Datakit 自身指标¶
为便于 Datakit 自身可观测性,我们在开发 Datakit 过程中,给相关的业务模块增加了很多 Prometheus 指标暴露,通过暴露这些指标,我们能方便的排查 Datakit 运行过程中的一些问题。
自 Datakit 1.5.9 版本以来,通过访问 http://localhost:9529/metrics
即可获取当前的指标列表,不同 Datakit 版本可能会对一些相关指标做调整,或者增删一些指标。
这些指标,在 Datakit monitor 展示中也会用到,只是 monitor 中为了展示上的友好型,做了一些优化处理。如果要查看原始的指标(或者 monitor 上没有展示出来的指标),我们可以通过 curl
和 watch
命令的组合来查看,比如获取 Datakit 进程 CPU 的使用情况:
# 每隔 3s 获取一次 CPU 使用率指标
$ watch -n 3 'curl -s http://localhost:9529/metrics | grep -a datakit_cpu_usage'
# HELP datakit_cpu_usage Datakit CPU usage(%)
# TYPE datakit_cpu_usage gauge
datakit_cpu_usage 4.9920266849857144
其它指标也能通过类似方式来观察,目前已有的指标如下(当前版本 1.67.0):
GAUGE | datakit_config_datakit_ulimit |
status |
Datakit ulimit |
COUNTER | datakit_dns_domain_total |
N/A |
DNS watched domain counter |
COUNTER | datakit_dns_ip_updated_total |
domain |
Domain IP updated counter |
COUNTER | datakit_dns_watch_run_total |
interval |
Watch run counter |
SUMMARY | datakit_dns_cost_seconds |
domain,status |
DNS IP lookup cost |
COUNTER | datakit_election_pause_total |
id,namespace |
Input paused count when election failed |
COUNTER | datakit_election_resume_total |
id,namespace |
Input resume count when election OK |
GAUGE | datakit_election_status |
elected_id,id,namespace,status |
Datakit election status, if metric = 0, meas not elected, or the elected time(unix timestamp second) |
GAUGE | datakit_election_inputs |
namespace |
Datakit election input count |
SUMMARY | datakit_election_seconds |
namespace,status |
Election latency |
GAUGE | datakit_goroutine_alive |
name |
Alive Goroutine count |
COUNTER | datakit_goroutine_recover_total |
name |
Recovered Goroutine count |
COUNTER | datakit_goroutine_stopped_total |
name |
Stopped Goroutine count |
COUNTER | datakit_goroutine_crashed_total |
name |
Crashed goroutines count |
GAUGE | datakit_goroutine_groups |
N/A |
Goroutine group count |
SUMMARY | datakit_goroutine_cost_seconds |
name |
Goroutine running duration |
SUMMARY | datakit_http_api_elapsed_seconds |
api,method,status |
API request cost |
SUMMARY | datakit_http_api_req_size_bytes |
api,method,status |
API request body size |
COUNTER | datakit_http_api_total |
api,method,status |
API request counter |
GAUGE | datakit_http_api_global_tags_last_updated |
api,method,status |
Global tag updated timestamp, in second |
SUMMARY | datakit_httpcli_got_first_resp_byte_cost_seconds |
from |
Got first response byte cost |
COUNTER | datakit_httpcli_tcp_conn_total |
from,remote,type |
HTTP TCP connection count |
COUNTER | datakit_httpcli_conn_reused_from_idle_total |
from |
HTTP connection reused from idle count |
SUMMARY | datakit_httpcli_conn_idle_time_seconds |
from |
HTTP connection idle time |
SUMMARY | datakit_httpcli_dns_cost_seconds |
from |
HTTP DNS cost |
SUMMARY | datakit_httpcli_tls_handshake_seconds |
from |
HTTP TLS handshake cost |
SUMMARY | datakit_httpcli_http_connect_cost_seconds |
from |
HTTP connect cost |
SUMMARY | datakit_io_build_body_batch_points |
category,encoding |
Batch HTTP body points |
SUMMARY | datakit_io_dataway_wal_flush |
category,gzip,queue |
Dataway WAL worker flushed bytes |
COUNTER | datakit_io_dataway_point_total |
category,status |
Dataway uploaded points, partitioned by category and send status(HTTP status) |
COUNTER | datakit_io_dataway_skipped_point_total |
category |
Skipped point count during encoding(Protobuf) point |
COUNTER | datakit_io_dataway_body_total |
from,op,type |
Dataway total body |
COUNTER | datakit_io_wal_point_total |
category,status |
WAL queued points |
COUNTER | datakit_io_dataway_point_bytes_total |
category,enc,status |
Dataway uploaded points bytes, partitioned by category and pint send status(HTTP status) |
COUNTER | datakit_io_dataway_http_drop_point_total |
category,error |
Dataway write drop points |
SUMMARY | datakit_io_dataway_api_latency_seconds |
api,status |
Dataway HTTP request latency partitioned by HTTP API(method@url) and HTTP status |
COUNTER | datakit_io_http_retry_total |
api,status |
Dataway HTTP retried count |
SUMMARY | datakit_io_grouped_request |
category |
Grouped requests under sinker |
GAUGE | datakit_kv_last_update_timestamp_seconds |
N/A |
KV last update time |
SUMMARY | datakit_kv_pull_latency_seconds |
status |
KV pull latency |
COUNTER | datakit_kv_update_total |
N/A |
KV updated count |
GAUGE | datakit_kv_input_last_update_timestamp_seconds |
N/A |
KV input last reload time |
COUNTER | datakit_kv_input_reload_total |
N/A |
KV input reload count |
GAUGE | datakit_io_dataway_wal_mem_len |
category |
Dataway WAL's memory queue length |
SUMMARY | datakit_io_flush_failcache_bytes |
category |
IO flush fail-cache bytes(in gzip) summary |
SUMMARY | datakit_io_build_body_cost_seconds |
category,encoding,stage |
Build point HTTP body cost |
SUMMARY | datakit_io_build_body_batches |
category,encoding |
Batch HTTP body batches |
SUMMARY | datakit_io_build_body_points |
category,encoding |
Point count for single compact |
SUMMARY | datakit_io_build_body_batch_bytes |
category,encoding,type |
Batch HTTP body size |
COUNTER | datakit_filter_update_total |
N/A |
Filters(remote) updated count |
GAUGE | datakit_filter_last_update_timestamp_seconds |
N/A |
Filter last update time |
COUNTER | datakit_filter_point_total |
category,filters,source |
Filter points of filters |
GAUGE | datakit_filter_parse_error |
error,filters |
Filter parse error |
COUNTER | datakit_filter_point_dropped_total |
category,filters,source |
Dropped points of filters |
SUMMARY | datakit_filter_pull_latency_seconds |
status |
Filter pull(remote) latency |
SUMMARY | datakit_filter_latency_seconds |
category,filters,source |
Filter latency of these filters |
GAUGE | datakit_io_queue_points |
category |
IO module queued(cached) points |
COUNTER | datakit_io_input_filter_point_total |
name,category |
Input filtered point total |
COUNTER | datakit_io_feed_total |
name,category |
Input feed total |
GAUGE | datakit_io_last_feed_timestamp_seconds |
name,category |
Input last feed time(according to Datakit local time) |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_collect_latency_seconds |
name,category |
Input collect latency |
GAUGE | datakit_io_chan_usage |
category |
IO channel usage(length of the channel) |
GAUGE | datakit_io_chan_capacity |
category |
IO channel capacity |
SUMMARY | datakit_io_feed_cost_seconds |
category,from |
IO feed waiting(on block mode) seconds |
SUMMARY | datakit_io_feed_point |
name,category |
Input feed point |
GAUGE | datakit_io_flush_workers |
category |
IO flush workers |
COUNTER | datakit_io_flush_total |
category |
IO flush total |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_tailer_scanner_cost_seconds |
pattern |
Scanning costs seconds |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_tailer_scanner_files |
pattern |
Total number of scanned files |
COUNTER | datakit_error_total |
source,category |
Total errors, only count on error source, not include error message |
GAUGE | datakit_goroutines |
N/A |
Goroutine count within Datakit |
GAUGE | datakit_mem_stat |
type |
Datakit memory system bytes |
GAUGE | datakit_heap_alloc_bytes |
N/A |
Datakit memory heap bytes(Deprecated by datakit_golang_mem_usage ) |
GAUGE | datakit_sys_alloc_bytes |
N/A |
Datakit memory system bytes(Deprecated by datakit_golang_mem_usage ) |
GAUGE | datakit_golang_mem_usage |
type |
Datakit golang memory usage stats |
GAUGE | datakit_cpu_usage |
N/A |
Datakit CPU usage(%) |
GAUGE | datakit_open_files |
N/A |
Datakit open files(only available on Linux) |
GAUGE | datakit_cpu_cores |
N/A |
Datakit CPU cores |
GAUGE | datakit_uptime_seconds |
auto_update,docker,hostname,lite,elinker,resource_limit,os_arch=?,version=?,build_at=?,branch=? |
Datakit uptime |
GAUGE | datakit_data_overuse |
N/A |
Does current workspace's data(metric/logging) usage(if 0 not beyond, or with a unix timestamp when overuse occurred) |
COUNTER | datakit_process_ctx_switch_total |
type |
Datakit process context switch count(Linux only) |
COUNTER | datakit_process_io_count_total |
type |
Datakit process IO count |
COUNTER | datakit_process_io_bytes_total |
type |
Datakit process IO bytes count |
COUNTER | datakit_ntp_sync_total |
N/A |
Total count synced with remote NTP server |
SUMMARY | datakit_ntp_time_diff |
N/A |
Time difference(seconds) between remote NTP server |
COUNTER | datakit_pipeline_offload_point_total |
category,exporter,remote |
Pipeline offload processed total points |
COUNTER | datakit_pipeline_offload_error_point_total |
category,exporter,remote |
Pipeline offload processed total error points |
SUMMARY | datakit_pipeline_offload_cost_seconds |
category,exporter,remote |
Pipeline offload total cost |
COUNTER | dkebpf_exporter_points_total |
name,category |
The number of data points processed by the exporter |
GAUGE | datakit_input_container_kubernetes_fetch_error |
namespace,resource,error |
Kubernetes resource fetch error |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_container_kubernetes_collect_cost_seconds |
category |
Kubernetes collect cost |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_container_kubernetes_collect_resource_cost_seconds |
category,kind,fieldselector |
Kubernetes collect resource cost |
COUNTER | datakit_input_container_kubernetes_collect_pts_total |
category |
Kubernetes collect point total |
COUNTER | datakit_input_container_kubernetes_pod_metrics_query_total |
target |
Kubernetes query pod metrics count |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_container_collect_cost_seconds |
category |
Container collect cost |
COUNTER | datakit_input_container_collect_pts_total |
category |
Container collect point total |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_container_total_collect_cost_seconds |
category |
Total container collect cost |
COUNTER | datakit_input_ddtrace_truncated_spans_total |
input |
Truncated trace spans |
COUNTER | datakit_input_ddtrace_dropped_trace_total |
url |
Dropped illegal traces |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_ddtrace_trace_spans |
input |
Trace spans(include truncated spans) |
SUMMARY | datakit_dialtesting_task_run_cost_seconds |
region,protocol |
Task run time |
SUMMARY | datakit_dialtesting_task_exec_time_interval_seconds |
region,protocol |
Task execution time interval |
GAUGE | datakit_dialtesting_worker_job_chan_number |
type |
The number of the channel for the jobs |
GAUGE | datakit_dialtesting_worker_job_number |
N/A |
The number of the jobs to send data in parallel |
GAUGE | datakit_dialtesting_worker_cached_points_number |
region,protocol |
The number of cached points |
GAUGE | datakit_dialtesting_worker_send_points_number |
region,protocol,status |
The number of the points which have been sent |
SUMMARY | datakit_dialtesting_worker_send_cost_seconds |
region,protocol |
Time cost to send points |
GAUGE | datakit_dialtesting_task_number |
region,protocol |
The number of tasks |
GAUGE | datakit_dialtesting_dataway_send_failed_number |
region,protocol |
The number of failed sending |
SUMMARY | datakit_dialtesting_pull_cost_seconds |
region,is_first |
Time cost to pull tasks |
COUNTER | datakit_dialtesting_task_synchronized_total |
region,protocol |
Task synchronized number |
COUNTER | datakit_dialtesting_task_invalid_total |
region,protocol,fail_reason |
Invalid task number |
SUMMARY | datakit_dialtesting_task_check_cost_seconds |
region,protocol,status |
Task check time |
GAUGE | datakit_input_graphite_metric_mapper_cache_length |
N/A |
The count of unique metrics currently cached. |
COUNTER | datakit_input_graphite_metric_cache_gets_total |
N/A |
The count of total metric cache gets. |
COUNTER | datakit_input_graphite_metric_mapper_cache_hits_total |
N/A |
The count of total metric cache hits. |
COUNTER | datakit_input_graphite_tag_parse_failures_total |
N/A |
Total count of samples with invalid tags |
GAUGE | datakit_input_graphite_last_processed_timestamp_seconds |
N/A |
Unix timestamp of the last processed graphite metric. |
GAUGE | datakit_input_graphite_sample_expiry_seconds |
N/A |
How long in seconds a metric sample is valid for. |
COUNTER | datakit_input_kafkamq_consumer_message_total |
topic,partition,status |
Kafka consumer message numbers from Datakit start |
COUNTER | datakit_input_kafkamq_group_election_total |
N/A |
Kafka group election count |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_kafkamq_process_message_nano |
topic |
kafkamq process message nanoseconds duration |
COUNTER | datakit_input_kubernetesprometheus_collect_pts_total |
role,name |
The number of the points which have been sent |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_kubernetesprometheus_collect_cost_seconds |
role,name,url |
The collect cost in seconds |
GAUGE | datakit_input_kubernetesprometheus_scraper_number |
role,name |
The number of the scraper |
GAUGE | datakit_input_kubernetesprometheus_task_number |
worker |
The number of the task |
GAUGE | datakit_inputs_instance |
input |
Input instance count |
COUNTER | datakit_inputs_crash_total |
input |
Input crash count |
GAUGE | datakit_input_ploffload_chan_capacity |
channel_name |
PlOffload channel capacity |
GAUGE | datakit_input_ploffload_chan_usage |
channel_name |
PlOffload channel usage |
COUNTER | datakit_input_ploffload_point_total |
category |
PlOffload processed total points |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_promremote_collect_points |
source |
Total number of promremote collection points |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_promremote_time_diff_in_second |
source |
Time diff with local time |
COUNTER | datakit_input_promremote_no_time_points_total |
source |
Total number of promremote collection no time points |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_promv2_scrape_points |
source,remote |
The number of points scrape from endpoint |
GAUGE | api_elapsed_seconds |
N/A |
Proxied API elapsed seconds |
COUNTER | api_post_bytes_total |
api,status |
Proxied API post bytes total |
SUMMARY | api_latency_seconds |
api,status |
Proxied API latency |
COUNTER | datakit_input_proxy_connect_total |
client_ip |
Proxy connect(method CONNECT) |
COUNTER | datakit_input_proxy_api_total |
api,method |
Proxy API total |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_proxy_api_latency_seconds |
api,method,status |
Proxy API latency |
COUNTER | datakit_input_rum_session_replay_drop_total |
app_id,env,version,service |
statistics the total count of session replay points which have been filtered by rules |
COUNTER | datakit_input_rum_session_replay_drop_bytes_total |
app_id,env,version,service |
statistics the total bytes of session replay points which have been filtered by rules |
COUNTER | datakit_input_rum_locate_statistics_total |
app_id,ip_status,locate_status |
locate by ip addr statistics |
COUNTER | datakit_input_rum_source_map_total |
app_id,sdk_name,status,remark |
source map result statistics |
GAUGE | datakit_input_rum_loaded_zips |
platform |
RUM source map currently loaded zip archive count |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_rum_source_map_duration_seconds |
sdk_name,app_id,env,version |
statistics elapsed time in RUM source map(unit: second) |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_rum_session_replay_upload_latency_seconds |
app_id,env,version,service,status_code |
statistics elapsed time in session replay uploading |
COUNTER | datakit_input_rum_session_replay_upload_failure_total |
app_id,env,version,service,status_code |
statistics count of session replay points which which have unsuccessfully uploaded |
COUNTER | datakit_input_rum_session_replay_upload_failure_bytes_total |
app_id,env,version,service,status_code |
statistics the total bytes of session replay points which have unsuccessfully uploaded |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_rum_session_replay_read_body_delay_seconds |
app_id,env,version,service |
statistics the duration of reading session replay body |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_snmp_discovery_cost |
profile_type |
Discovery cost(in second) |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_snmp_collect_cost |
N/A |
Every loop collect cost(in second) |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_snmp_device_collect_cost |
class |
Device collect cost(in second) |
GAUGE | datakit_input_snmp_alive_devices |
class |
Alive devices |
COUNTER | datakit_input_zabbix_exporter_collect_metric_total |
object |
exporter metric count number from start |
COUNTER | datakit_input_zabbix_exporter_collect_file_total |
object |
The files number of exporter file |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_zabbix_exporter_request_api |
status |
The time of success or failed API requests |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_prom_collect_points |
mode,source |
Total number of prom collection points |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_prom_http_get_bytes |
mode,source |
HTTP get bytes |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_prom_http_latency_in_second |
mode,source |
HTTP latency(in second) |
GAUGE | datakit_input_prom_stream_size |
mode,source |
Stream size |
SUMMARY | datakit_remote_job_jvm_dump |
name,status |
JVM dump job execution time statistics |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_statsd_collect_points |
N/A |
Total number of statsd collection points |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_statsd_accept_bytes |
N/A |
Accept bytes from network |
COUNTER | datakit_input_logging_socket_feed_message_count_total |
network |
Socket feed to IO message count |
SUMMARY | datakit_input_logging_socket_log_length |
network |
Record the length of each log line |
COUNTER | datakit_tailer_receive_create_event_total |
source,type |
Total number of 'CREATE' events received |
COUNTER | datakit_tailer_discard_log_total |
source,filepath |
Total logs discarded based on the whitelist |
GAUGE | datakit_tailer_open_file_num |
mode |
Tailer open file total |
COUNTER | datakit_tailer_file_rotate_total |
source,filepath |
Total tailer rotated |
COUNTER | datakit_tailer_parse_fail_total |
source,filepath,mode |
Total tailer parsing failed |
COUNTER | datakit_input_logging_socket_connect_status_total |
network,status |
Connect and close count for net.conn |
COUNTER | datakit_input_tracing_total |
input,service |
The total links number of Trace processed by the trace module |
COUNTER | datakit_input_sampler_total |
input,service |
The sampler number of Trace processed by the trace module |
SUMMARY | diskcache_dropped_data |
path,reason |
Dropped data during Put() when capacity reached. |
COUNTER | diskcache_rotate_total |
path |
Cache rotate count, mean file rotate from data to data.0000xxx |
COUNTER | diskcache_remove_total |
path |
Removed file count, if some file read EOF, remove it from un-read list |
COUNTER | diskcache_wakeup_total |
path |
Wakeup count on sleeping write file |
COUNTER | diskcache_seek_back_total |
path |
Seek back when Get() got any error |
GAUGE | diskcache_capacity |
path |
Current capacity(in bytes) |
GAUGE | diskcache_max_data |
path |
Max data to Put(in bytes), default 0 |
GAUGE | diskcache_batch_size |
path |
Data file size(in bytes) |
GAUGE | diskcache_size |
path |
Current cache size(in bytes) |
GAUGE | diskcache_open_time |
no_fallback_on_error,no_lock,no_pos,no_sync,path |
Current cache Open time in unix timestamp(second) |
GAUGE | diskcache_last_close_time |
path |
Current cache last Close time in unix timestamp(second) |
GAUGE | diskcache_datafiles |
path |
Current un-read data files |
SUMMARY | diskcache_stream_put |
path |
Stream put times |
SUMMARY | diskcache_get_latency |
path |
Get() cost seconds |
SUMMARY | diskcache_put_latency |
path |
Put() cost seconds |
SUMMARY | diskcache_put_bytes |
path |
Cache Put() bytes |
SUMMARY | diskcache_get_bytes |
path |
Cache Get() bytes |
COUNTER | pointpool_chan_get_total |
N/A |
Get count from reserved channel |
COUNTER | pointpool_chan_put_total |
N/A |
Put count to reserved channel |
COUNTER | pointpool_pool_get_total |
N/A |
Get count from reserved channel |
COUNTER | pointpool_pool_put_total |
N/A |
Put count to reserved channel |
COUNTER | pointpool_reserved_capacity |
N/A |
Reserved capacity of the pool |
COUNTER | pointpool_malloc_total |
N/A |
New object malloc from pool |
COUNTER | pointpool_escaped |
N/A |
Points that not comes from pool |
Golang 运行时指标¶
Datakit 在其 /metrics
接口上也暴露了 Golang 运行时指标,指标示例如下:
go_cgo_go_to_c_calls_calls_total 8447
go_gc_cycles_automatic_gc_cycles_total 10
go_gc_cycles_forced_gc_cycles_total 0
go_gc_cycles_total_gc_cycles_total 10
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0"} 3.4709e-05
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.25"} 3.9917e-05
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.5"} 0.000138459
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="0.75"} 0.000211333
go_gc_duration_seconds{quantile="1"} 0.000693833
go_gc_duration_seconds_sum 0.001920708
go_gc_duration_seconds_count 10
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="8.999999999999998"} 16889
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="24.999999999999996"} 221293
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="64.99999999999999"} 365672
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="144.99999999999997"} 475633
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="320.99999999999994"} 507361
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="704.9999999999999"} 516511
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="1536.9999999999998"} 521176
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="3200.9999999999995"} 522802
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="6528.999999999999"} 524529
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="13568.999999999998"} 525164
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="27264.999999999996"} 525269
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="+Inf"} 525421
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_sum 7.2408264e+07
go_gc_heap_allocs_by_size_bytes_count 525421
go_gc_heap_allocs_bytes_total 7.2408264e+07
go_gc_heap_allocs_objects_total 525421
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="8.999999999999998"} 11081
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="24.999999999999996"} 168291
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="64.99999999999999"} 271749
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="144.99999999999997"} 352424
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="320.99999999999994"} 378481
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="704.9999999999999"} 385700
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="1536.9999999999998"} 389443
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="3200.9999999999995"} 390591
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="6528.999999999999"} 392069
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="13568.999999999998"} 392565
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="27264.999999999996"} 392636
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_bucket{le="+Inf"} 392747
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_sum 5.3304296e+07
go_gc_heap_frees_by_size_bytes_count 392747
go_gc_heap_frees_bytes_total 5.3304296e+07
go_gc_heap_frees_objects_total 392747
go_gc_heap_goal_bytes 3.6016864e+07
go_gc_heap_objects_objects 132674
go_gc_heap_tiny_allocs_objects_total 36033
go_gc_limiter_last_enabled_gc_cycle 0
go_gc_pauses_seconds_bucket{le="9.999999999999999e-10"} 0
go_gc_pauses_seconds_bucket{le="9.999999999999999e-09"} 0
go_gc_pauses_seconds_bucket{le="9.999999999999998e-08"} 0
go_gc_pauses_seconds_bucket{le="1.0239999999999999e-06"} 0
go_gc_pauses_seconds_bucket{le="1.0239999999999999e-05"} 1
go_gc_pauses_seconds_bucket{le="0.00010239999999999998"} 15
go_gc_pauses_seconds_bucket{le="0.0010485759999999998"} 20
go_gc_pauses_seconds_bucket{le="0.010485759999999998"} 20
go_gc_pauses_seconds_bucket{le="0.10485759999999998"} 20
go_gc_pauses_seconds_bucket{le="+Inf"} 20
go_gc_pauses_seconds_sum 0.000656384
go_gc_pauses_seconds_count 20
go_gc_stack_starting_size_bytes 4096
go_goroutines 102
go_info{version="go1.19.5"} 1
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go_memory_classes_heap_released_bytes 3.530752e+06
go_memory_classes_heap_stacks_bytes 2.4576e+06
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go_memory_classes_metadata_mcache_inuse_bytes 12000
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go_memstats_mallocs_total 561454
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go_memstats_mcache_sys_bytes 15600
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go_memstats_mspan_sys_bytes 504432
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go_memstats_stack_sys_bytes 2.4576e+06
go_memstats_sys_bytes 5.2086024e+07
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go_sched_goroutines_goroutines 102
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go_sched_latencies_seconds_bucket{le="9.999999999999999e-09"} 4886
go_sched_latencies_seconds_bucket{le="9.999999999999998e-08"} 5883
go_sched_latencies_seconds_bucket{le="1.0239999999999999e-06"} 6669
go_sched_latencies_seconds_bucket{le="1.0239999999999999e-05"} 7191
go_sched_latencies_seconds_bucket{le="0.00010239999999999998"} 7531
go_sched_latencies_seconds_bucket{le="0.0010485759999999998"} 7567
go_sched_latencies_seconds_bucket{le="0.010485759999999998"} 7569
go_sched_latencies_seconds_bucket{le="0.10485759999999998"} 7569
go_sched_latencies_seconds_bucket{le="+Inf"} 7569
go_sched_latencies_seconds_sum 0.00988825
go_sched_latencies_seconds_count 7569
go_threads 16