iOS Application Access¶
Guance Real User Monitoring can analyze the performance of each iOS application in a visual way by collecting the metrics data of each iOS application.
Note: If you have activated the RUM Headless service, the prerequisites have been automatically configured for you, and you can directly access the application.
- Install DataKit;
- Configure RUM Collector;
- DataKit is configured to be accessible to the public network and install the IP geographic information database.
Application Access¶
Login to Guance Console, enter Real User Monitoring page, click New Application in the upper left corner to start creating a new application.
Source Code Address:
1.Configure the Podfile
- Use Dynamic Library
platform :ios, '10.0'
def shared_pods
pod 'FTMobileSDK', '[latest_version]'
# If you need to collect widget Extension data
pod 'FTMobileSDK/Extension', '[latest_version]'
//Main Project Target
target 'yourProjectName' do
//Widget Extension
target 'yourWidgetExtensionName' do
# If you need to collect widget Extension data
- Use Static Library
//Main Project Target
target 'yourProjectName' do
pod 'FTMobileSDK', '[latest_version]'
//Widget Extension
target 'yourWidgetExtensionName' do
pod 'FTMobileSDK/Extension', '[latest_version]'
- Download the code repository for local use
:Path to the folder where 'FTMobileSDK.podspec' is located.
Modify s.version
and s.source
in the 'FTMobileSDK.podspec' file.
:This parameter is recommended to be consistent with SDK_VERSION
in FTMobileSDK/FTMobileAgent/Core/FTMobileAgentVersion.h
:tag => s.version do |s| = "FTMobileSDK"
s.version = "[latest_version]"
s.source = { :git => "", :tag => s.version }
2.Run pod install
in the Podfile
directory to install the SDK.
1.Configure the Cartfile
2.Executes in the 'Cartfile' directory
If you get the error "Building universal frameworks with common architectures is not possible. for: arm64" error,
Follow the prompts to add the --use-xcframeworks
The generated xcframework is used in the same way as the normal Framework. Add the compile-generated library to the project project.
:Add to the main project Target
:Add to Widget Extension Target
3.Select TARGETS
-> Build Setting
-> Other Linker Flags
add -ObjC
: >=1.4.0-beta.1
1.Select PROJECT
-> Package Dependency
,Click + under 'Packages'.
in the search box on the page that pops up.
3.After Xcode successfully obtains the package, the SDK configuration page is displayed.
Dependency Rule
:suggest you to choose Up to Next Major Version
Add To Project
:Select a supported project.
Click the 'Add Package' button and wait for the load to complete.
4.In the pop-up window 'Choose Package Products for datakit-ios', select the Target that needs to Add the SDK and click the' Add Package 'button. At this time, the SDK has been added successfully.
:Add to the main project Target
:Add to Widget Extension Target
If your project is managed by SPM, add the SDK as a dependency and add 'dependencies' to 'Package.swift'.
// main project
dependencies: [
.package(name: "FTMobileSDK", url: "",.upToNextMajor(from: "[latest_version]"))
]>= 1.4.0-beta.1 .
Add Header File¶
SDK Initialization¶
Basic Configuration¶
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions{
// Use Datakit Address
//FTMobileConfig *config = [[FTMobileConfig alloc]initWithDatakitUrl:datakitUrl];
// Use DataWay Address
FTMobileConfig *config = [[FTMobileConfig alloc]initWithDatawayUrl:datawayUrl clientToken:clientToken];
config.enableSDKDebugLog = YES;
//Start SDK
[FTMobileAgent startWithConfigOptions:config];
return YES;
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Use Datakit Address
//let config = FTMobileConfig(datakitUrl: url)
// Use DataWay Address
let config = FTMobileConfig(datawayUrl: datawayUrl, clientToken: clientToken)
config.enableSDKDebugLog = true
FTMobileAgent.start(withConfigOptions: config)
return true
Fields | Type | Required | Meaning |
datakitUrl | NSString | Yes | Datakit Access address, example:, the default port is 9529, the SDK device must be able to access this address. Note: choose either DataKit or DataWay configuration, not both |
datawayUrl | NSString | Yes | The url of the Dataway address,example:,port 9528,Note: The installed SDK device must be able to access this address. Note: choose either DataKit or DataWay configuration, not both. |
clientToken | NSString | Yes | Authentication token.It needs to be configured simultaneously with the datawayUrl |
enableSDKDebugLog | BOOL | No | Whether to turn on debug mode.Default is NO , enable to print SDK run log |
env | NSString | No | Set the acquisition environment.Default prod , support for custom. It can also be set using the -setEnvWithType: method based on the 'FTEnv' enumeration.FTEnv FTEnvProd : prodFTEnvGray : grayFTEnvPre :pre FTEnvCommon :common FTEnvLocal : local |
service | NSString | No | Set Service Name.Impact the service field data in Log and RUM, which is set to df_rum_ios by default. |
globalContext | NSDictionary | No | Add SDK global properties.Adding rules can be found here |
groupIdentifiers | NSArray | No | An array of AppGroups identifiers corresponding to the Widget Extensions to be collected.If Widget Extensions data collection is enabled, You must set App Groups, And configure the Identifier to this property |
autoSync | BOOL | No | Whether to enable automatic synchronization. Default YES . When it is NO , use [[FTMobileAgent sharedInstance] flushSyncData] to manage data synchronization by yourself |
syncPageSize | int | No | Set the number of synchronization request entries. Range [5,) Note: The larger the number of request entries, the more computing resources data synchronization occupies. The default value is 10 |
syncSleepTime | int | No | Set the synchronization interval. Range [0,5000], not set by default |
enableDataIntegerCompatible | BOOL | No | It is recommended to enable it when it needs to coexist with web data. This configuration is used to handle web data type storage compatibility issues. |
compressIntakeRequests | BOOL | No | Compress the synchronized data. SDK 1.5.6 and above versions support this parameter |
enableLimitWithDbSize | BOOL | No | Enable the function of using DB to limit the total cache size. Note:After enabling, FTLoggerConfig.logCacheLimitCount and FTRUMConfig.rumCacheLimitCount will become invalid. SDK 1.5.8 and above versions support this parameter |
dbCacheLimit | long | No | DB cache limit size. Range [30MB,), default 100MB, unit byte, SDK 1.5.8 and above support this parameter |
dbDiscardType | FTDBCacheDiscard | No | Set the data discard rule in the database. Default FTDBDiscard FTDBDiscard discards additional data when the amount of data is greater than the maximum value. FTDBDiscardOldest discards old data when the amount of data is greater than the maximum value. SDK 1.5.8 or above supports this parameter |
RUM Configuration¶
//开启 rum
FTRumConfig *rumConfig = [[FTRumConfig alloc]initWithAppid:appid];
rumConfig.samplerate = 80;
rumConfig.enableTrackAppCrash = YES;
rumConfig.enableTrackAppANR = YES;
rumConfig.enableTrackAppFreeze = YES;
rumConfig.enableTraceUserAction = YES;
rumConfig.enableTraceUserView = YES;
rumConfig.enableTraceUserResource = YES;
rumConfig.errorMonitorType = FTErrorMonitorAll;
rumConfig.deviceMetricsMonitorType = FTDeviceMetricsMonitorAll;
rumConfig.monitorFrequency = FTMonitorFrequencyRare;
[[FTMobileAgent sharedInstance] startRumWithConfigOptions:rumConfig];
let rumConfig = FTRumConfig(appid: appid)
rumConfig.enableTraceUserAction = true
rumConfig.enableTrackAppANR = true
rumConfig.enableTraceUserView = true
rumConfig.enableTraceUserResource = true
rumConfig.enableTrackAppCrash = true
rumConfig.enableTrackAppFreeze = true
rumConfig.errorMonitorType = .all
rumConfig.deviceMetricsMonitorType = .all
rumConfig.monitorFrequency = .rare
FTMobileAgent.sharedInstance().startRum(withConfigOptions: rumConfig)
Fields | Type | Required | Meaning |
appid | NSString | No | Set Rum AppId .Corresponding to setting RUM appid to enable RUM collection, [get appid method]( |
samplerate | int | No | Set acquisition rate.The collection rate ranges from >= 0 to <= 100. The default value is 100 |
enableTrackAppCrash | BOOL | No | Set whether crash need to be collected.Default NO |
enableTrackAppANR | BOOL | No | Collect ANR stuck unresponsive events.Default NO |
enableTrackAppFreeze | BOOL | No | Collect UI jamming events.Default NO |
freezeDurationMs | long | No | Set UI freeze threshold, value range [100,), unit is milliseconds, default is 250ms. SDK 1.5.7 and above versions support |
enableTraceUserView | BOOL | No | Set whether to track user View actions.Default NO |
enableTraceUserAction | BOOL | No | Set whether to track user Action actions.Default NO |
enableTraceUserResource | BOOL | No | Set whether to track user network requests.Default NO |
resourceUrlHandler | FTResourceUrlHandler | No | Configure Reousrce filter.No filtering by default. Return :NO for no filtering and YES for filtering. |
errorMonitorType | FTErrorMonitorType | No | Error Event Monitoring Supplementary Type.Add monitoring information to the collected crash data.FTErrorMonitorType FTErrorMonitorAll :allFTErrorMonitorBattery :battery powerFTErrorMonitorMemory :total memory, memory usageFTErrorMonitorCpu :CPU usage |
deviceMetricsMonitorType | FTDeviceMetricsMonitorType | No | The performance monitoring type of the view.Add the monitoring item information to the collected View data.FTDeviceMetricsMonitorType FTDeviceMetricsMonitorAll :allFTDeviceMetricsMonitorMemory :average memory, maximum memoryFTDeviceMetricsMonitorCpu :The maximum and average number of CPU ticksFTDeviceMetricsMonitorFps :fps minimum frame rate, average frame rate |
monitorFrequency | FTMonitorFrequency | No | View's Performance Monitoring Sampling Period.Configure 'monitorFrequency' to set the sampling period for View monitor information.FTMonitorFrequency FTMonitorFrequencyDefault :500ms (default)FTMonitorFrequencyFrequent :100msFTMonitorFrequencyRare :1000ms |
enableResourceHostIP | BOOL | No | Whether to collect the IP address of the request target domain name address. Supported iOS >= 13.0 |
globalContext | NSDictionary | No | Add Rum global properties.Adding rules can be found here |
rumCacheLimitCount | int | No | Maximum RUM cache size. The default value is 100_000. SDK 1.5.8 and above support this parameter |
rumDiscardType | FTRUMCacheDiscard | No | Set RUM discard rules. Default FTRUMCacheDiscard FTRUMCacheDiscard discards additional data when the amount of RUM data is greater than the maximum value. FTRUMDiscardOldest discards old data when the amount of RUM data is greater than the maximum value. SDK 1.5.8 or above supports this parameter |
Log Configuration¶
FTLoggerConfig *loggerConfig = [[FTLoggerConfig alloc]init];
loggerConfig.enableCustomLog = YES;
loggerConfig.enableLinkRumData = YES;
loggerConfig.logLevelFilter = @[@(FTStatusError),@(FTStatusCritical)];
loggerConfig.discardType = FTDiscardOldest;
[[FTMobileAgent sharedInstance] startLoggerWithConfigOptions:loggerConfig];
let loggerConfig = FTLoggerConfig()
loggerConfig.enableCustomLog = true
loggerConfig.enableLinkRumData = true
loggerConfig.logLevelFilter = [NSNumber(value: FTLogStatus.statusError.rawValue),NSNumber(value: FTLogStatus.statusCritical.rawValue)] // loggerConfig.logLevelFilter = [2,3]
loggerConfig.discardType = .discardOldest
FTMobileAgent.sharedInstance().startLogger(withConfigOptions: loggerConfig)
Fields | Type | Required | Meaning |
samplerate | int | No | Set acquisition rate.The collection rate ranges from >= 0 to <= 100. The default value is 100 |
enableCustomLog | BOOL | No | Whether to upload custom logs.Default NO |
printCustomLogToConsole | BOOL | No | Sets whether to output custom logs to the console.Default NO Custom log print format |
logLevelFilter | NSArray | No | Set the state array of the custom logs to be collected.Default full collection |
enableLinkRumData | BOOL | No | Whether to associate logger data with rum.Default NO |
discardType | FTLogCacheDiscard | No (the latest data is discarded by default) | Setting the log deprecation policy.Default FTDiscard FTLogCacheDiscard :FTDiscard :Default,When the number of log data exceeds the maximum value (5000), the appended data is discardedFTDiscardOldest :When the log data exceeds the maximum value, the old data is discarded |
globalContext | NSDictionary | No | Add log global properties.Adding rules can be found here |
Trace Configuration¶
Fields | Type | Required | Meaning |
samplerate | int | No | Set acquisition rate.The collection rate ranges from >= 0 to <= 100. The default value is 100 |
networkTraceType | NS_ENUM | No | Set the type of tracing.Default is DDTrace , currently support Zipkin , Jaeger , DDTrace , Skywalking (8.0+), TraceParent (W3C), if you access OpenTelemetry to choose the corresponding trace type, please pay attention to check the supported types and agent-related configuration |
enableAutoTrace | BOOL | No | Set whether to enable automatic http trace.Default NO ,currently only NSURLSession is supported |
enableLinkRumData | BOOL | No | Whether to associate Trace data with rum.Default NO |
You can configure FTRUMConfig
to enable automatic mode or add it manually. Rum related data can be passed in through the FTExternalDataManager
singleton with the following API.
/// Create View
/// Called before the '-startViewWithName' method, which is used to record the loading time of the page. If the loading time cannot be obtained, this method may not be called.
/// - Parameters:
/// - viewName: Current View Name
/// - loadTime: The loading time of this view(ns)
-(void)onCreateView:(NSString *)viewName loadTime:(NSNumber *)loadTime;
/// view start
/// - Parameters:
/// - viewName: Current View Name
-(void)startViewWithName:(NSString *)viewName;
/// view start
/// - Parameters:
/// - viewName: Current View Name
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
-(void)startViewWithName:(NSString *)viewName property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// view stop
/// view stop
/// - Parameter property: Extra Property (optional)
-(void)stopViewWithProperty:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// Create View
/// Called before the '-startViewWithName' method, which is used to record the loading time of the page. If the loading time cannot be obtained, this method may not be called.
/// - Parameters:
/// - viewName: Current View Name
/// - loadTime: The loading time of this view (ns)
open func onCreateView(_ viewName: String, loadTime: NSNumber)
/// view start
/// - Parameters:
/// - viewName: Current View Name
open func startView(withName viewName: String)
/// view start
/// - Parameters:
/// - viewName: Current View Name
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
open func startView(withName viewName: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
/// view stop
open func stopView()
/// view stop
/// - Parameter property: Extra Property (optional)
open func stopView(withProperty property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
Code Example¶
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated{
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
// Scene 1:
[[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] startViewWithName:@"TestVC"];
// Secne 2: extra property
[[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] startViewWithName:@"TestVC" property:@{@"custom_key":@"custom_value"}];
[super viewDidDisappear:animated];
// Scene 1:
[[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] stopView];
// Secne 2: extra property
[[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] stopViewWithProperty:@{@"custom_key":@"custom_value"}];
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Scene 1:
FTExternalDataManager.shared().startView(withName: "TestVC")
// Secne 2: extra property
FTExternalDataManager.shared().startView(withName: "TestVC",property: ["custom_key":"custom_value"])
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Scene 1:
// Secne 2: extra property
FTExternalDataManager.shared().stopView(withProperty: ["custom_key":"custom_value"])
/// Start RUM Action.
/// RUM will bind the Resource, Error, and LongTask events that may be triggered by the Action. Avoid adding multiple times within 0.1 seconds. The same View will only be associated with one Action at the same time. If the previous Action is not completed, the newly added Action will be discarded.
/// This method has no effect on adding Actions with the `addAction:actionType:property` method.
/// - Parameters:
/// - actionName: action name
/// - actionType: action type
/// - property: extra property (optional)
- (void)startAction:(NSString *)actionName actionType:(NSString *)actionType property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// Add Action event. No duration, no discard logic
/// Does not affect the RUM Action started by `startAction:actionType:property:`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - actionName: action name
/// - actionType: action type
/// - property: extra property (optional)
- (void)addAction:(NSString *)actionName actionType:(NSString *)actionType property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// Start RUM Action.
/// RUM will bind the Resource, Error, and LongTask events that may be triggered by the Action. Avoid adding multiple times within 0.1 seconds. The same View will only be associated with one Action at the same time. If the previous Action is not completed, the newly added Action will be discarded.
/// This method has no effect on adding Actions with the `addAction:actionType:property` method.
/// - Parameters:
/// - actionName: action name
/// - actionType: action type
/// - property: extra property (optional)
open func startAction(_ actionName: String, actionType: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
/// Add Action event. No duration, no discard logic
/// Does not affect the RUM Action started by `startAction:actionType:property:`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - actionName: action name
/// - actionType: action type
/// - property: extra property (optional)
open func addAction(_ actionName: String, actionType: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
Code Example¶
/// add error data
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: error type
/// - message: error message detail
/// - stack: error log content
- (void)addErrorWithType:(NSString *)type message:(NSString *)message stack:(NSString *)stack;
/// add error data
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: error type
/// - message: error message detail
/// - stack: error log content
/// - property: extra property (optional)
- (void)addErrorWithType:(NSString *)type message:(NSString *)message stack:(NSString *)stack property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// add error data
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: error type
/// - state: application running state
/// - message: error message detail
/// - stack: error log content
/// - property: extra property (optional)
- (void)addErrorWithType:(NSString *)type state:(FTAppState)state message:(NSString *)message stack:(NSString *)stack property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// add error data
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: error type
/// - message: error message detail
/// - stack: error log content
func addError(withType: String, message: String, stack: String)
/// add error data
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: error type
/// - message: error message detail
/// - stack: error log content
/// - property: extra property (optional)
func addError(withType: String, message: String, stack: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
/// add error data
/// - Parameters:
/// - type: error type
/// - state: application running state
/// - message: error message detail
/// - stack: error log content
/// - property: extra property (optional)
open func addError(withType type: String, state: FTAppState, message: String, stack: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
Code Example¶
// Secne 1:
[[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] addErrorWithType:@"type" message:@"message" stack:@"stack"];
// Secne 2: extra property
[[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] addErrorWithType:@"ios_crash" message:@"crash_message" stack:@"crash_stack" property:@{@"custom_key":@"custom_value"}];
// Secne 3: extra property
[[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] addErrorWithType:@"ios_crash" state:FTAppStateUnknown message:@"crash_message" stack:@"crash_stack" property:@{@"custom_key":@"custom_value"}];
// Secne 1:
FTExternalDataManager.shared().addError(withType: "custom_type", message: "custom_message", stack: "custom_stack")
// Secne 2: extra property
FTExternalDataManager.shared().addError(withType: "custom_type", message: "custom_message", stack: "custom_stack",property: ["custom_key":"custom_value"])
// Secne 3: extra property
FTExternalDataManager.shared().addError(withType: "custom_type", state: .unknown, message: "custom_message", stack: "custom_stack", property: ["custom_key":"custom_value"])
/// add long task data
/// - Parameters:
/// - stack: stack or log content
/// - duration: Duration, in nanoseconds.
- (void)addLongTaskWithStack:(NSString *)stack duration:(NSNumber *)duration;
/// add long task data
/// - Parameters:
/// - stack: stack or log content
/// - duration: Duration, in nanoseconds.
/// - property: extra property (optional)
- (void)addLongTaskWithStack:(NSString *)stack duration:(NSNumber *)duration property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// add long task data
/// - Parameters:
/// - stack: stack or log content
/// - duration: Duration, in nanoseconds.
func addLongTask(withStack: String, duration: NSNumber)
/// add long task data
/// - Parameters:
/// - stack: stack or log content
/// - duration: Duration, in nanoseconds.
/// - property: extra property (optional)
func addLongTask(withStack: String, duration: NSNumber, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
Code Example¶
/// resource start
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: resource Id ,unique every request
- (void)startResourceWithKey:(NSString *)key;
/// resource start
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: resource Id ,unique every request
/// - property: extra property
- (void)startResourceWithKey:(NSString *)key property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// resource stop
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: resource Id ,unique every request
- (void)stopResourceWithKey:(NSString *)key;
/// resource stop
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: resource Id ,unique every request
/// - property: extra property
- (void)stopResourceWithKey:(NSString *)key property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// append network metrics and content data
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: resource Id ,unique every request
/// - metrics: request performance attributes
/// - content: request data
- (void)addResourceWithKey:(NSString *)key metrics:(nullable FTResourceMetricsModel *)metrics content:(FTResourceContentModel *)content;
/// resource start
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: resource Id ,unique every request
open func startResource(withKey key: String)
/// resource start
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: resource Id ,unique every request
/// - property: extra property
open func startResource(withKey key: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
/// resource stop
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: resource Id ,unique every request
open func stopResource(withKey key: String)
/// resource stop
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: resource Id ,unique every request
/// - property: extra property
open func stopResource(withKey key: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
/// append network metrics and content data
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: resource Id ,unique every request
/// - metrics: request performance attributes
/// - content: request data
open func addResource(withKey key: String, metrics: FTResourceMetricsModel?, content: FTResourceContentModel)
Code Example¶
//step 1: Before the network request starts
[[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] startResourceWithKey:key];
//step 2:Request completed
[[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] stopResourceWithKey:key];
//step 3:① Add resource data
FTResourceContentModel *content = [[FTResourceContentModel alloc]init];
content.httpMethod = request.HTTPMethod;
content.requestHeader = request.allHTTPHeaderFields;
content.responseHeader = httpResponse.allHeaderFields;
content.httpStatusCode = httpResponse.statusCode;
content.responseBody = responseBody;
//ios native
content.error = error;
//② If the performance data of the network request can be obtained
//ios native. Get NSURLSessionTaskMetrics data, directly use the initialization method of FTResourceMetricsModel
FTResourceMetricsModel *metricsModel = [[FTResourceMetricsModel alloc]initWithTaskMetrics:metrics];
//other platforms. All time data in nanoseconds
FTResourceMetricsModel *metricsModel = [[FTResourceMetricsModel alloc]init];
// step 4:add resource: If there is no performance data, the metrics parameter is set to nil
[[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] addResourceWithKey:key metrics:metricsModel content:content];
//step 1: Before the network request starts
FTExternalDataManager.shared().startResource(withKey: key)
//step 2:Request completed
FTExternalDataManager.shared().stopResource(withKey: resource.key)
//step 3:① Add resource data
let contentModel = FTResourceContentModel(request: task.currentRequest!, response: task.response as? HTTPURLResponse, data:, error: error)
//② If the performance data of the network request can be obtained
//ios native. Get NSURLSessionTaskMetrics data, directly use the initialization method of FTResourceMetricsModel
var metricsModel:FTResourceMetricsModel?
if let metrics = resource.metrics {
metricsModel = FTResourceMetricsModel(taskMetrics:metrics)
//other platforms. All time data in nanoseconds
metricsModel = FTResourceMetricsModel()
// step 4:add resource: If there is no performance data, the metrics parameter is set to nil
FTExternalDataManager.shared().addResource(withKey: resource.key, metrics: metricsModel, content: contentModel)
// FTMobileAgent.h
// FTMobileSDK
/// add log
/// @param content Log content, which can be a json string
/// @param status Log Level (info、warning、error、critical、ok).
-(void)logging:(NSString *)content status:(FTStatus)status;
/// add log
/// @param content Log content, which can be a json string
/// @param status Log Level (info、warning、error、critical、ok).
/// @param property Extra Property (optional)
-(void)logging:(NSString *)content status:(FTLogStatus)status property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
// FTLogger.h
// FTMobileSDK
/// add info type log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, which can be a json string
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
-(void)info:(NSString *)content property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// add warning type log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, which can be a json string
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
-(void)warning:(NSString *)content property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// add error type log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, which can be a json string
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
-(void)error:(NSString *)content property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// add critical type log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, which can be a json string
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
-(void)critical:(NSString *)content property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
/// add ok type log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, which can be a json string
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
-(void)ok:(NSString *)content property:(nullable NSDictionary *)property;
open class FTMobileAgent : NSObject {
/// add log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, can be a json string
/// - status: Log Level (info、warning、error、critical、ok).
open func logging(_ content: String, status: FTLogStatus)
/// add log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, can be a json string
/// - status: Log Level (info、warning、error、critical、ok).
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
open func logging(_ content: String, status: FTLogStatus, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
open class FTLogger : NSObject, FTLoggerProtocol {}
public protocol FTLoggerProtocol : NSObjectProtocol {
/// add info type log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, can be a json string
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
optional func info(_ content: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
/// add warning type log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, can be a json string
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
optional func warning(_ content: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
/// add error type log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, can be a json string
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
optional func error(_ content: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
/// add critical type log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, can be a json string
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
optional func critical(_ content: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
/// add ok type log
/// - Parameters:
/// - content: Log content, can be a json string
/// - property: Extra Property (optional)
optional func ok(_ content: String, property: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
Log level¶
Code Example¶
// Method 1:Use FTMobileAgent
// Note: Ensure that the SDK has been successfully initialized at the time of use, otherwise failure will be asserted in the test environment resulting in a crash.
[[FTMobileAgent sharedInstance] logging:@"test_custom" status:FTStatusInfo];
// Method 2:Use FTLogger (recommend)
// If the SDK is not initialized successfully, calling the methods in FTLogger to add custom logs will fail, but there will be no assertion failure crash.
[[FTLogger sharedInstance] info:@"test" property:@{@"custom_key":@"custom_value"}];
// Method 1:Use FTMobileAgent
// Note: Ensure that the SDK has been successfully initialized at the time of use, otherwise failure will be asserted in the test environment resulting in a crash.
FTMobileAgent.sharedInstance().logging("contentStr", status: .statusInfo, property:["custom_key":"custom_value"])
// Method 2:Use FTLogger (recommend)
// If the SDK is not initialized successfully, calling the methods in FTLogger to add custom logs will fail, but there will be no assertion failure crash.
FTLogger.shared().info("contentStr", property: ["custom_key":"custom_value"])
Print Custom Log To Console¶
Set 'printCustomLogToConsole = YES' to enable the output of custom logs to the console. You will see logs in the following format in the xcode debug console:
2023-06-29 13:47:56.960021+0800 App[64731:44595791]
:os_log Specifies the standard prefix of log output (< xcode 15);
:The prefix is used to distinguish the custom log output by the SDK;
:Customize the log level;
:Customize log content;
:Extra Property 。
Network Link Tracing¶
You can FTTraceConfig
configuration to turn on automatic mode, or manually add. Trace related data, through the FTTraceManager
singleton, to pass in, the relevant API as follows.
NSString *key = [[NSUUID UUID]UUIDString];
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
//manual operation required: Get trace header before the request and add it to the request header
NSDictionary *traceHeader = [[FTTraceManager sharedInstance] getTraceHeaderWithKey:key url:url];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
if (traceHeader && traceHeader.allKeys.count>0) {
[traceHeader enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id field, id value, BOOL * __unused stop) {
[request setValue:value forHTTPHeaderField:field];
NSURLSession *session=[NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:[NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration] delegate:self delegateQueue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]];
NSURLSessionTask *task = [session dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSData * _Nullable data, NSURLResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
//your code
[task resume];
let url:URL = NSURL.init(string: "")! as URL
if let traceHeader = FTExternalDataManager.shared().getTraceHeader(withKey: NSUUID().uuidString, url: url) {
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url)
//manual operation required: Get trace header before the request and add it to the request header
for (a,b) in traceHeader {
request.setValue(b as? String, forHTTPHeaderField: a as! String)
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest) { data, response, error in
//your code
Custom tracing Network by forwarding URLSession Delegate¶
Note: This method does not work with Swift URLSession async/await APIs
SDK provides a class FTURLSessionDelegate
that requires you to forward the URLSession delegate to FTURLSessionDelegate
to help the SDK collect data about the Network.
The related data of collecting Network is divided into RUM-Resource
and Network link Tracing
in SDK.
can be enabled. The auto-tracking logic ignores the currentURLSession'
request;- Support for adding custom properties.
Network link Tracing:
can be enabled. When setting up custom link tracking, the auto-tracking logic will ignore the currentURLSession
Here are three usage examples to suit different user scenarios:
Method 1¶
Set the URLSession delegate to an instance of FTURLSessionDelegate
id<NSURLSessionDelegate> delegate = [[FTURLSessionDelegate alloc]init];
// To add custom RUM resource properties, it is recommended that the tag name be prefixed with the project abbreviation, such as' df_tag_name '.
delegate.provider = ^NSDictionary * _Nullable(NSURLRequest *request, NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) {
NSString *body = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:request.HTTPBody encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return @{@"df_requestbody":body};
// Provide a block to modify a URL request.Can be used for custom link tracing.
delegate.requestInterceptor = ^NSURLRequest * _Nonnull(NSURLRequest * _Nonnull request) {
NSDictionary *traceHeader = [[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] getTraceHeaderWithUrl:request.URL];
NSMutableURLRequest *newRequest = [request mutableCopy];
for (NSString *key in traceHeader.allKeys) {
[newRequest setValue:traceHeader[key] forHTTPHeaderField:key];
return newRequest;
NSURLSession *session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:[NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration] delegate:delegate delegateQueue:nil];
let delegate = FTURLSessionDelegate.init()
// To add custom RUM resource properties, it is recommended that the tag name be prefixed with the project abbreviation, such as' df_tag_name '.
delegate.provider = { request,response,data,error in
var extraData:Dictionary<String, Any> = Dictionary()
if let data = data,let requestBody = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
extraData["df_requestBody"] = requestBody
if let error = error {
extraData["df_error"] = error.localizedDescription
return extraData
// Provide a block to modify a URL request.Can be used for custom link tracing.
delegate.requestInterceptor = { request in
var mutableRequest = request
if let traceHeader = FTExternalDataManager.shared().getTraceHeader(with: request.url!){
for (key,value) in traceHeader {
mutableRequest.setValue(value as? String, forHTTPHeaderField: key as! String)
return mutableRequest
let session = URLSession.init(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.default, delegate:delegate
, delegateQueue: nil)
Method 2¶
Set the URLSession delegate to be a subclass of FTURLSessionDelegate
@interface InstrumentationInheritClass:FTURLSessionDelegate
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSURLSession *session;
@implementation InstrumentationInheritClass
self = [super init];
_session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:[NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration] delegate:self delegateQueue:nil];
// To add custom RUM resource properties, it is recommended that the tag name be prefixed with the project abbreviation, such as' df_tag_name '.
self.provider = ^NSDictionary * _Nullable(NSURLRequest *request, NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) {
NSString *body = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:request.HTTPBody encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return @{@"df_requestbody":body};
// Provide a block to modify a URL request.Can be used for custom link tracing.
self.requestInterceptor = ^NSURLRequest * _Nonnull(NSURLRequest * _Nonnull request) {
NSDictionary *traceHeader = [[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] getTraceHeaderWithUrl:request.URL];
NSMutableURLRequest *newRequest = [request mutableCopy];
for (NSString *key in traceHeader.allKeys) {
[newRequest setValue:traceHeader[key] forHTTPHeaderField:key];
return newRequest;
return self;
-(void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session task:(NSURLSessionTask *)task didFinishCollectingMetrics:(NSURLSessionTaskMetrics *)metrics{
// must call super
[super URLSession:session task:task didFinishCollectingMetrics:metrics];
// Your own logic
// ......
class InheritHttpEngine:FTURLSessionDelegate {
var session:URLSession?
override init(){
session = nil
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 30
session = URLSession.init(configuration: configuration, delegate:self, delegateQueue: nil)
override init() {
// To add custom RUM resource properties, it is recommended that the tag name be prefixed with the project abbreviation, such as' df_tag_name '.
provider = { request,response,data,error in
var extraData:Dictionary<String, Any> = Dictionary()
if let data = data,let requestBody = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
extraData["df_requestBody"] = requestBody
if let error = error {
extraData["df_error"] = error.localizedDescription
return extraData
//Provide a block to modify a URL request .Can be used for custom link tracing.
requestInterceptor = { request in
var mutableRequest = request
if let traceHeader = FTExternalDataManager.shared().getTraceHeader(with: request.url!){
for (key,value) in traceHeader {
mutableRequest.setValue(value as? String, forHTTPHeaderField: key as! String)
return mutableRequest
override func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didFinishCollecting metrics: URLSessionTaskMetrics) {
// must call super
super.urlSession(session, task: task, didFinishCollecting: metrics)
// Your own logic
// ......
Method 3¶
Make URLSession delegate object implementing FTURLSessionDelegateProviding
agreement, Declare a FTftURLSessionDelegate
property (readwrite) called ftURLSessionDelegate
and implement the get
method for ftURLSessionDelegate
The class implementing FTURLSessionDelegateProviding
must ensure that following method calls are forwarded to ftURLSessionDelegate
@interface InstrumentationPropertyClass:NSObject<NSURLSessionDataDelegate,FTURLSessionDelegateProviding>
@property (nonatomic, strong) FTURLSessionDelegate *ftURLSessionDelegate;
@implementation InstrumentationPropertyClass
- (nonnull FTURLSessionDelegate *)ftURLSessionDelegate {
_ftURLSessionDelegate = [[FTURLSessionDelegate alloc]init];
//To add custom RUM resource properties, it is recommended that the tag name be prefixed with the project abbreviation, such as' df_tag_name '.
_ftURLSessionDelegate.provider = ^NSDictionary * _Nullable(NSURLRequest *request, NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) {
NSString *body = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:request.HTTPBody encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return @{@"df_requestbody":body};
// Tells the `ftURLSessionDelegate` to modify a URL request.Can be used for custom link tracing.
_ftURLSessionDelegate.requestInterceptor = ^NSURLRequest * _Nonnull(NSURLRequest * _Nonnull request) {
NSDictionary *traceHeader = [[FTExternalDataManager sharedManager] getTraceHeaderWithUrl:request.URL];
NSMutableURLRequest *newRequest = [request mutableCopy];
for (NSString *key in traceHeader.allKeys) {
[newRequest setValue:traceHeader[key] forHTTPHeaderField:key];
return newRequest;
return _ftURLSessionDelegate;
// The following methods must be implemented
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session dataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask didReceiveData:(NSData *)data{
[self.ftURLSessionDelegate URLSession:session dataTask:dataTask didReceiveData:data];
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session task:(NSURLSessionTask *)task didCompleteWithError:(NSError *)error{
[self.ftURLSessionDelegate URLSession:session task:task didCompleteWithError:error];
-(void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session task:(NSURLSessionTask *)task didFinishCollectingMetrics:(NSURLSessionTaskMetrics *)metrics{
[self.ftURLSessionDelegate URLSession:session task:task didFinishCollectingMetrics:metrics];
class HttpEngine:NSObject,URLSessionDataDelegate,FTURLSessionDelegateProviding {
var ftURLSessionDelegate: FTURLSessionDelegate = FTURLSessionDelegate()
var session:URLSession?
override init(){
session = nil
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = 30
session = URLSession.init(configuration: configuration, delegate:self, delegateQueue: nil)
// To add custom RUM resource properties, it is recommended that the tag name be prefixed with the project abbreviation, such as' df_tag_name '.
ftURLSessionDelegate.provider = { request,response,data,error in
var extraData:Dictionary<String, Any> = Dictionary()
if let data = data,let requestBody = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
extraData["df_requestBody"] = requestBody
if let error = error {
extraData["df_error"] = error.localizedDescription
return extraData
// Tells the `ftURLSessionDelegate` to modify a URL request.Can be used for custom link tracing.
ftURLSessionDelegate.requestInterceptor = { request in
var mutableRequest = request
if let traceHeader = FTExternalDataManager.shared().getTraceHeader(with: request.url!){
for (key,value) in traceHeader {
mutableRequest.setValue(value as? String, forHTTPHeaderField: key as! String)
return mutableRequest
// The following methods must be implemented
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive data: Data) {
ftURLSessionDelegate.urlSession(session, dataTask: dataTask, didReceive: data)
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didFinishCollecting metrics: URLSessionTaskMetrics) {
ftURLSessionDelegate.urlSession(session, task: task, didFinishCollecting: metrics)
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) {
ftURLSessionDelegate.urlSession(session, task: task, didCompleteWithError: error)
User Information Binding and Unbinding¶
/// Bind user information
/// - Parameters:
/// - Id: user id
- (void)bindUserWithUserID:(NSString *)userId;
/// Bind user information
/// - Parameters:
/// - Id: user id
/// - userName: user name
/// - userEmailL: user email
- (void)bindUserWithUserID:(NSString *)Id userName:(nullable NSString *)userName userEmail:(nullable NSString *)userEmail;
/// Bind user information
/// - Parameters:
/// - Id: user id
/// - userName: user name
/// - userEmail: user email
/// - extra: extar infomation
- (void)bindUserWithUserID:(NSString *)Id userName:(nullable NSString *)userName userEmail:(nullable NSString *)userEmail extra:(nullable NSDictionary *)extra;
/// Unbind user information
- (void)unbindUser;
/// Bind user information
/// - Parameters:
/// - Id: user id
open func bindUser(withUserID userId: String)
/// Bind user information
/// - Parameters:
/// - Id: user id
/// - userName: user name
/// - userEmailL: user email
open func bindUser(withUserID Id: String, userName: String?, userEmail: String?)
/// Bind user information
/// - Parameters:
/// - Id: user id
/// - userName: user name
/// - userEmail: user email
/// - extra: extar infomation
open func bindUser(withUserID Id: String, userName: String?, userEmail: String?, extra: [AnyHashable : Any]?)
/// Unbind user information
open func unbindUser()
Code Example¶
// bind user info after log in
[[FTMobileAgent sharedInstance] bindUserWithUserID:USERID];
// or
[[FTMobileAgent sharedInstance] bindUserWithUserID:USERID userName:USERNAME userEmail:USEREMAIL];
// or
[[FTMobileAgent sharedInstance] bindUserWithUserID:USERID userName:USERNAME userEmail:USEREMAIL extra:@{EXTRA_KEY:EXTRA_VALUE}];
// clear user data after log out
[[FTMobileAgent sharedInstance] unbindUser];
// bind user info after log in
FTMobileAgent.sharedInstance().bindUser(withUserID: USERID)
// or
FTMobileAgent.sharedInstance().bindUser(withUserID: USERID, userName: USERNAME, userEmail: USEREMAIL)
// or
FTMobileAgent.sharedInstance().bindUser(withUserID: USERID, userName: USERNAME, userEmail: USEREMAIL,extra:[EXTRA_KEY:EXTRA_VALUE])
// clear user data after log out
Close SDK¶
Using FTMobileAgent
to close SDK
Code Example¶
Clear All Data¶
Use FTMobileAgent.clearAllData
to clear all data that has not been uploaded to the server
Code Example¶
Actively Sync Data¶
Use FTMobileAgent
to actively sync data.
When FTMobileConfig.autoSync = NO, you need to synchronize data yourself
Code example¶
Add Custom Tags¶
Use FTMobileAgent
to dynamically add tags when the SDK is running
/// Add SDK global tags, which act on RUM and Log data
/// - Parameter context: custom data
+ (void)appendGlobalContext:(NSDictionary <NSString*,id>*)context;
/// Add RUM custom tag, acting on RUM data
/// - Parameter context: custom data
+ (void)appendRUMGlobalContext:(NSDictionary <NSString*,id>*)context;
/// Add Log global tag, acting on Log data
/// - Parameter context: custom data
+ (void)appendLogGlobalContext:(NSDictionary <NSString*,id>*)context;
/// Add SDK global tag, acting on RUM and Log data
/// - Parameter context: custom dataopen
class func appendGlobalContext(_ context: [String : Any])
/// Add RUM custom tag, acting on RUM data
/// - Parameter context: custom dataopen
class func appendRUMGlobalContext(_ context: [String : Any])
/// Add Log Global tag, applied to Log data
/// - Parameter context: custom data
open class func appendLogGlobalContext(_ context: [String : Any])
Code Example¶
let globalContext = ["global_key":"global_value"]
let rumGlobalContext = = ["rum_key":"rum_value"]
let logGlobalContext = = ["log_key":"log_value"]
Symbol Table Upload¶
Script integration into the Xcode project's Target¶
1.XCode add custom Run Script Phase:Build Phases -> + -> New Run Script Phase
2.Copy the script into the build-phase run script of the Xcode project, where you need to set parameters such as < app_id >, < datakit_address >, < env >, < dataway_token > .
#Parameters that need to be configured
# <datakit_address>
# <env> environment field. value:prod/gray/pre/common/local。Need to be consistent with SDK settings
# <dataway_token> The token for dataway in the datakit.conf configuration file
#<version> The version format of the script default configuration is: CFBundleShortVersionString, if you modify the default version format, please set this variable. Note: You need to make sure that what you fill in here is consistent with what you set in the SDK.
Convenient Configuration Parameters for Multiple Environments¶
Example: Using preset macros and .xcconfig configuration files
1. Create an xcconfig configuration file and configure variables in the .xcconfig file.
For the method of creating an xcconfig configuration file, please refer to: Add a build configuration file to your project .
//If you use cocoapods, you need to add the .xcconfig path of pods to your .xcconfig file. If you don’t know what the path is, you can use the terminal to enter the project folder, execute pod install, the terminal will prompt the path, and set the path After copying, you can use it as follows.
#include "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-testDemo/Pods-testDemo.debug.xcconfig"
SDK_APP_ID = app_id_common
SDK_ENV = common
SDK_DATAKIT_ADDRESS = http:\$()\xxxxxxxx:9529
At this time, the user-defined parameters have been automatically added, and you can go to Target —> Build Settings -> + -> Add User-Defined Setting
to view
2. Parameters in the configuration script
#Parameters that need to be configured
# <env> environment field. value:prod/gray/pre/common/local。Need to be consistent with SDK settings
# The token for dataway in the datakit.conf configuration file
3.Configure SDK
Map parameters in the Info.plist
file .
Get the parameters in Info.plist
and configure the SDK .
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
let info = Bundle.main.infoDictionary!
let appid:String = info["SDK_APP_ID"] as! String
let env:String = info["SDK_ENV"] as! String
For detailed details, please refer to the multi-environment usage in SDK Demo.
Run the script in the terminal¶
sh <datakit_address> <app_id> <version> <env> <dataway_token> <dSYMBOL_src_dir>
sh appid_mock 1.0.6 prod tkn_mock /Users/mock/Desktop/dSYMs
Parameter Description:
: DataKit service address, such ashttp://localhost:9529
: Corresponding to RUM'sapplicationId
: Corresponding to RUM'senv
: application'sversion
: token ofdataway
in the configuration filedatakit.conf
: directory path containing all.dSYM
Manual upload¶
Widget Extension Data Collection¶
Widget Extension Suppot¶
- Manual acquisition (RUM )
- Automatically collects crash and HTTP Resource data
Note: Because HTTP Resource data is bound to the View, you need to manually collect the View data.
Widget Extension Configuration¶
Use 'FTExtensionConfig' to configure the automatic switch for Widget Extension data collection and the file sharing Group Identifier. Other configurations use the configurations already set in the main project SDK.
Fields | Type | Required | description |
groupIdentifier | NSString | Yes | File sharing Group Identifier |
enableSDKDebugLog | BOOL | No(Deafault NO) | enable to print SDK run log |
enableTrackAppCrash | BOOL | No(Deafault NO) | Set whether crash need to be collected |
enableRUMAutoTraceResource | BOOL | No(Deafault NO) | Set whether to track user network requests |
enableTracerAutoTrace | BOOL | No(Deafault NO) | Set whether to enable automatic http trace |
memoryMaxCount | NSInteger | No(Deafault 1000) | The maximum number of data saved in the Widget Extension |
// In the widget extension
let extensionConfig = FTExtensionConfig.init(groupIdentifier: "group.identifier")
extensionConfig.enableTrackAppCrash = true
extensionConfig.enableRUMAutoTraceResource = true
extensionConfig.enableTracerAutoTrace = true
extensionConfig.enableSDKDebugLog = true
FTExtensionManager.start(with: extensionConfig)
FTExternalDataManager.shared().startView(withName: "WidgetDemoEntryView")
When setting 'FTMobileConfig' in the main project, you must configure 'groupIdentifiers'.
Widget Extension SDK Collected Data Uploade¶
The Widget Extension SDK only implements data collection, and the data upload logic is delivered to the SDK of the main project. The timing of synchronization of the collected data to the main project is user-defined.
// In the main project
/// Track Widget Extension sdk cached data
/// - Parameters:
/// - groupIdentifier: groupIdentifier
/// - completion: completion callback
- (void)trackEventFromExtensionWithGroupIdentifier:(NSString *)groupIdentifier completion:(nullable void (^)(NSString *groupIdentifier, NSArray *events)) completion;
Code Example¶
WebView data monitoring¶
WebView data monitoring requires integration of Web Monitoring SDK in the WebView access page
Example of using custom tags¶
Compile configuration method¶
You can create multiple Configurations and use pre-compiled instructions to set values
1.Create multiple Configurations
2.Set preset properties to distinguish different Configurations
3.Use precompilation instruction
//Target -> Build Settings -> GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS to configure preset definition
#if PRE
#define Track_id @"0000000001"
#define STATIC_TAG @"preprod"
#define Track_id @"0000000002"
#define STATIC_TAG @"common"
#define Track_id @"0000000003"
#define STATIC_TAG @"prod"
FTRumConfig *rumConfig = [[FTRumConfig alloc]init];
rumConfig.globalContext = @{@"track_id":Track_id,@"static_tag":STATIC_TAG};
... //Other setting operations
[[FTMobileAgent sharedInstance] startRumWithConfigOptions:rumConfig];
You can also refer to the Multi-environment Configuration Parameters method for configuration.
Runtime Read and Write File Methods¶
Because the globalContext set after RUM is started will not take effect, users can save it locally and set it to take effect the next time the application is started.
1.Save the data locally by storing it in a file, such as NSUserDefaults. Configure the use of the SDK, and add code to obtain tag data in the configuration section.
NSString *dynamicTag = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:@"DYNAMIC_TAG"]?:@"NO_VALUE";
FTRumConfig *rumConfig = [[FTRumConfig alloc]init];
rumConfig.globalContext = @{@"dynamic_tag":dynamicTag};
... //Other setting operations
[[FTMobileAgent sharedInstance] startRumWithConfigOptions:rumConfig];
2.Perform a method for adding or modifying file data at any location.
3.Finally, restart the app to take effect.
SDK runtime addition¶
After the SDK is initialized, use [FTMobileAgent appendGlobalContext:globalContext]
, [FTMobileAgent appendRUMGlobalContext:globalContext]
, [FTMobileAgent appendLogGlobalContext:globalContext]
to dynamically add tags. Once set, they will take effect immediately. Subsequently, the data reported by RUM or Log will automatically add tag data. This usage method is suitable for scenarios where data acquisition is delayed, such as when tag data requires network requests.
// SDK initialization pseudo code, get
[FTMobileAgent startWithConfigOptions:config];
-(void)getInfoFromNet:(Info *)info{
NSDictionary *globalContext = @{@"delay_key", info.value}
[FTMobileAgent appendGlobalContext:globalContext];
tvOS Data Collection¶
api >= tvOS 12.0
SDK initialization and usage are consistent with the iOS side.
Note that tvOS does not support:
data detection -
device battery monitoring
Frequently Asked Questions¶
About Crash Log Analysis¶
In Debug and Release modes at development time, the thread tracebacks captured during Crash are symbolized. The release package does not come with a symbol table, and the key tracebacks of the exception threads will show the mirror names and will not be translated into valid code symbols. The relevant information in the crash log obtained are all hexadecimal memory addresses, which do not locate the crashed code, so the hexadecimal memory addresses need to be parsed into the corresponding classes and methods.
XCode does not generate a dSYM file after compilation?¶
XCode Release compilation generates dSYM files by default, while Debug compilation does not generate them by default.
Build Settings -> Code Generation -> Generate Debug Symbols -> Yes
Build Settings -> Build Option -> Debug Information Format -> DWARF with dSYM File
How can I upload a symbol table with bitCode turned on?¶
When you upload your bitcode App to the App Store, check the generation of the declaration symbol file (dSYM file) in the submit dialog.
- Before configuring the symbol table file, you need to download the dSYM file corresponding to that version from the App Store back locally, and then use a script to process the uploaded symbol table file based on the input parameters.
- There is no need to integrate the script into the Target of the Xcode project, and do not use the locally generated dSYM file to generate the symbol table file, as the symbol table information is hidden in the locally compiled dSYM file. If you upload a locally generated dSYM file, the result will be a symbol like "__hiden#XXX".
How do I retrieve the dSYM file corresponding to an App that has been published to the App Store?¶
Apply Distribution options uploaded to App Store Connect | dSym File |
Don’t include bitcode Upload symbols |
Retrieve via Xcode |
Include bitcode Upload symbols |
Retrieve via iTunes Connect To retrieve it via Xcode, you need to use .bcsymbolmap to obfuscate it. |
Include bitcode Don’t upload symbols |
To retrieve it via Xcode, you need to use .bcsymbolmap to obfuscate it. |
Don’t include bitcode Don’t upload symbols |
Retrieve via Xcode |
Retrieve via Xcode¶
1.Xcode -> Window -> Organizer
2.Select the Archives
3.Find the published archive package, right-click on the corresponding archive package, and select Show in Finder
4.Right-click on the located archive file and select the Show Package Contents
5.Select the dSYMs
directory, which contains the downloaded dSYM files
Retrieve via iTunes Connect¶
- Login to App Store Connect;
- Go to "My Apps"
- Select a version in the "App Store" or "TestFlight" and click on "Build Metadata" On this page, click on the button "Download dSYM" to download the dSYM file
.bcsymbolmap de-obfuscation¶
When you find the dSYM file via Xcode, you can see the BCSymbolMaps directory
Open a terminal and use the following command to de-obfuscate
xcrun dsymutil -symbol-map <BCSymbolMaps_path> <.dSYM_path>
Avoid conflicts when adding custom tags¶
To avoid conflicts between custom fields and SDK data, it is recommended to add a prefix of the project abbreviation to the tag name, such as df_tag_name
. The key
value used in the project can be found in the source code. When the same variables as RUM and Log appear in the SDK global variables, RUM and Log will overwrite the global variables in the SDK.