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【Aggregation to Metrics】Create

POST /api/v1/aggs_to_metric/add


Create a metrics generation rule

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
extend json Y Additional information
Can be empty: False
jsonScript json Y Rule configuration
Can be empty: False
jsonScript.type string Y Type
Example: rumToMetric
Can be empty: False
Can be an empty string: False
Optional values: ['logToMetric', 'rumToMetric', 'apmToMetric', 'metricToMetric', 'securityToMetric']
jsonScript.query json Y DQL query related information
Can be empty: False
jsonScript.metricInfo json Y Metrics configuration information
Can be empty: False
jsonScript.metricInfo.every string Y Frequency
Example: 5m
Can be an empty string: False
jsonScript.metricInfo.metric string Y Measurement name
Example: cpu
Can be an empty string: False
jsonScript.metricInfo.metricField string Y Metric name
Example: load5s
Can be an empty string: False
jsonScript.metricInfo.unit string Unit
Example: load5s
Can be an empty string: True
jsonScript.metricInfo.desc string Description
Example: xxx
Can be an empty string: True

Additional Parameter Explanation

Request parameter explanation.

1. **jsonScript parameter explanation

Parameter Name Type Required Description
type String Required Data source type, enumerated type
query Json Required Query information
metricInfo Json Required Measurement configuration information

2. Check type jsonScript.type explanation

Key Description
rumToMetric RUM generated metric
apmToMetric APM generated metric
logToMetric Logging generated metric
metricToMetric Metric generated metric
securityToMetric Security Check generated metric

3. Check type jsonScript.metricInfo explanation

Parameter Name Type Required Description
every String Required Frequency, options are 1m, 5m, 15m, unit is (minutes/m)
metric String Required Measurement name
metricField String Required Metric name
unit String Unit
desc String Description

3.1 Check type jsonScript.metricInfo.unit unit explanation

Unit format: custom/["unit type","unit"] , example: custom/["time","ms"]
Custom unit format: custom/["custom","custom unit"], example: custom/["custom","tt"]
Standard unit types, refer to Unit Documentation

4. Check type jsonScript.query explanation

Parameter Name Type Required Description
q String Required Query statement
qtype String Query syntax type, dql/promql
qmode String Query type, selector box: selectorQuery , handwritten: customQuery, this field affects the style of front-end query echo

5. **extend parameter explanation

Parameter Name Type Required Description
filters Array[dict] Filter condition list when not log type
groupBy Array[str] Grouping information
funcName string Required Aggregation function (must be passed when qmode is selector mode, used for front-end echo), enumerated values ("count", "avg", "max", "sum", "min", "count_distinct", "p75", "p95", "p99")
fieldKey string Required Aggregation field (must be passed when qmode is selector mode, used for front-end echo)
index string Index name when log type
source string This field represents different meanings in different types: log type: source source, application performance type: service service, user access type: application app_id, metrics type: measurement, security check: category category
filterString string Filter condition when log type, original filter string, example: 'host:hangzhou123 -service:coredns internal:true'

Note: All fields in the extend field are only used for front-end echo display, the actual metric generation query statement follows the query information configured in jsonScript.query

6. Main structure explanation of extend.filters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
condition string Relationship with the previous filter condition, optional values: and, or; default value: and
name string Field name to be filtered
op string Operator, optional values: =, !=, match, not match
values array Value list
values[#] string/int/boolean Can be string/number/boolean, during data comparison it will take specific elements from values based on the characteristics of operation, for example, if operation is =, only values[0] participates in the operation

6.1 Example of extend.filters:

      "name": "A",
      "condition": "and",
      "op": "match",
      "values": ["error"]
      "name": "tagC",
      "condition": "and",
      "op": "=",
      "values": ["ok"]

7. Overall structure example:

      "extend": {
        "filters": [],
        "groupBy": ["host_ip"],
        "funcName": "count",
        "fieldKey": "*",
        "index": "default",
        "source": "*",
        "filterString": "host:hangzhou123 region:guanzhou"
      "jsonScript": {
        "type": "logToMetric",
        "metricInfo": {
          "every": "1m",
          "metric": "test",
          "metricField": "001-test",
          "unit": "custom/[\"timeStamp\",\"ms\"]",
          "desc": ""
        "query": {
          "q": "L('default')::RE(`.*`):(count(`*`)) { `host`='hangzhou123' and `region`='guanzhou'  } BY `host_ip`",
          "qtype": "dql"

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{"extend":{"filters":[],"groupBy":["host_ip"],"funcName":"count","fieldKey":"*","index":"default","source":"*","filterString":"host:hangzhou123 region:guanzhou"},"jsonScript":{"type":"logToMetric","metricInfo":{"every":"1m","metric":"test","metricField":"001-test","unit":"custom/[\"timeStamp\",\"ms\"]","desc":""},"query":{"q":"L('default')::RE(`.*`):(count(`*`)) { `host`='hangzhou123' and `region`='guanzhou'  } BY `host_ip`","qtype":"dql"}}}' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "workspaceUUID": "wksp_xxxx",
        "monitorUUID": "",
        "updator": null,
        "type": "aggs",
        "refKey": "",
        "secret": null,
        "jsonScript": {
            "type": "logToMetric",
            "metricInfo": {
                "every": "1m",
                "metric": "test",
                "metricField": "001-test",
                "unit": "custom/[\"timeStamp\",\"ms\"]",
                "desc": ""
            "query": {
                "q": "L('default')::RE(`.*`):(count(`*`)) { `host`='hangzhou123' and `region`='guanzhou'  } BY `host_ip`",
                "qtype": "dql"
        "crontabInfo": {
            "id": "cron-4VdviPep3oHc",
            "crontab": null
        "extend": {
            "filters": [],
            "groupBy": [
            "funcName": "count",
            "fieldKey": "*",
            "index": "default",
            "source": "*",
            "filterString": "host:hangzhou123 region:guanzhou"
        "createdWay": "manual",
        "isLocked": false,
        "openPermissionSet": false,
        "permissionSet": [],
        "id": null,
        "uuid": "rul_xxxx",
        "status": 0,
        "creator": "acnt_xxxx",
        "createAt": 1734594428,
        "deleteAt": -1,
        "updateAt": null,
        "__operation_info": {
            "uuid": "rul_xxxx"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "1111139030457458757"


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