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Common Request Parameters

This document describes the common request parameters for External API.

Common Request Headers (Header)

Parameter Name Required Example Description
Content-Type Yes application/json The content type of the request. This request header must be added to API interfaces, and the default value is application/json.
X-Df-Access-Key Yes e243xxxxxxxx Identifier for the requester. This value is the accessKey described in the 「Service Configuration」
X-Df-Timestamp Yes 1711701527 The timestamp when the request is initiated, in seconds. The allowed absolute error is the value of timeliness described in the 「Service Configuration」. Requests outside this time range will trigger the ft.MissingAuthHeaderInfo exception.
X-Df-SVersion Yes v20240417 Signature algorithm version, fixed as: v20240417
X-Df-Nonce Yes 5931f3059ba244dxxx A random nonce generated for each request
X-Df-Signature Yes 4SW5WlUkeNoFsh+KPdJob2SAdZ2hrp7l2txXjCAub2g= The result of the signature


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