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Install Helm

Enable DDTrace Collector

Edit the datakit.yaml file and append ddtrace to the default enabled collectors configuration.

   value: cpu,disk,diskio,mem,swap,system,hostobject,net,host_processes,container,ddtrace

After completing the configuration, restart DataKit:

kubectl apply -f datakit.yaml

Helm Install DataKit Operator

Prerequisites: Kubernetes >= 1.14, Helm >= 3.0+.

$ helm install datakit-operator datakit-operator \
     --repo \
     -n datakit --create-namespace

Update Configuration File

The DataKit Operator configuration is in JSON format and is stored separately as a ConfigMap in Kubernetes, loaded into the container via environment variables.

    "server_listen": "",
    "log_level":     "info",
    "admission_inject": {
        "ddtrace": { 
           "enabled_namespaces":     [],
           "enabled_labelselectors": [],
           "images": {
                "java_agent_image":   ""
            "envs": {
              "DD_JMXFETCH_STATSD_HOST": "datakit-service.datakit.svc",
              "DD_JMXFETCH_STATSD_PORT": "8125",
              "POD_NAME": "{}",
              "POD_NAMESPACE": "{fieldRef:metadata.namespace}",
              "NODE_NAME": "{fieldRef:spec.nodeName}",
              "DD_SERVICE": "{fieldRef:metadata.labels['app']}",
              "DD_TAGS": "pod_name:$(POD_NAME),pod_namespace:$(POD_NAMESPACE),host:$(NODE_NAME)"
        "logfwd": {
            "options": {
                "reuse_exist_volume": "false"
            "images": {
                "logfwd_image": ""

Configuration parameters:

  1. service: Service name;
  2. env: Environment information for the application service;
  3. Customize the DataKit listening address; if not set, it will follow the default address;
  4. Set sampling rate: When enabled, it can reduce the actual amount of generated data; the number range is from 0.0(0%) ~ 1.0(100%);
  5. Collect Profiling data: When enabled, you can see more runtime information about the application;
  6. Enable JVM Metrics collection: Requires enabling the statsd collector simultaneously.

Execute Installation Command

kubectl apply -f datakit-operator.yaml

Restart Application

After installation is complete, restart the application Pod.


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