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DQL Data Query

POST /api/v1/df/query_data_v1


DQL data query

Body Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required Description
queries array Multi-command query, its content is a list composed of query objects
Allow null: False
fieldTagDescNeeded boolean Whether field or tag description information is needed
Allow null: False

Additional Parameter Explanation

Query Description

  1. Parameter Explanation
Parameter Name Type Required Description
queries array Y Multi-command query, its content is a list composed of query objects
fieldTagDescNeeded boolean Whether field or tag description information is needed
  1. Structure Explanation for queries[*] Member Parameters
Parameter Name Type Required Description
qtype string Y Query statement type
dql: indicates a DQL type query statement;
promql: indicates a PromQl type query statement
query json Y Query structure
query.q string Query statement consistent with the qtype, e.g., DQL or PromQL query statement
query.promqlType enum Effective when qtype=promql, PromQL query type, optional values instantQuery and rangeQuery, default value is rangeQuery
query.highlight boolean Whether to display highlighted data
query.timeRange array List of timestamps for time range
query.disableMultipleField bool Whether single-column mode is enabled, default is true
query.showLabel bool Whether to show object labels, default is none
query.funcList array Re-aggregates DQL return values, note that this parameter is invalid when disableMultipleField=False
query.slimit integer Group size for time series, only effective for metrics queries
query.soffset integer Offset for time series groups
query.limit integer Page size
query.offset integer Page offset
query.orderby array Sorting list, {fieldName:method}, note that sorting for Measurement queries only supports fieldName=time; method in ["desc", "asc"]; note that sorting for Measurement queries only supports fieldName=time
query.sorderby array Sorting list, sorderby column is an expression supporting all single-value aggregation functions min max last avg p90 p95 count, {fieldName:method}, structure is consistent with orderby
query.order_by array Sorting list, structure is [{"column": "field", "order": "DESC"}], compatible field for Doris engine
query.sorder_by array Sorting list, structure is [{"column": "field", "order": "DESC"}], compatible field for Doris engine
query.density string Response point density, lower priority than autoDensity but higher than density set in DQL statement
query.interval integer Unit is seconds, time slice interval used to calculate response points; if calculated point count is less than or equal to point count when density=high, it is valid, otherwise invalid
query.search_after array Pagination query marker. Use the search_after value from the previous response as the parameter for the current request.
query.maxPointCount integer Maximum number of points
query.workspaceUUID string UUID of the workspace to be queried
query.workspaceUUIDs array UUIDs of workspaces to be queried, higher priority than query.workspaceUUID.
query.output_format string lineprotocol: row protocol output, default is existing output format unchanged if not specified
query.cursor_time integer Segment query threshold: For the first segment query, set cursor_time to end_time; for subsequent segment queries, set cursor_time to next_cursor_time from the response
query.disable_sampling bool Sampling disable switch, default value is false
  1. Explanation of Response Point Density density Parameter Values
Optional Value Description
lower Low, 60 points
low Low, 180 points
medium Medium, 360 points
high High, 720 points
  • Note the priority of the point density parameter, maximum density density[high] * maxPointCount > interval > density > control parameters in DQL statement

  • Common Query Explanations

  • Unrecovered Event Query

    Note: When performing data queries via openapi interface, the default role is Administrator. Be aware that it may be subject to data access rule restrictions.

Request Example

curl '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw $'{"queries":[{"qtype":"dql","query":{"q":"M::`cpu`:(avg(`usage_idle`))","_funcList":[],"funcList":[],"maxPointCount":720,"interval":10,"align_time":true,"sorder_by":[{"column":"`#1`","order":"DESC"}],"slimit":20,"disable_sampling":false,"timeRange":[1708911106000,1708912906999],"tz":"Asia/Shanghai"}}]}' \


    "code": 200,
    "content": {
        "data": [
                "async_id": "",
                "column_names": [
                "complete": false,
                "cost": "14.815745ms",
                "index_name": "",
                "index_names": "",
                "index_store_type": "",
                "interval": 10000,
                "is_running": false,
                "max_point": 181,
                "next_cursor_time": -1,
                "points": null,
                "query_parse": {
                    "fields": {
                        "avg(usage_idle)": "usage_idle"
                    "funcs": {
                        "avg(usage_idle)": [
                    "namespace": "metric",
                    "sources": {
                        "cpu": "exact"
                "query_type": "guancedb",
                "sample": 1,
                "scan_completed": false,
                "scan_index": "",
                "series": [
                        "columns": [
                        "name": "cpu",
                        "units": [
                        "values": [
                "window": 10000
        "declaration": {
            "b": [
            "business": "aaa",
            "organization": "6540c09e4243b300077a9675"
    "errorCode": "",
    "message": "",
    "success": true,
    "traceId": "10888927517520616916"


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