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Implementing Custom TraceId Using extract + TextMapAdapter

Author: Liu Rui


In certain specific scenarios, it is necessary to implement custom traceId through code.

Implementation idea: By using tracer.extract, a SpanContext can be constructed. The constructed SpanContext serves as the parent node information, and by using asChildOf(SpanContext), the current span can be constructed.

How TraceId Parameters Are Defined

For constructing SpanContext using tracer.extract, ContextInterpreter is used internally to parse and obtain the corresponding traceId and spanId. The implementation code of ContextInterpreter will be introduced in the following sections.


ddtrace supports several propagation protocols, and the parameter names for traceId differ across different propagation protocols. For Java, ddtrace supports two propagation protocols:

  • Datadog: Default propagation protocol
  • B3: B3 propagation is the specification of headers "b3" and those starting with "x-b3-". These headers are used for propagating tracing context across service boundaries. B3 has two formats:
    • B3SINGLE (B3_SINGLE_HEADER), where the header key is b3
    • B3 (B3MULTI), where the header key is x-b3-

Implementing Custom TraceId Using the Datadog Propagator

Enabling the Datadog Propagator

Mechanism Code Introduction

ddtrace defaults to using Datadog as the default propagation protocol, with the interceptor being DatadogContextInterpreter. Part of its code is as follows:

    public boolean accept(String key, String value) {
        case 'x':
            if ("x-datadog-trace-id".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                classification = 0;
            } else if ("x-datadog-parent-id".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                classification = 1;
            } else if ("x-datadog-sampling-priority".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                classification = 3;
            } else if ("x-datadog-origin".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                classification = 2;


        switch(classification) {
            case 0:
                this.traceId = DDId.from(firstValue);
            case 1:
                this.spanId = DDId.from(firstValue);
            case 2:
                this.origin = firstValue;
            case 3:
                this.samplingPriority = Integer.parseInt(firstValue);

Code Implementation

     * Custom traceId related information, implementing custom tracing.
     * @param traceId
     * @param parentId
     * @param treeLength
     * @return
    public String customTrace(String traceId, String parentId, Integer treeLength) {
        Tracer tracer = GlobalTracer.get();
        traceId = StringUtils.isEmpty(traceId) ? IdGenerationStrategy.RANDOM.generate().toString() : traceId;
        parentId = StringUtils.isEmpty(parentId) ? DDId.ZERO.toString() : parentId;
        treeLength = treeLength == null ? 3 : treeLength;
        for (int i = 0; i < treeLength; i++) {
            Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
            data.put("x-datadog-trace-id", traceId);
            data.put("x-datadog-parent-id", parentId);

            SpanContext extractedContext = tracer.extract(Format.Builtin.HTTP_HEADERS, new TextMapAdapter(data));
            Span serverSpan = tracer.buildSpan("opt" + i)
                    .withTag("service_name", "someService" + i)
            parentId = serverSpan.context().toSpanId();
        return "build success!";

Implementing Custom TraceId Using the B3 Propagator

About B3 Propagator

B3 has two encoding formats: Single Header and Multiple Headers.

  • Multiple Headers encode each item in the tracing context with a prefixed header.
  • Single Header encodes the context into one header named b3. When extracting fields, the single-header variant takes precedence over the multi-header variant.

This is an example flow using multiple headers, assuming an HTTP request carries propagated tracing:


Enabling the B3 Propagator

Mechanism Code Introduction

    public boolean accept(String key, String value) {
        char first = Character.toLowerCase(key.charAt(0));
        switch (first) {
            case 'f':
                if (this.handledForwarding(key, value)) {
                    return true;
            case 'u':
                if (this.handledUserAgent(key, value)) {
                    return true;
            case 'x':
                if ((this.traceId == null || this.traceId == DDId.ZERO) && "X-B3-TraceId".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                    classification = 0;
                } else if ((this.spanId == null || this.spanId == DDId.ZERO) && "X-B3-SpanId".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                    classification = 1;
                } else if (this.samplingPriority == this.defaultSamplingPriority() && "X-B3-Sampled".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                    classification = 3;
                } else if (this.handledXForwarding(key, value)) {
                    return true;


        String firstValue = HttpCodec.firstHeaderValue(value);
        if (null != firstValue) {
            switch (classification) {
                case 0:
                    if (this.setTraceId(firstValue)) {
                        return true;
                case 1:
                case 2:
                    String mappedKey = (String)this.taggedHeaders.get(lowerCaseKey);
                    if (null != mappedKey) {
                        if (this.tags.isEmpty()) {
                            this.tags = new TreeMap();

                        this.tags.put(mappedKey, HttpCodec.decode(firstValue));
                case 3:
                    this.samplingPriority = this.convertSamplingPriority(firstValue);
                case 4:
                    if (this.extractB3(firstValue)) {
                        return true;


The following method handles the Single Header format:

    private boolean extractB3(String firstValue) {
        if (firstValue.length() == 1) {
            this.samplingPriority = this.convertSamplingPriority(firstValue);
        } else {
            int firstIndex = firstValue.indexOf("-");
            int secondIndex = firstValue.indexOf("-", firstIndex + 1);
            String b3SpanId;
            if (firstIndex != -1) {
                b3SpanId = firstValue.substring(0, firstIndex);
                if (this.setTraceId(b3SpanId)) {
                    return true;

            if (secondIndex == -1) {
                b3SpanId = firstValue.substring(firstIndex + 1);
            } else {
                b3SpanId = firstValue.substring(firstIndex + 1, secondIndex);
                String b3SamplingId = firstValue.substring(secondIndex + 1);
                this.samplingPriority = this.convertSamplingPriority(b3SamplingId);

        return false;

Multiple Header Code Implementation

    private static void b3TraceByMultiple(){
        String traceId = DDId.from("6917954032704516265").toHexStringOrOriginal();
        Tracer tracer = GlobalTracer.get();
        String parentId = DDId.from("4025816492133344807").toHexStringOrOriginal();
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
            data.put("X-B3-TraceId", traceId);
            data.put("X-B3-SpanId", parentId);

            SpanContext extractedContext = tracer.extract(Format.Builtin.HTTP_HEADERS, new TextMapAdapter(data));
            Span serverSpan = tracer.buildSpan("opt"+i)
            parentId = DDId.from(serverSpan.context().toSpanId()).toHexStringOrOriginal();
            System.out.println( traceId+"\t"+serverSpan.context().toTraceId()+"\t"+parentId);


Note: Multiple Header must include two headers: X-B3-TraceId and X-B3-SpanId. From the interceptor analysis, these headers are case-insensitive.

6001828a33d570a9    6917954032704516265 58c4b35f113ee353
6001828a33d570a9    6917954032704516265 330359b7aaea9d6b
6001828a33d570a9    6917954032704516265 1ac0dcd332f9262f

Single Header Code Implementation

    private static void b3TraceBySingle(){
        String traceId = DDId.from("6917954032704516265").toHexStringOrOriginal();
        Tracer tracer = GlobalTracer.get();
        String parentId = DDId.from("4025816492133344807").toHexStringOrOriginal();
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            String b3 = traceId+ "-"+parentId+"-1";
            Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
            SpanContext extractedContext = tracer.extract(Format.Builtin.HTTP_HEADERS, new TextMapAdapter(data));
            Span serverSpan = tracer.buildSpan("opt"+i)
            parentId = DDId.from(serverSpan.context().toSpanId()).toHexStringOrOriginal();
            System.out.println( traceId+"\t"+serverSpan.context().toTraceId()+"\t"+parentId);

6001828a33d570a9    6917954032704516265 308287d022272ed9
6001828a33d570a9    6917954032704516265 5e6fbaad91daef5c
6001828a33d570a9    6917954032704516265 2cfbc225bddf5e6d

Note: Single Header only requires the b3 header, with the format traceId-parentId-Sampled

Enabling Multiple Propagators

Choose either of the two methods:

  • System Property:,B3SINGLE,B3SINGLE
  • Environment Variable:


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