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Scheck Best Practices

  • Version: 1.0.7-7-g251eead
  • Release Date: 2023-04-06 11:17:57
  • Supported Operating Systems: windows/amd64, windows/386, linux/arm, linux/arm64, linux/386, linux/amd64


In general, one of the most important tasks in operations and maintenance is to inspect the status of systems, software, logs, etc. Traditional solutions often involve engineers writing shell (bash) scripts for such tasks and using remote script management tools to manage clusters. However, this method is actually very risky because system inspection operations often require high privileges, usually running with root permissions. If a malicious script is executed, the consequences can be disastrous. In practice, there are two types of malicious scripts: one is a malicious command, such as `rm -rf`, and the other involves data theft, such as leaking data via network I/O. Therefore, Security Checker aims to provide a new type of secure scripting method (limiting command execution, local I/O, and network I/O) to ensure all actions are safe and controllable. Moreover, Security Checker will collect inspection events through a unified network model in log format. At the same time, Security Checker will provide a vast, updatable rule library, including system, container, network, security, and other inspections.

scheck is the abbreviation for Security Checker.

scheck only pushes security check events and does not provide recovery notifications.


Service Name Version Must Be Installed Purpose
Datakit 1.1.6 or later Installation Method Required Accept scheck signals
DataFlux DataFlux SaaS or other private deployment versions Required View security checks


1 Install Scheck

sudo -- bash -c "$(curl -L"

2 Check Installation Status and Datakit Running Status

  • Check scheck status
    $ systemctl status scheck
     scheck.service - security checker with lua script
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/scheck.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
       Active: active (running) since Sat 2021-07-03 00:13:15 CST; 2 days ago
     Main PID: 15337 (scheck)
        Tasks: 10
       Memory: 12.4M
       CGroup: /system.slice/scheck.service
               └─15337 /usr/local/scheck/scheck -config /usr/local/scheck/scheck.conf
  • Check datakit status
    $ systemctl status datakit
     datakit.service - Collects data and uploads it to DataFlux.
       Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/datakit.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
       Active: active (running) since Sat 2021-07-03 01:07:44 CST; 2 days ago
     Main PID: 27371 (datakit)
        Tasks: 9
       Memory: 29.6M
       CGroup: /system.slice/datakit.service
               └─27371 /usr/local/datakit/datakit

3 Log in to the DataFlux Console to View Security Check Records (SaaS Platform)

  • Select Security Check from the left sidebar to view inspection content

Relevant Commands

Security Checker cmd - View help

$scheck -h
Usage of scheck:
        md5 checksum
  -config string
        configuration file to load
        show config sample
        show all supported lua-extend functions
  -test string
        the name of a rule, without file extension
  -testc int
        test rule count
        show version
        Generate doc document from manifest file
        Generate doc document from template file
        Use with `-doc` `-tpl` to output files to a specified directory
        Show all Lua runtime statuses and output to the current directory in Markdown format.
        Use with `-luastatus`. Sorting parameters include: name, time, count. Default sorting is by count.
     ./scheck -luastatus -sort=time
        Precompile all Lua files in the user directory once to check for syntax errors.
        Show all files loaded into the binary

  • Start/Stop Commands
    systemctl start/stop/restart/status scheck 
    ## or 
    service scheck start/stop/restart/status 


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