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【Workspace】Usage Limit Update

POST /api/v1/workspace/{workspace_uuid}/usage_limit/update


Route Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
workspace_uuid string Y Workspace UUID

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
config json Y Usage limit configurations for different types, metric "Metrics", network "Network", rum "RUM PV", logging "Logging", tracing "APM Trace", profile "APM Profile", dialing "Synthetic Tests"
Example: {rum: {openLimit: false, value: 0},logging: {openLimit: false, value: 0}
Nullable: False

Additional Parameter Notes

Request Body Structure Explanation

Parameter Name Type Description
config json Daily usage limits for specific types within the workspace

Example of config structure:

          "rum": {"openLimit": false, "value": 0},
          "logging": {"openLimit": false, "value": 0},
          "tracing": {"openLimit": true, "value": 10000},
          "metric": {"openLimit": false, "value": 0},
          "network": {"openLimit": false, "value": 0},
          "profile": {"openLimit": false, "value": 0},
          "dialing": {"openLimit": false, "value": 0},



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