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0004-user-passwd-exist-Host /etc/passwd Not Exist

Rule ID

  • 0004-user-passwd-exist


  • System


  • Critical

Compatible Versions

  • Linux


  • Monitor whether the host's /etc/passwd file exists.

Scan Frequency

  • 1 */5 * * *

Theoretical Basis

  • In Linux, each user has a corresponding record line in the /etc/passwd file, which records some basic attributes of the user. System administrators frequently modify this file to manage users. Deleting /etc/passwd can prevent the host from logging in and is considered malicious damage.

Risk Items

  • Hacker Penetration

  • Data Breach

Audit Method

  • Verify if the host's /etc/passwd file exists. You can use the following command to verify:
ls /etc/passwd


  • If /etc/passwd was deleted without restarting the system, you can execute the following command to remediate:
    cp /etc/passwd /etc/passwd
    If the system was shut down after deleting the file, you will find that you cannot log in when you restart.

    During GRUB boot, press e to enter edit mode, change ro to rw rd.break on the linux16 line.

    Press ctrl+x to execute.

    After entering single-user mode, modify the root path and copy the init program over.

    chroot /sysroot
    cp /etc/passwd /etc/passwd

    Since the security context of the copied file does not match the current directory, we need to disable SELinux.

    vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux
    selinux = disabled

    Exit twice and restart the host to restore normal operation.


  • None

Default Value

  • None


CIS Controls

  • None


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