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ddtrace Sampling


The current example uses ddtrace version 0.114.0 (latest version) for testing


java -javaagent:D:/ddtrace/dd-java-agent-0.114.0.jar \ \
-Ddd.agent.port=9529 \
-jar springboot-ddtrace-server.jar

Installation and Deployment

1 Configuration of the Sampler Section in ddtrace.conf

  ## Sampler config used to set global sampling strategy.
  ## sampling_rate used to set global sampling rate.
    sampling_rate = 0.1

2 Test Script

for ((i=1;i<=100;i++)); 
    curl http://localhost:8080/counter

3 Enable Sampling

  1. Enable sampling on the collector side

The sampling_rate range is (0,1). If it is outside this range, traces are discarded.

If full tracing is required, there is no need to configure [inputs.ddtrace.sampler].

  1. Enable sampling on the application side

Sampling is enabled on the application side using -Ddd.trace.sample.rate, with a range of (0,1).

This is marked as sampled, meaning all traces are collected while being marked for sampling.

  1. Sampling Priority

Both sampling methods have the same effect. If both are configured, the sampling configuration on the collector side will not take effect.


-Ddd.trace.sample.rate > sampling_rate

Reference Documentation

<demo source code address>

<ddtrace startup parameters>


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