Android Application Access¶
Guance Real User Monitoring can analyze the performance of each Android application in a visual way by collecting the metrics data of each Android application.
- Installing DataKit;
- Collector Configuration RUM Coloctor;
- DataKit Configure for public access and install IP geolocation services.
Android Application Access¶
Login to Guance Console, enter "Real User Monitoring" page, click "New Application" in the upper right corner, enter "Application Name" and customize "Application ID" in the new window, and click Create to select the application type to get access.
- Guance allows DataWay to directly receive RUM data over the public network, without the need to install the DataKit collector. Simply configure the
- Guance also supports receiving RUM data through local environment deployment. This method requires meeting certain prerequisites.
Source Code:
Gradle Configuration¶
Add the remote repository address of DataFlux SDK
to the build.gradle
file in the root of the project
buildscript {
repositories {
//add SDK remote repo url
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
//add Plugin dependency AGP 7.4.2 above,Gradle 7.2.0 above
classpath '[latest_version]'
// AGP 7.4.2 below,using ft-plugin-legacy
//classpath '[latest_version]'
allprojects {
repositories {
//add SDK remote repo url
maven {
url ''
pluginManagement {
repositories {
//add SDK remote repo url
maven {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
//add SDK remote repo url
maven {
//add Plugin dependency AGP 7.4.2 above,Gradle 7.2.0 above
id '' version '[lastest_version]' apply false
// AGP 7.4.2 below,using ft-plugin-legacy
//id '' version '[lastest_version]' apply false
Add SDK dependencies and Plugin usage, and provide Java 8 support in the build.gradle file of the main module app of the project.
dependencies {
//add SDK dependency
implementation '[latest_version]'
//native crash dependency, needs to be used with ft-sdk and cannot be used alone
implementation '[latest_version]'
//Gson version recommend
implementation ''
//add plugin setting
apply plugin: 'ft-plugin'
//Configure Plugin Params
FTExt {
//show plugin debug log
showLog = true
defaultConfig {
ndk {
//When using ft-native ,need to set abi support for platforms
// ft-native abi contain 'arm64-v8a', 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86', 'x86_64'
abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a'
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
targetCompatibility = 1.8
For the latest version, please see the version names of Agent and Plugin above
SDK Initialization¶
Basic Configuration¶
The optimal location for initializing an SDK theoretically is in the onCreate
method of the Application
class. If your application hasn't created an Application
class, you need to create one and declare it in the Application
section of the AndroidManifest.xml
. For an example, please refer to this example.
Method Name | Type | Required | Meaning | Attention |
datakitUrl | String | Yes | Datakit Address | The url of the Datakit address, example:, port 9529. Datakit url address needs to be accessible by the device where the SDK is installed |
datawayUrl | String | Yes | Dataway Address | The url of the Dataway address,example:,port 9528,Note: The installed SDK device must be able to access this address. Note: choose either DataKit or DataWay configuration, not both. |
clientToken | String | Yes | Authentication token | It needs to be configured simultaneously with the datawayUrl |
setDebug | Boolean | No | Whether to turn on debug mode | Default is false , enable to print SDK run log |
setEnv | EnvType | No | Set the acquisition environment | Default is EnvType.PROD |
setEnv | String | No | Set the acquisition environment | Default prod |
setOnlySupportMainProcess | Boolean | No | Does it only support running in the master process | Default is true , if you need to execute in other processes you need to set this field to false |
setEnableAccessAndroidID | Boolean | No | Enable to get Android ID |
Default, is true , set to false , then device_uuid field data will not be collected, market privacy audit related see here |
addGlobalContext | Dictionary | No | Add SDK global properties | Adding rules can be found here |
setServiceName | String | No | Set Service Name | Impact the service field data in Log and RUM, which is set to df_rum_android by default. |
RUM Configuration¶
new FTRUMConfig()
Method Name | Type | Required | Meaning | Attention |
setRumAppId | String | Yes | Set Rum AppId |
Corresponding to setting RUM appid to enable RUM collection, get appid method |
setSampleRate | Float | No | Set Sample Rate | Sampling rate, with a range of [0,1], where 0 indicates no sampling and 1 indicates full sampling. The default value is 1. The scope covers all View, Action, LongTask, and Error data under the same session_id. |
setEnableTrackAppCrash | Boolean | No | Whether to report App crash logs | Default is false , when enabled it will show the error stack data in the error analysis. On the issue of obfuscated content conversion in the crash log |
setExtraMonitorTypeWithError | Array | No | Set up auxiliary monitoring information | Add additional monitoring data to Rum crash data, ErrorMonitorType.BATTERY for battery balance, ErrorMonitorType.MEMORY for memory usage, ErrorMonitorType.CPU for CPU occupancy |
setDeviceMetricsMonitorType | Array | No | Setting View Monitoring Information | In the View cycle, add monitoring data, DeviceMetricsMonitorType.BATTERY to monitor the highest output current output of the current page, DeviceMetricsMonitorType.MEMORY to monitor the current application memory usage, CPU monitors the number of CPU bounces, DeviceMetricsMonitorType.FPS monitors the screen frame rate |
setEnableTrackAppANR | Boolean | No | Whether to turn on ANR detection | Default is false |
setEnableTrackAppUIBlock | Boolean | No | Whether to enable UI lag detection | Default is false |
setEnableTraceUserAction | Boolean | No | Whether to automatically track user actions | Currently only user start and click operations are supported, default is false |
setEnableTraceUserView | Boolean | No | Whether to automatically track user page actions | Default is false |
setEnableTraceUserResource | Boolean | No | Whether to automatically chase user network requests | Only Okhttp is supported, default is false |
setResourceUrlHandler | callback | No | Configure Reousrce filter | Not filter default |
setOkHttpEventListenerHandler | callback | No | Set global ASM Okhttp EventListener | Not set default |
addGlobalContext | Dictionary | No | Add custom tags | Add tag data for user monitoring data source distinction, if you need to use the tracking function, the parameter key is track_id ,value is any value, add rule notes please refer to here |
Add Custom Tags¶
Static Use¶
1.Create multiple productFlavors
in build.gradle
to differentiate between tags
productFlavors {
prodTest {
buildConfigField "String", "CUSTOM_VALUE", "\"Custom Test Value\""
prodPublish {
buildConfigField "String", "CUSTOM_VALUE", "\"Custom Publish Value\""
2.Add the corresponding BuildConfig
constants to the RUM
Dynamic Use¶
1.By storing file type data, such as SharedPreferences
, configure the use of SDK
, and add the code to get the tag data at the configuration.
2.Add a method to change the file data anywhere.
3.Finally restart the application, please see SDK Demo for more details.
Log Configuration¶
Method Name | Type | Required | Meaning | Attention |
setSampleRate | Float | No | Set acquisition rate | The value of the acquisition rate ranges from >= 0, <= 1, and the default value is 1 |
setEnableConsoleLog | Boolean | No | Whether to report console logs | Log level correspondence Log.v -> ok; Log.i、Log.d -> info; Log.e -> error; Log.w -> warning, prefix is the control prefix filter parameter, no filter is set by default |
setEnableLinkRUMData | Boolean | No | Whether to associate with RUM data | Default is false |
setLogCacheDiscardStrategy | No | LogCacheDiscard | Set frequent log discard rules | Default is LogCacheDiscard.DISCARD , DISCARD to discard additional data, DISCARD_OLDEST to discard old data |
setEnableCustomLog | Boolean | No | Whether to upload custom logs | Default is false |
setLogLevelFilters | Array | No | Set log level filtering | Set level log filtering, no setting by default |
addGlobalContext | Dictionary | No | Add log global property | Adding rules can be found here |
Trace Configuration¶
Method Name | Type | Required | Meaning | Attention |
setSampleRate | Float | No | Set sample rate | 采样率,取值范围 [0,1],0 表示不采集,1 表示全采集,默认值为 1。 |
setTraceType | TraceType | No | Set the type of tracing | Default is DDTrace , currently support Zipkin , Jaeger , DDTrace , Skywalking (8.0+), TraceParent (W3C), if you access OpenTelemetry to choose the corresponding trace type, please pay attention to check the supported types and agent-related configuration |
setEnableLinkRUMData | Boolean | No | Whether to associate with RUM data | Default is false |
setEnableAutoTrace | Boolean | No | Set whether to enable automatic http trace | Currently only OKhttp auto-tracking is supported, the default is false . |
setEnableWebTrace | Boolean | No | Set the webview to enable tracing or not | alpha function, some scenarios may have partial js loading problems, default is false |
RUM User Data Tracking¶
Configure enableTraceUserAction, enableTraceUserView, and enableTraceUserResource in FTRUMConfig to achieve the effect of automatically obtaining data, or manually use FTRUMGlobalManager to add this data. An example is shown below:
* add action
* @param actionName action name
* @param actionType action type
public void startAction(String actionName, String actionType)
* add action
* @param actionName action name
* @param actionType action type
* @param property extra property
public void startAction(String actionName, String actionType, HashMap<String, Object> property)
* add action
* @param actionName action name
* @param actionType action type
fun startAction(actionName: String, actionType: String)
* add action
* @param actionName action name
* @param actionType action type
* @param property extra property
fun startAction(actionName: String, actionType: String, property: HashMap<String, Any>)
Code Example¶
* view start
* @param viewName Current View Name
public void startView(String viewName)
* view start
* @param viewName Current View Name
* @param property Extra Property
public void startView(String viewName, HashMap<String, Object> property)
* view stop
public void stopView()
* view stop
* @param property Extra Property
public void stopView(HashMap<String, Object> property)
* view start
* @param viewName Current View Name
fun startView(viewName: String)
* view start
* @param viewName Current View Name
* @param property Extra Property
fun startView(viewName: String, property: HashMap<String, Any>)
* view stop
fun stopView()
* view stop
* @param property Extra Property
fun stopView(property: HashMap<String, Any>)
Code Example¶
protected void onResume() {
// Scene 1
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().startView("Current Page Name");
// Scene 2: extra property
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("ft_key", "ft_value");
map.put("ft_key_will_change", "ft_value");
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().startView("Current Page Name", map);
protected void onPause() {
// Scene 1
// Scene 2 : extra property
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("ft_key_will_change", "ft_value_change"); // ft_key_will_change will be changed to ft_value_change when stopResource is called.
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().startView("Current Page Name", map);
override fun onResume() {
// Scene 1
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().startView("Current Page Name")
// Scene 2: extra property
val map = HashMap<String, Any>()
map["ft_key"] = "ft_value"
map["ft_key_will_change"] = "ft_value"
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().startView("Current Page Name", map)
override fun onPause() {
// Scene 1
// Scene 2 : extra property
val map = HashMap<String, Any>()
map["ft_key_will_change"] = "ft_value_change" // ft_key_will_change will be changed to ft_value_change when stopResource is called.
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().startView("Current Page Name", map)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
public void addError(String log, String message, ErrorType errorType, AppState state)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param dateline Duration, in nanoseconds.
public void addError(String log, String message, long dateline, ErrorType errorType, AppState state)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param property
public void addError(String log, String message, ErrorType errorType, AppState state, HashMap<String, Object> property)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param dateline Duration, in nanoseconds.
public void addError(String log, String message, long dateline, ErrorType errorType,
AppState state, HashMap<String, Object> property)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
public void addError(String log, String message, String errorType, AppState state)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param dateline Duration, in nanoseconds.
public void addError(String log, String message, long dateline, String errorType, AppState state)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param property Extra Property
public void addError(String log, String message, String errorType, AppState state, HashMap<String, Object> property)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param dateline Duration, in nanoseconds.
* @param property Extra Property
public void addError(String log, String message, long dateline, String errorType,
AppState state, HashMap<String, Object> property)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
fun addError(log: String, message: String, errorType: ErrorType, state: AppState)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param dateline Duration, in nanoseconds.
fun addError(log: String, message: String, dateline: Long, errorType: ErrorType, state: AppState)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param property extra Property
fun addError(log: String, message: String, errorType: ErrorType, state: AppState, property: HashMap<String, Any>)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param dateline Duration, in nanoseconds.
fun addError(log: String, message: String, dateline: Long, errorType: ErrorType,state: AppState, property: HashMap<String, Any>)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
fun addError(log: String, message: String, errorType: String, state: AppState)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param dateline Duration, in nanoseconds.
fun addError(log: String, message: String, dateline: Long, errorType: String, state: AppState)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param property Extra Property
fun addError(log: String, message: String, errorType: String, state: AppState, property: HashMap<String, Any>)
* add error data
* @param log log content
* @param message error message detail
* @param errorType
* @param state application running state
* @param dateline Duration, in nanoseconds.
* @param property Extra Property
fun addError(log: String, message: String, dateline: Long, errorType: String,state: AppState, property: HashMap<String, Any>)
Code Example¶
// Scene 1:
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().addError("error log", "error msg", ErrorType.JAVA, AppState.RUN);
// Scene 2:Delay recording the occurred error, typically until the time when the error occurred.
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().addError("error log", "error msg", 16789000000000000000L, ErrorType.JAVA, AppState.RUN);
// Scene 3:extra property
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("ft_key", "ft_value");
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().addError("error log", "error msg", ErrorType.JAVA, AppState.RUN, map);
// Scene 1:
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().addError("error log", "error msg", ErrorType.JAVA, AppState.RUN)
// Scene 2:Delay recording the occurred error, typically until the time when the error occurred.
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().addError("error log", "error msg", 16789000000000000000, ErrorType.JAVA, AppState.RUN)
// Scene 3:extra property
val map = HashMap<String, Any>()
map["ft_key"] = "ft_value"
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().addError("error log", "error msg",ErrorType.JAVA,AppState.RUN,map)
* add long task data
* @param log log content
* @param duration Duration, in nanoseconds.
public void addLongTask(String log, long duration)
* add long task data
* @param log log content
* @param duration Duration, in nanoseconds.
public void addLongTask(String log, long duration, HashMap<String, Object> property)
* add long task data
* @param log log content
* @param duration Duration, in nanoseconds.
fun addLongTask(log: String, duration: Long)
* add long task data
* @param log log content
* @param duration Duration, in nanoseconds.
fun addLongTask(log: String, duration: Long, property: HashMap<String, Any>)
Code Example¶
* resource start
* @param resourceId resource Id ,unique every request
public void startResource(String resourceId)
* resource start
* @param resourceId resource Id ,unique every request
public void startResource(String resourceId, HashMap<String, Object> property)
* resource stop
* @param resourceId resource Id ,unique every request
public void stopResource(String resourceId)
* resource stop
* @param resourceId resource Id ,unique every request
* @param property extra property
public void stopResource(final String resourceId, HashMap<String, Object> property)
* append network metrics and content data
* @param resourceId
* @param params
* @param netStatusBean
public void addResource(String resourceId, ResourceParams params, NetStatusBean netStatusBean)
* resource start
* @param resourceId resource Id ,unique every request
fun startResource(resourceId: String) {
// ...
* resource start
* @param resourceId resource Id ,unique every request
fun startResource(resourceId: String, property: HashMap<String, Any>) {
// ...
* resource stop
* @param resourceId resource Id ,unique every request
fun stopResource(resourceId: String) {
// ...
* resource stop
* @param resourceId resource Id ,unique every request
* @param property extra property
fun stopResource(resourceId: String, property: HashMap<String, Any>) {
// ...
* append network metrics and content data
* @param resourceId
* @param params
* @param netStatusBean
fun addResource(resourceId: String, params: ResourceParams, netStatusBean: NetStatusBean) {
// ...
Code Example¶
// Scene 1
// request start
// reqeust end
//Finally, after the request ends, send request-related data metrics
ResourceParams params = new ResourceParams();
NetStatusBean bean = new NetStatusBean();
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().addResource("resourceId", params, bean);
// Scene 2 :Extra Property
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("ft_key", "ft_value");
map.put("ft_key_will_change", "ft_value");
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("ft_key_will_change", "ft_value_change"); // ft_key_will_change will be changed to ft_value_change when stopResource is called.
// Scene 1
//request start
//request end
//Finally, after the request ends, send request-related data metrics
val params = ResourceParams()
params.url = ""
params.responseContentType = response.header("Content-Type")
arams.responseConnection = response.header("Connection")
params.responseContentEncoding = response.header("Content-Encoding")
params.responseHeader = response.headers.toString()
params.requestHeader = request.headers.toString()
params.resourceStatus = response.code
params.resourceMethod = request.method
val bean = NetStatusBean()
bean.tcpStartTime = 60000000
// Scene 2 :Extra Property
val map = hashMapOf<String, Any>(
"ft_key" to "ft_value",
"ft_key_will_change" to "ft_value"
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().startResource("resourceId", map)
val map = hashMapOf<String, Any>(
"ft_key_will_change" to "ft_value_change"
// ft_key_will_change will be changed to ft_value_change when stopResource is called.
FTRUMGlobalManager.get().stopResource(uuid, map)
Method Name | Required | Meaning | Description |
NetStatusBean.fetchStartTime | No | Request start time | |
NetStatusBean.tcpStartTime | No | tcp connection time | |
NetStatusBean.tcpEndTime | No | tcp end time | |
NetStatusBean.dnsStartTime | No | dns start time | |
NetStatusBean.dnsEndTime | No | dns end time | |
NetStatusBean.responseStartTime | No | Response start time | |
NetStatusBean.responseEndTime | No | Response end time | |
NetStatusBean.sslStartTime | No | ssl start time | |
NetStatusBean.sslEndTime | No | ssl end time | | | No | Extra Property | |
ResourceParams.url | Yes | url address | |
ResourceParams.requestHeader | No | Request header parameters | |
ResourceParams.responseHeader | No | Response header parameters | |
ResourceParams.responseConnection | No | Response Connection | |
ResourceParams.responseContentType | No | Response ContentType | |
ResourceParams.responseContentEncoding | No | Response ContentEncoding | |
ResourceParams.resourceMethod | No | Request Method | GET, POST, etc. |
ResourceParams.responseBody | No | Return body content | | | No | Extra Property |
Logger Log Printing¶
Using FTLogger
print log
* store single log
* @param content log content
* @param status log level
public void logBackground(String content, Status status)
*store single log
* @param content log content
* @param status log level
public void logBackground(String content, Status status, HashMap<String, Object> property)
* batch log
* @param logDataList {@link LogData} log list
public void logBackground(List<LogData> logDataList)
*store single log
* @param content log content
* @param status log level
fun logBackground(content: String, status: Status)
*store single log
* @param content log content
* @param status log level
* @param property extra property
fun logBackground(content: String, status: Status, property: HashMap<String, Any>)
* batch log
* @param logDataList log list
fun logBackground(logDataList: List<LogData>)
log level¶
Constant | Meaning |
Status.INFO | info log |
Status.WARNING | warning log |
Status.ERROR | error log |
Status.CRITICAL | critical log |
Status.OK | recovery log |
Code Example¶
// single log
FTLogger.getInstance().logBackground("test", Status.INFO);
// set extra property with HashMap
HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("ft_key", "ft_value");
FTLogger.getInstance().logBackground("test", Status.INFO, map);
// batch log
List<LogData> logList = new ArrayList<>();
logList.add(new LogData("test", Status.INFO));
//upload single log
FTLogger.getInstance().logBackground("test", Status.INFO)
//set extra property with HashMap
val map = HashMap<String,Any>()
FTLogger.getInstance().logBackground("test", Status.INFO,map
//batch log
Tracer Network Trace Tracking¶
Configure FTTraceConfig to enable automatic addition of link data using enableAutoTrace, or manually use FTTraceManager to add Propagation Header in an HTTP request. An example is shown below:
String url = "";
String uuid = "uuid";
//get http header params
Map<String, String> headers = FTTraceManager.get().getTraceHeader(uuid, url);
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(chain -> {
Request original = chain.request();
Request.Builder requestBuilder = original.newBuilder();
//add tracing headers
for (String key : headers.keySet()) {
requestBuilder.header(key, headers.get(key));
Request request =;
Response response = chain.proceed(request);
if (response != null) {
Map<String, String> requestHeaderMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> responseHeaderMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Pair<String, String> header : response.request().headers()) {
requestHeaderMap.put(header.first, header.second);
for (Pair<String, String> header : response.headers()) {
responseHeaderMap.put(header.first, header.second);
return response;
Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder().url(url).method(, null);
val url = ""
val uuid ="uuid"
//get http header params
val headers = FTTraceManager.get().getTraceHeader(uuid, url)
val client: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor { chain ->
val original = chain.request()
val requestBuilder = original.newBuilder()
//add tracing headers
for (key in headers.keys) {
requestBuilder.header(key!!, headers[key]!!)
val request =
response = chain.proceed(request)
if (response != null) {
val requestHeaderMap = HashMap<String, String>()
val responseHeaderMap = HashMap<String, String>()
request.headers.forEach {
requestHeaderMap[it.first] = it.second
response!!.headers.forEach {
responseHeaderMap[it.first] = it.second
val builder: Request.Builder = Request.Builder().url(url).method(, null)
Customizing Resource and TraceHeader through OKHttp Interceptor¶
的 enableAutoTrace
配置,同时开启,优先加载自定义 Interceptor
For ft-sdk versions earlier than 1.4.1, it is necessary to disable enableTraceUserResource in FTRUMConfig and enableAutoTrace in FTTraceConfig
new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor(new FTTraceInterceptor(new FTTraceInterceptor.HeaderHandler() {
public HashMap<String, String> getTraceHeader(Request request) {
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
return map;
.addInterceptor(new FTResourceInterceptor(new FTResourceInterceptor.ContentHandlerHelper() {
public void onRequest(Request request, HashMap<String, Object> extraData) {
String contentType = request.header("Content-Type");
extraData.put("df_request_header", request.headers().toString());
if ("application/json".equals(contentType) ||
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded".equals(contentType) ||
"application/xml".equals(contentType)) {
extraData.put("df_request_body", request.body());
public void onResponse(Response response, HashMap<String, Object> extraData) throws IOException {
String contentType = response.header("Content-Type");
extraData.put("df_response_header", response.headers().toString());
if ("application/json".equals(contentType) ||
"application/xml".equals(contentType)) {
// Copy and read only a portion of the body to avoid excessive consumption of large data.
ResponseBody body = response.peekBody(33554432);
extraData.put("df_response_body", body.string());
public void onException(Exception e, HashMap<String, Object> extraData)
.eventListenerFactory(new FTResourceEventListener.FTFactory())
.addInterceptor(FTTraceInterceptor(object : FTTraceInterceptor.HeaderHandler {
override fun getTraceHeader(request: Request): HashMap<String, String> {
val map = HashMap<String, String>()
map["custom_header"] = "custom_value"
return map
.addInterceptor(FTResourceInterceptor(object : FTResourceInterceptor.ContentHandlerHelper {
override fun onRequest(request: Request, extraData: HashMap<String, Any>) {
val contentType = request.header("Content-Type")
extraData["df_request_header"] = request.headers().toString()
if ("application/json" == contentType ||
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" == contentType ||
"application/xml" == contentType) {
extraData["df_request_body"] = request.body()
override fun onResponse(response: Response, extraData: HashMap<String, Any>) {
val contentType = response.header("Content-Type")
extraData["df_response_header"] = response.headers().toString()
if ("application/json" == contentType ||
"application/xml" == contentType) {
// Copy and read only a portion of the body to avoid excessive consumption of large data.
val body = response.peekBody(33554432)
extraData["df_response_body"] = body.string()
override fun onException(e: Exception, extraData: HashMap<String, Any>) {
User Information Binding and Unbinding¶
Using FTSdk
bind user data and unbind
Method Name | Meaning | Required | Description |
setId | set user ID | No | |
setName | set user name | No | |
setEmail | set email | No | |
setExts | set user extra | No | More rules ,please viewHere |
Code Example¶
// bind user info after log in
UserData userData = new UserData();
Map<String, String> extMap = new HashMap<>();
extMap.put("ft_key", "ft_value");
//clear user data after log out
// bind user info after log in
val userData = UserData() = "test.user" = ""
val extMap = HashMap<String, String>()
extMap["ft_key"] = "ft_value"
//clear user data after log out
Close SDK¶
Using FTSdk
to close SDK
Code Example¶
Dynamically Turn On and Off to get AndroidID¶
Using FTSdk
to set whether to get the Android ID in the SDK
Code Example¶
R8 / Proguard Obfuscation Configuration¶
-dontwarn com.ft.sdk.**
-keep class com.ft.sdk.**{*;}
-keep class ftnative.*{*;}
-keepnames class * extends android.view.View
Symbol File Upload¶
Plugin Upload¶
version needs to be 1.3.0
or higher to support symbol file upload, support productFlavor
multi-version distinction management, plugin will execute upload symbol file after gradle task assembleRelease
, detailed configuration can refer to SDK Demo
FTExt {
autoUploadMap = true
autoUploadNativeDebugSymbol = true
datakitUrl = 'https://datakit.url'
datawayToken = 'dataway_token'
appId = "appid_xxxxx"// appid
env = 'common'
prodFlavors { //prodFlavors override before
prodTest {
autoUploadMap = false
autoUploadNativeDebugSymbol = false
datakitUrl = 'https://datakit.url'
datawayToken = 'dataway_token'
appId = "appid_prodTest"
env = "gray"
prodPublish {
autoUploadMap = true
autoUploadNativeDebugSymbol = true
datakitUrl = 'https://datakit.url'
datawayToken = 'dataway_token'
appId = "appid_prodPublish"
env = "prod"
Manual Upload¶
It is recommended to use the zip
command line for packing, to avoid some system hidden files in the zip
package, please refer to sourcemap upload
Permission Configuration Instructions¶
Name | Reasons for Use |
Used to obtain device information of cell phones for accurate analysis of data information |
For details on how to apply dynamic permissions, please refer to Android Developer
Plugin AOP Ingore¶
Ignore ASM insertion by adding @IngoreAOP
to Plugin AOP override method
Adding Bureau Variables to Avoid Conflicting Fields¶
To avoid conflicts between custom fields and SDK data, it is recommended that the tag naming add the prefix of the project abbreviation, for example df_tag_name
, and the key
value can be used in the project query source. If the same variables as RUM and Log appear in the SDK global variables, RUM and Log will overwrite the global variables in the SDK.
SDK Compatibility¶
Responding to Market Privacy Audits¶
Privacy Statement¶
Method 1: SDK AndroidID Configuration¶
The SDK will use the Android ID for better association with the same user data, and if it needs to be on the app market, it needs to correspond to the market privacy audit in the following way.
public class DemoApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// application init setEnableAccessAndroidID to false
FTSDKConfig config = new FTSDKConfig.Builder(DATAKIT_URL)
// ...
// set enable after user agree with privacy
class DemoApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
//application init setEnableAccessAndroidID to false
val config = FTSDKConfig
. setEnableAccessAndroidID(false)
// set enable after user agree with privacy
Method 2:Lazy initialization of the SDK¶
If you need to lazily load the SDK in your application, it is recommended to initialize it using the following approach.
// Application
public class DemoApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
//If the agreement to the terms has already been given, initialize it in the Application.
// Privacy Statement Activity Page
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//Privacy Statement Not Read
if ( notReadProtocol ) {
// Show Privacy Policy
//If agreed to the privacy statement
if( agreeProtocol ){
// Application
class DemoApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
// If the agreement to the terms has already been given, initialize it in the Application.
if (agreeProtocol) {
// Privacy Statement Activity Page
class MainActivity : Activity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Privacy Statement Not Read
if (notReadProtocol) {
// Show Privacy Policy
// If agreed to the privacy statement
if (agreeProtocol) {
ft-plugin not compatibility¶
Guance uses code injection through Android Gradle Plugin
Transformation to automatically collect data. However, in the event that ft-plugin
cannot be used, this alternative integration approach can be used. The steps to implement the SDK manually are as follows:
- For the application startup event, add the following code to the onCreate() method of the
class. Here is an example DemoForManualSet.kt
- For user events, such as button clicks, you will need to manually add tracking using
. For example, for a button click event, you can add the following code. Here is an example ManualActivity.kt:
- For
, you can add tracking by using addInterceptor and eventListener to integrate Resource and Trace. Here is an example ManualActivity.kt:
- For other network frameworks, you will need to manually implement the use of
and its methods, includingstartResource
, andFTTraceManager.getTraceHeader
. For more information, please refer to the sample code in ManualActivity.kt.