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0054-rc.local-rc.local File Modified

Rule ID

  • 0054-rc.local


  • system


  • warn

Compatible Versions

  • Linux


  • Monitor the host startup loading files to check if they have been tampered with.

Scan Frequency

  • disable

Theoretical Basis

  • To add a program to the startup in Linux, it is usually done by modifying rc.local. However, there are typically two rc.local files in Linux: /etc/rc.local (a symbolic link) and /etc/init.d/rc.local (the actual file). By using MD5sum to calculate the MD5 checksum of the file and comparing the old and new checksums, we can detect if the file has been modified.

Risk Items

  • Hacker penetration
  • Data leakage
  • Network security
  • Mining risk
  • Botnet risk

Audit Method

  • Verify whether /etc/rc.local on the host has been illegally modified. You can use the following command to check:
    md5sum /etc/rc.local


  • If /etc/rc.local on the host has been illegally modified, carefully inspect the host environment for signs of intrusion and change the host user password.


  • Abnormal boot, starting abnormal processes, tampering with system environment variables, executing high-risk commands

Default Value

  • Inconsistent; modify according to the environment


  • None

CIS Controls

  • None


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