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Page Channel Traffic Attraction Best Practices

1: Background

For marketing, it is crucial to understand the traffic situation of multi-channel campaign landing pages and registration pages. How do we record what the previous page was for this advertisement page? And how do we track the number of visits to this page? How do we record the number of button clicks on a particular page?

2: Guance Solution

1: How to Analyze Page Source Statistics

View Attributes

Field Type Description
view_id string Unique ID generated each time a page is visited
is_active boolean Indicates whether the user is still active; reference values: true
view_loading_type string Page loading type,
reference values: initial_load
view_referrer string Page source
view_url string Page URL
view_host string Domain part of the page URL
view_path string Path part of the page URL
view_path_group string Grouped path part of the page URL
view_url_query string Query part of the page URL

From the table above, we can see that in RUM PV, the metric "view_referrer" (page source) has already been collected. We can leverage this for page analysis.

2: How to Track Button Clicks on a Page

Action Attributes

Field Type Description
action_id string Unique ID generated when a user performs an operation on the page
action_name string Operation name
action_type string Type of operation

From the table above, we can see that in RUM PV, the metric "action_name" (button name) has already been collected. We can leverage this for tracking button click counts.

For more metrics, see: Web Application Data Collection

3: Final Visualization


4: Implementation Steps

1: Integrate RUM based on your actual scenario

Website integration reference: web-rum integration

APP integration reference: iOS-rum integration / Android-rum integration

Mini-program integration reference: miniapp-rum integration

2: Create Dashboards for Different Scenarios

a: Create a Chart Named "Traffic from Page A to Page B"


Explanation by image: Record the number of transitions from the URL entered in field 6 to the URL entered in field 5.

  1. In the list, select "User Access"
  2. In the list, select "view"
  3. In the list, select "count", as this records the count
  4. In the list, select "view_referrer", meaning to track the page source
  5. As one condition, set view_url to the URL of Page B, which is the monitored event page
  6. As another condition, set view_referrer to the URL of Page A, which is the source page.

Note: If there are multiple pages like C -> B, just replace the view_referrer URL with the URL of Page C, and so on.

b: Create a Chart Named "Button Click Counts on Page A"


Explanation by image: Record the number of button clicks on Page A.

  1. In the list, select "User Access"
  2. In the list, select "action"
  3. In the list, select "count", as this records the count
  4. In the list, select "action_name", which is the button name
  5. As one condition, set view_url to the URL of Page A, which is the page where you want to monitor buttons
  6. As another condition, set action_name to the displayed name on the page, such as "Manage", "Reset", "+ Add"


Note: If there are multiple buttons to track, follow the same steps.

c: Create a Map for Geographical Distribution of Visits to Page A - China


Condition here is the URL of Page A.

Note: World maps are similar to China maps.


After integrating web monitoring, Guance collects a large number of metrics. We can use these metrics to complete monitoring with minimal effort, recording their sources (from which page or which button click) for statistical analysis.


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