Service Mesh Microservices Architecture from Development to Canary Release Best Practices (Part 2)¶
The previous document introduced the deployment of DataKit in a Kubernetes environment, the deployment of the Bookinfo project in an Istio environment, configuring a CICD Pipeline for the reviews microservice, and using canary release for three versions of reviews. This article will cover observability in Kubernetes and Istio.
1 Observability in Kubernetes¶
1.1 Docker Monitoring View¶
In a Kubernetes cluster, a Pod is the smallest scheduling unit, which can contain one or more containers. In Guance, you can use the Docker Monitoring View to observe containers.
Log in to Guance, click on Scenarios -> Create Dashboard, and select Docker Monitoring View.
Enter the dashboard name as Docker Monitoring View 1. The name can be customized. Click Confirm.
Enter the monitoring view and select the hostname and container name.
1.2 Kubernetes Monitoring View¶
Log in to Guance, click on Scenarios -> Create Dashboard, and select Kubernetes Monitoring View.
Enter the dashboard name as Kubernetes Monitoring View. The name can be customized. Click Confirm.
Enter the monitoring view and select the cluster name and namespace. Note: The cluster name dropdown list is set up during the deployment of DataKit in the previous document.
1.3 ETCD Monitoring View¶
1.3.1 Enable ETCD Collector¶
In a Kubernetes cluster, enabling the collector requires defining the configuration using a ConfigMap and mounting it to the corresponding directory in DataKit. The content of etcd.conf is as follows:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: datakit-conf
namespace: datakit
#### etcd
etcd.conf: |-
## Exporter address or file path (Exporter address should include http or https protocol)
## File paths differ across operating systems
## Windows example: C:\\Users
## UNIX-like example: /usr/local/
urls = [""]
## Collector alias
source = "etcd"
## Metric type filtering, optional values are counter, gauge, histogram, summary
# By default, only counter and gauge types are collected
# If empty, no filtering is performed
metric_types = ["counter", "gauge"]
## Metric name filtering
# Supports regular expressions; multiple can be configured, matching any one is sufficient
# If empty, no filtering is performed
metric_name_filter = ["etcd_server_proposals","etcd_server_leader","etcd_server_has","etcd_network_client"]
## Measurement name prefix
# Configuring this adds a prefix to the measurement name
measurement_prefix = ""
## Measurement name
# By default, the metric name is split by underscores "_", with the first segment as the measurement name and the rest as the current metric name
# If measurement_name is configured, the metric name is not split
# The final measurement name will include the measurement_prefix prefix
# measurement_name = "prom"
## Collection interval "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h"
interval = "60s"
## Filtering tags, multiple tags can be configured
# Matching tags will be ignored
# tags_ignore = ["xxxx"]
## TLS configuration
tls_open = true
#tls_ca = "/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt"
tls_cert = "/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.crt"
tls_key = "/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/peer.key"
## Custom measurement names
# Metrics with a specific prefix can be grouped into a single measurement
# Custom measurement name configuration takes precedence over measurement_name configuration
prefix = "etcd_"
name = "etcd"
## Custom authentication method, currently only supports Bearer Token
# [inputs.prom.auth]
# type = "bearer_token"
# token = "xxxxxxxx"
# token_file = "/tmp/token"
## Custom Tags
Log in to Rancher, under the Browse Clusters tab, select the k8s-solution-cluster cluster, navigate to More Resources -> Core -> ConfigMaps, choose the datakit namespace, click Edit Configuration on the datakit.conf row, click Add, add the etcd.conf configuration, and then click Save.
Log in to Rancher, under the Browse Clusters tab, select the k8s-solution-cluster cluster, navigate to Workloads -> DaemonSets, choose the datakit workspace, and click Edit Configuration on the datakit column.
Enter the Storage interface, add the etcd.conf mount directory /usr/local/datakit/conf.d/etcd/etcd.conf
, and click Save.
1.3.2 Mount Certificate Files¶
To collect ETCD metrics using HTTPS, you need to use the certificates from the Kubernetes cluster. Specifically, you need to mount the /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd
directory from the Kubeadmin-deployed cluster to the /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd
directory in DataKit.
Use Rancher to complete the configuration. Log in to Rancher, under the Browse Clusters tab, select the k8s-solution-cluster cluster, navigate to Workloads -> DaemonSets, choose the datakit workspace, and click Edit YAML on the datakit column.
Add the content as shown in the image and click Save.
1.3.3 Achieve ETCD Observability¶
Log in to Guance, click on Scenarios -> Create Dashboard, and select ETCD Monitoring View.
Enter the dashboard name as ETCD Monitoring View. The name can be customized. Click Confirm.
Enter the monitoring view and select the cluster name.
For more information on ETCD integration methods, refer to the ETCD integration documentation.
2 Observability in Istio¶
2.1 Istio Mesh Monitoring View¶
Log in to Guance, click on Scenarios -> Create Dashboard, and select Istio Mesh Monitoring View.
Enter the dashboard name as Istio Mesh Monitoring View. The name can be customized. Click Confirm.
Enter the monitoring view and select the cluster name.
2.2 Istio Control Plane Monitoring View¶
Log in to Guance, click on Scenarios -> Create Dashboard, and select Istio Control Plane Monitoring View.
Enter the monitoring view and select the cluster name.
2.3 Istio Service Monitoring View¶
Log in to Guance, click on Scenarios -> Create Dashboard, and select Istio Service Monitoring View.
Enter the monitoring view and select the cluster name.
2.4 Istio Workload Monitoring View¶
Log in to Guance, click on Scenarios -> Create Dashboard, and select Istio Workload Monitoring View.
Enter the monitoring view and select the cluster name.