" - "Kubernetes", and download datakit.yaml.

1.2 Replace Token

Log in to the Guance Console, go to the "Management" module, and copy the token from "Basic Settings". Replace <your-token> in the ENV_DATAWAY environment variable's value in the datakit.yaml file.

1.3 Add Global Tags

  • In the datakit.yaml file, add cluster_name_k8s=k8s-test to the value of the ENV_GLOBAL_HOST_TAGS environment variable.
  • Add the environment variable ENV_GLOBAL_ELECTION_TAGS, so the test environment cluster becomes k8s-test.
  • Set the value of the ENV_NAMESPACE environment variable to k8s-test. This enables DataKit election, ensuring that only one DataKit instance collects Kubernetes API Server metrics for this workspace + namespace combination.
  value: k8s-test
  value: cluster_name_k8s=k8s-test


1.4 Configure Kubernetes API Server Metric Collection

Refer to the Kubernetes API Server Integration Documentation.

1.5 Deploy DataKit

Upload datakit.yaml to the Master node of the test cluster and execute the deployment command.

kubectl apply -f datakit.yaml

Step 2 Deploy DataKit on Production Environment Cluster

2.1 Modify datakit.yaml

Use the datakit.yaml from Step 1, change k8s-test to k8s-prod, so the production environment cluster becomes k8s-prod.
You also need to modify the url in api-server.conf.


2.2 Deploy DataKit

Upload datakit.yaml to the Master node of the production cluster and execute the deployment command.

kubectl apply -f datakit.yaml

Step 3 View Preview

3.1 Metric Preview

Log in to the Guance Console, click on "Metrics", search for prom_api_server, and under the cluster_name_k8s tag, you will see the names of two clusters.


3.2 Create a New View

Log in to the Guance Console, click on "Scenes" - "Create Dashboard", select Kubernetes API Server Monitoring View, and you can now distinguish between clusters in the cluster name dropdown.



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