4121-k8s-edct-dir-priv-etcd Data Directory Permissions Not Set to 700 or Higher¶
Rule ID¶
- 4121-k8s-edct-dir-priv
- Container
- Info
Compatible Versions¶
- Linux
- Ensure the etcd data directory has restrictive permissions of 700 or higher.
Scan Frequency¶
- 0 */30 * * *
Theoretical Basis¶
- Etcd is a highly available key-value store used by Kubernetes deployments for persistent storage of all REST API objects. This data directory should be protected from any unauthorized read/write access.
Risk Items¶
- Container Security
Audit Method¶
- Execute the following command to verify that file permissions are set to "644" or more restrictive:
- Execute the following command to modify the permissions of the configuration files: This will set the directory permissions to "700".
- None
Default Value¶
- By default, the permissions for /var/lib/etcd are 755
CIS Controls¶
- None