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0300-docker-kernel - Is the Container Server Kernel Version 3.10 or Higher

Rule ID

  • 0300-docker-kernel


  • container


  • warn

Compatible Versions

  • Linux


  • Docker in daemon mode has specific kernel requirements. The 3.10 Linux kernel is the minimum requirement for Docker.

Scan Frequency

  • 1 */5 * * *

Theoretical Basis

  • Kernels earlier than 3.10 lack some features required to run Docker containers. It is well known that these older versions have bugs that can cause data loss and frequent crashes in certain situations. Therefore, it is recommended to use the latest minor version (3.x.y) of the 3.10 (or newer maintenance version) Linux kernel. Additionally, using a newer Linux kernel ensures that critical kernel bugs discovered previously have been fixed.

Risk Items

  • Container Security

Audit Method

  • Execute the following command to determine the Linux kernel version:

uname -r
Ensure that the identified kernel version is 3.10 or newer.


  • Review Docker's kernel and operating system requirements and appropriately choose your kernel and operating system.


  • None

Default Value

  • None


CIS Control

  • None


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