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0425-k8s-idle-timeout - Ensure Streaming Connection Idle Timeout --streaming-connection-idle-timeout Parameter Is Not Set to 0

Rule ID

  • 0425-k8s-idle-timeout


  • Container


  • Info

Compatible Versions

  • Linux


  • Do not disable the timeout on streaming connections

Scan Frequency

  • 0 */30 * * *

Theoretical Basis

  • Setting an idle timeout can ensure protection against denial of service attacks, inactive connections, and depletion of ephemeral ports

Risk Items

  • Container Security

Audit Method

  • Execute the following command to verify:
    ps -ef | grep kubelet | grep streaming-connection-idle-timeout


  • The kubelet can be started in two ways: Check if there is a configuration file: /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf. If the file exists, set the parameter --streaming-connection-idle-timeout=5m. If the file does not exist, check the kubelet startup parameter -config, Open the file and check if the parameter streamingConnectionIdleTimeout exists and set it to 5m. After completing the settings, restart the kubelet:
    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl restart kubelet.service


  • Long-lived connections may be interrupted

Default Value

  • By default: --streaming-connection-idle-timeout is 4 hours


CIS Controls

  • None


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