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Create a Blacklist

POST /api/v1/blacklist/add


Create a blacklist

Route Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Name (Added in iteration on 2024-11-27)
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: False
Maximum length: 50
desc string Y Description (Added in iteration on 2024-11-27)
Example: Description1
Allow null: False
Allow empty string: True
Maximum length: 256
type string Y Blacklist type, enumerated values are ('object', 'custom_object', 'logging', 'keyevent', 'tracing', 'rum', 'network', 'security', 'profiling', 'metric')
Allow null: False
source string Y Data source, when all sources are used, source is re(.*)
Allow null: True
Allow empty string: False
Max character length: 128
sources array Y Data source, use this field for multiple sources, not all sources (use source field re(.*) for all sources)
Allow null: True
filters array Y Filtering conditions
Allow null: True

Additional Parameter Notes

1. Request Body Field Descriptions

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string Y Name (Added in iteration on 2024-11-27)
desc string N Description (Added in iteration on 2024-11-27)
type string Y Enumerated values ('object', 'custom_object', 'logging', 'keyevent', 'tracing', 'rum', 'network', 'security', 'profiling', 'metric')
source string N Data source, all sources, at this time source is re(.*)
sources array N Data source, field added in the iteration on 2024-10-16, supports multiple source selections. When the source is not all sources, this field can be used, sources has priority over the source field
filter array N Filtering conditions

2. Source Field Description

When generating filtering conditions for the blacklist, the key of the source field will be replaced based on the type

Type Key corresponding to the source field when generating filtering conditions
object class
logging source
custom_object class
keyevent source
tracing service
rum app_id
network source
security category
profiling service
metric measurement

3. Filters Array Element Field Descriptions

Parameter Name Type Required Description
name string N Filter condition name
operation string N Operation such as in, not_in, match, not_match
condition string N DQL formatted filtering condition
values array N Specific query condition values

4. Operation Description Refer to Line Protocol Filters

Key Description
in Specified field is in the list
not_in Specified field is not in the list
match Regular expression match
not_match Regular expression does not match

Filters Example

        "name": "host",
        "value": [
            "host1", "host2"
        "operation": "in",
        "condition": "and"
        "name": "status",
        "value": [
        "operation": "match",
        "condition": "and"

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"name":"Rule1","desc":"","type":"logging","source":"kodo-log","filters":[{"name":"host","value":[""],"operation":"in","condition":"and"}]}' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "conditions": "{ source =  'kodo-log'  and ( host in [ '' ] )}",
        "createAt": 1678029404,
        "creator": "xxxx",
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "desc": "",
        "filters": [
                "condition": "and",
                "name": "host",
                "operation": "in",
                "value": [
        "id": null,
        "name": "Rule1",
        "source": "kodo-log",
        "status": 0,
        "type": "logging",
        "updateAt": 1678029404,
        "updator": "xxxx",
        "uuid": "blist_xxxx32",
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_xxxx32"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "TRACE-1C3DFE84-E7AD-4956-B363-8BB7EB3CD5A4"


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