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ddtrace log correlation


The current case uses ddtrace version 0.114.0 (latest version) for testing


java -javaagent:D:/ddtrace/dd-java-agent-0.114.0.jar \ \
-Ddd.agent.port=9529 \
-jar springboot-ddtrace-server.jar

- Trace and log correlation are both implemented through MDC.
- No jar dependencies are required here; the ddtrace-agent handles MDC instrumentation.

Installation and Deployment

Taking logback-spring.xml as an example

1 logback-spring.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="30 seconds">
    <!-- Some parameters need to come from properties files -->
    <springProperty scope="context" name="logName" source="" defaultValue="localhost.log"/>
    <!-- Configuration allows dynamic modification of log levels -->
    <jmxConfigurator />
    <property name="log.pattern" value="%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{20} - [%method,%line] %X{dd.service} %X{dd.trace_id} %X{dd.span_id} - %msg%n" />

    <!-- %m outputs information, %p log level, %t thread name, %d date, %c full class name,,,, -->
    <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">

    <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
        <file>logs/${logName}/${logName}.log</file>    <!-- Usage method -->
        <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy">

    <!-- Only print error-level content -->
    <logger name="" level="ERROR" />
    <logger name="net.sf.json" level="ERROR" />
    <logger name="org.springframework" level="ERROR" />
    <logger name="springfox" level="ERROR" />

    <!-- SQL printing configuration -->
    <logger name="com.github.pagehelper.mapper" level="DEBUG" />
    <logger name="org.apache.ibatis" level="DEBUG" />

    <root level="info">
        <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
        <appender-ref ref="FILE" />

Mainly configure the log format through pattern

%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{20} - [%method,%line] %X{dd.service} %X{dd.trace_id} %X{dd.span_id} - %msg%n
2022-06-10 17:07:45.257 [main] INFO  o.a.c.c.StandardEngine - [log,173] ddtrace-server   - Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.56]
2022-06-10 17:07:45.369 [main] INFO  o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/] - [log,173] ddtrace-server   - Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
2022-06-10 17:07:45.758 [main] INFO  o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol - [log,173] ddtrace-server   - Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
2022-06-10 17:07:45.786 [main] INFO  c.z.o.d.DdtraceApplication - [logStarted,61] ddtrace-server   - Started DdtraceApplication in 2.268 seconds (JVM running for 5.472)
2022-06-10 17:09:01.493 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] INFO  o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/] - [log,173] ddtrace-server 5983174698688502665 5075189911231446778 - Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2022-06-10 17:09:01.550 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] INFO  c.z.o.d.c.IndexController - [gateway,48] ddtrace-server 5983174698688502665 7355870844984555943 - this is tag
2022-06-10 17:09:01.625 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] INFO  c.z.o.d.c.IndexController - [auth,69] ddtrace-server 5983174698688502665 7209299453959523135 - this is auth
2022-06-10 17:09:01.631 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] INFO  c.z.o.d.c.IndexController - [billing,77] ddtrace-server 5983174698688502665 9179949003735674110 - this is method3,null

2 DataKit Log Collection

After the logs are output to text files, DataKit can read the log information from the text files and report it to Guance.

2.1 Enable Log Collector

# {"version": "1.2.18", "desc": "do NOT edit this line"}

  ## required
  logfiles = [
  # only two protocols are supported: TCP and UDP
  # sockets = [
  #  "tcp://",
  #  "udp://",
  # ]
  ## glob filter
  ignore = [""]

  ## your logging source, if it's empty, use 'default'
  source = "ddtrace-server"

  ## add service tag, if it's empty, use $source.
  service = "ddtrace-server"

  ## grok pipeline script name
  pipeline = "log-ddtrace.p"

  ## optional status:
  ##   "emerg","alert","critical","error","warning","info","debug","OK"
  ignore_status = []

  ## optional encodings:
  ##    "utf-8", "utf-16le", "utf-16le", "gbk", "gb18030" or ""
  character_encoding = ""

  ## datakit read text from Files or Socket, default max_textline is 32k
  ## If your log text line exceeds 32Kb, please configure the length of your text,
  ## but the maximum length cannot exceed 32Mb
  # maximum_length = 32766

  ## The pattern should be a regexp. Note the use of '''this regexp'''
  ## regexp link:
  # multiline_match = '''^\S'''

  ## removes ANSI escape codes from text strings
  remove_ansi_escape_codes = false

  ## if file is inactive, it is ignored
  ## time units are "ms", "s", "m", "h"
  ignore_dead_log = "10m"

  # some_tag = "some_value"
  # more_tag = "some_other_value"

2.2 Configure Pipeline

The purpose is to parse the logs, extracting key fields as tags for filtering, selection, and data analysis.

# Log pattern
#2022-06-10 17:09:01.625 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] INFO  c.z.o.d.c.IndexController - [auth,69] ddtrace-server 5983174698688502665 7209299453959523135 - this is auth

grok(_, "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:time} %{NOTSPACE:thread_name} %{LOGLEVEL:status}%{SPACE}%{NOTSPACE:class_name} - \\[%{NOTSPACE:method_name},%{NUMBER:line}\\] %{DATA:service_name} %{DATA:trace_id} %{DATA:span_id} - %{GREEDYDATA:msg}")


After parsing, many tags have been generated from the logs.


Guance also supports other log collection methods, such as socket. For more log collection options, refer to: Logs

3 Display Effect

When we extract traceId and spanId from the logs, Guance can directly correlate logs to corresponding trace information, achieving log-trace interoperability.


Reference Documentation

<Demo Source Code>

ddtrace Startup Parameters


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