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0087-avahi-uninstalled-Avahi Uninstalled

Rule ID

  • 0087-avahi-uninstalled


  • system


  • warn

Compatible Versions

  • Linux


  • Avahi is a free zeroconf implementation that includes a system for multicast DNS/DNS-SD service discovery. Avahi allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on the local network. For example, users can plug their computer into a network, and Avahi will automatically find printers to print to, files to view, people to chat with, as well as network services running on the machine.

Scan Frequency

  • 0 */30 * * *

Theoretical Basis

  • System functionality typically does not require automatic discovery of network services. It is recommended to remove this package to reduce the potential attack surface.

Risk Items

  • Increase in attack surface

Audit Method

  • Run the following command to verify that the corresponding component is not installed:
    # rpm -q avahi-autoipd avahi
    package avahi-autoipd is not installed
    package avahi is not installed


  • Run the following commands to remove the corresponding packages:
    # systemctl stop avahi-daemon.socket avahi-daemon.service
    # yum remove avahi-autoipd avahi


  • Systems that rely on Avahi as an alternative to DNS may lose domain name resolution support.

Default Value

  • None


  • None

CIS Controls

  • Version 7 2.6 Address Unauthorized Software Ensure unauthorized software is removed or inventory is updated timely


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