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Best Practices for Bidirectional Integration between Incident and JIRA

Authors: Su Tongtong, Liu Rui

Incident is a communication management tool launched by Guance for effective coordination of internal incidents.

JIRA is an enterprise-level project management tool.


When an application or system encounters an incident, it typically needs to be handled promptly to ensure normal system operation. By integrating Incident with JIRA bidirectionally, relevant personnel within the enterprise can quickly understand and analyze the cause of the problem, trace and record the handling process, effectively improving communication efficiency and significantly reducing incident resolution costs.

Incident Interaction Process with IM —— Jira Flowchart



Obtain the corresponding project key, project URL, API token, and username from the Jira platform. These will be used in subsequent Guance scripts.

Only administrators have permission to perform these operations


Create API Key

Refer to the documentation for API Key.

Set the key name to Jira System to distinguish whether the comment information originates from Guance or Jira. The key name will also appear as the user in Guance issue.

Func Script Development

  • Log in to Func

Log in to the deployed Dataflux Func Guance Special Edition

  • Add Python Dependencies

  • Click on the Manage menu

  • Click Experimental Features, turn on the Enable PIP Tool switch. If already enabled, ignore this step.
  • Click PIP Tool, install the Python package, enter jira, select the default data source. If the default data source does not contain the current dependency, switch to another data source and click the Install button to complete the dependency installation.

  • Write the Script

  • Click on the Development menu;

  • Click the Create Script Set button, fill in the script ID, which can be customized. Here, fill in Issue_to_jira, then click the Save button;
  • Select Issue_to_jira, click Create Script, this ID can also be customized;
  • Paste the following script content and adjust the configuration information.
import requests
import json
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from jira import JIRA

# Guance configuration, note to modify df_api_key
base_url = ''
channel_list_url = base_url + '/api/v1/channel/quick_list'
issue_list_url = base_url + '/api/v1/issue/list'
create_issue_reply_url = base_url + '/api/v1/issue/reply/create'
df_api_key = 'vy2EV......fuTtn'

# JIRA configuration, all configurations are mandatory, modify them for your environment
username = 'sutt'
api_token = 'ATATT3xFfGF0eVvhZUkO0tTas8JnNYEsxGIJqWGinVyQL0ME......B6E'
jira_server_url = 'https://***.net/'
project_key = 'projectName'

# Connect to JIRA
def connect_to_jira(username, api_token, jira_server_url):
        jira_connection = JIRA(basic_auth=(username, api_token), server=jira_server_url)
        print("Successfully connected to JIRA!")
        return jira_connection
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error connecting to JIRA: {e}")
        return None

jira_instance = connect_to_jira(username, api_token, jira_server_url)

def sync_issues_from_guance_to_jira():
    headers = {
        'DF-API-KEY': df_api_key,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'

    one_minute_ago = - timedelta(minutes=1)
    one_minute_ago_time = int(one_minute_ago.timestamp())
    current_time = int(time.time())

    response = requests.get(channel_list_url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        channel_list = response.json()["content"]
        for channel in channel_list:
            if channel["name"] == "default":
                body = {
                    'channelUUID': channel["uuid"],
                    'startTime': one_minute_ago_time,
                    'endTime': current_time
                issue_response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body))
                print(issue_response.text)  # Print response content for debugging

                if issue_response.status_code == 200:
                    issue_lists = issue_response.json()['content']
                    for issue in issue_lists:
                        issue_uuid = issue["uuid"]
                        print(f"UUID from Guance: {issue_uuid}")  # Print UUID for debugging

                        issue_data = {
                            'project': {'key': project_key},
                            'summary': issue["name"],
                            'description': issue["description"],
                            'issuetype': {'name': 'Bug'},
                            'priority': {'name': 'Medium'},
                            'labels': [issue_uuid]  # Use label to store issue_id
                        created_issue = jira_instance.create_issue(fields=issue_data)
                        print(f"Created JIRA issue: {created_issue.key}")

def create_issue_reply(issue_uuid, content):
    headers = {
        'DF-API-KEY': df_api_key,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
    body = {
        'issueUUID': issue_uuid,
        'content': content,
        'extend': {}
    response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body))
    if response.status_code == 200:
        print(f"Successfully created a reply for issueUUID: {issue_uuid}")
        print(f"Failed to create a reply for issueUUID: {issue_uuid}. Status code: {response.status_code}")

def sync_comments_from_jira_to_guance():
    end_time =
    start_time = end_time - timedelta(minutes=1)
    start_time_str = start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    end_time_str = end_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')

    jql_str = f'project = {project_key} AND updated >= "{start_time_str}" AND updated <= "{end_time_str}"'
    recently_updated_issues = jira_instance.search_issues(jql_str)

    has_updates = False
    for issue in recently_updated_issues:
        comments = jira_instance.comments(issue)
        new_comments = [comment for comment in comments if start_time_str <= comment.created.split('.')[0].replace("T", " ") <= end_time_str]

        issue_labels = issue.fields.labels
        guance_issue_id = None
        for label in issue_labels:
            if label.startswith("issue"):
                guance_issue_id = label

        if guance_issue_id and new_comments:
            has_updates = True
            for comment in new_comments:
                create_issue_reply(guance_issue_id, comment.body)

    if not has_updates:
        print("No updates or new comments in the last minute.")

def guance():
    print("do start")


  • Publish Script

Click the Publish button to complete the publication. After publishing, the API is successfully published and can provide external services.

  • Automatic Trigger Configuration

Automatic Trigger Configuration can schedule API execution.

  1. From the Manage menu, click the Automatic Trigger Configuration button;
  2. Click the New button in the top-right corner to create a new configuration;
  3. Select the script to execute. Parameters can be left unspecified. Choose the execution frequency, here set it to Repeat Every Minute, and Save.


Create Issue

Guance supports two methods for creating issues:

  • Direct Creation
  • Creation via Monitor

Direct Creation

  1. Log in to the Guance console
  2. Click the Incident menu, then click the Create Issue button in the top-right corner. Fill in the issue information and save.

Creation via Monitor

Creation via Monitor involves generating event information through monitors to create issues.

  1. Log in to the Guance console
  2. Click the Monitoring menu on the left
  3. You can add new monitors or adjust existing ones. Edit the corresponding monitor, enable the Synchronize Issue Creation switch, and save.


Jira Effect:

Img Jira issues are automatically generated, and when comments are made, the handling process of the issue can be displayed on Guance.

Guance Effect

Guance synchronizes the Jira issue handling process.



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