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Guance External API is a simplified HTTP REST API.

  • Only GET / POST requests
  • Use resource-oriented URLs to call the API
  • Use status codes to indicate request success or failure
  • All requests return JSON structures
  • The External API programmatically maintains the Guance platform

Supported Endpoints

Deployment Type Node Name Endpoint
Private Deployment Plan Private Deployment Plan Follow the actual deployment Endpoint, usually

API Documentation Configuration

  1. The API documentation address is fixed at: \/v1/doc
    For example:

  2. The API documentation switch configuration is located in the core configuration of launcher (namespace: forethought-core). The specific configuration is as follows:

    # API Doc
      # Switch for the external API documentation page, true: indicates enabled; false: indicates disabled. Default is `false`
      external: true

Service Configuration Items

Optional configuration items are located in the core configuration of launcher (namespace: forethought-core). The specific optional configurations are as follows:

# Configuration items for the external-api service
  # Validity period of each request signature, in seconds, default is 60 seconds
  timeliness: 60
  # Visitor identifier, corresponding to the value of the `X-Df-Access-Key` header in the API request; non-empty string
  accessKey: ""
  # Secret key used to calculate the signature
  secretKey: ""


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